Tusnad Cyc Team

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by Hansa » Wed Dec 03, 2014 10:50 pm

Insult of Tusnad:

1. Tusnad Cyc Team: so suck my dick and ride if you want to win the tour
2. Tusnad Cyc Team: and yes, i hate you from that meditareean race and if i meet you on the street i kill you because this hate
Tusnad Cyc Team: so suck my dick and ride if you want to win the tour
Rohazon RC: true i have no clue
Hansa: not really tusnad
Tusnad Cyc Team: and in the final stage you win the tour
Tusnad Cyc Team: and dont ride 1km
Tusnad Cyc Team: you sucked in my wheel all the stages in Andes
Hansa: rohazano you just have no clue
Tusnad Cyc Team: so?
Tusnad Cyc Team: you go and work for your victory
Rohazon RC: think about your tactic and your faults instead of mine
Hansa: because it matter if you suck my wheel tusnad
Tusnad Cyc Team: so you are the best team
Hansa: not really ive had a chance if you wouldnt ride against me
Tusnad Cyc Team: and here you have 87m + 82m + 78m and i have only 87m + 72m ...
Rohazon RC: you have no chance with a tactic like yesterday ! you suicide thre guys
Hansa: rohazona if you want to train go for short races but stop killing a whole tour
Hansa: not really tusnad
Hansa: because i su cked so much in andes
Rohazon RC: training
Tusnad Cyc Team: in Andes i ride all the stages and in final you win
Hansa: yeah because this=andes
Hansa: rohazano i have a chance to win the classement you dont have a chance so why do you ride?
Tusnad Cyc Team: pull for what? for your victory like Andes?
Tusnad Cyc Team: and? i was at work ...
Hansa: you rerally think i will pull you again?
Hansa: you sucked yesterday and i needed to ride a whole stage alone
O Imperdor: hi
St Mary: Tqt Paris, dans 45 minutes ils sont sur le trône juqu'à la fin de la saison! ;)
Rohazon RC: 2- 1 goal form tus
Hansa: tusnad your kidding me?
Tusnad Cyc Team: always you suck with the best team and go in escape
peperefm: oups 1-1
Rohazon RC: if i remember yesterday, who rides instead of tus ? tell me
Lorient: Ernest laché
Fdgames: allez Paris^^
Tusnad Cyc Team: hansa, you have the best team here and i need to ride for you? no thanks

Tusnad Cyc Team: and yes, i hate you from that meditareean race and if i meet you on the street i kill you because this hate
Hansa: so you lost because you done a mistake^^
Rohazon RC: l'art de la flagorneire , la ficelle est grosse
Tusnad Cyc Team: in Andes if i was with Constantin as leader i was the winner but instead that i was with Nechita and you suck in my wheel and i lost the tour
Hansa: im a bit more afraid of lorient hes just the better manager^^
Lorient: xD
Hansa: like yesterday and today :D
Hansa: no i was in lorients wheel the whole andes :D
Hansa: think the day you said :"i hang on you because i ride against you because i dont like you since mediteranee"
Tusnad Cyc Team: so what?
Tusnad Cyc Team: and you was alway i attacked in my wheel
Tusnad Cyc Team: i hope you're just kidding and not stupid and lier
Hansa: you was everytime i attack you hanged
Hansa: i will help lauener a bit hes with less power than you guys so i dont need to suck if we change then
Tusnad Cyc Team: i was in your wheel always in Andes? you kiddink?

Complete chatlog:

Fdgames: bon Lorient t'es gentil tu nous laisse les étapes maintenant :)
Lorient: xD
Tusnad Cyc Team: i'm happy at every Hansa loose :D
Tusnad Cyc Team: gw Lorient for the tour
Bugatti: aber ganzes team tot... nahe zu
Hansa: very bad day
Bugatti: ja für heute, danke dir :) schöne arbeit! trotzdem nicht gewonnen :)
Hansa: dafür kriege ich ja gk platz 2
Hansa: kannst platz 2 aber haben für heute
Lorient: but you have try
Bugatti: ich auch net
Lorient: bad day for you ...
Hansa: bugatti ich sprinte nicht
Hansa: im still weaker than bugatti
Rohazon RC: that is realy a pity, frida !
Hansa: and my guys get eliminated^^
St Mary: tu va attaquez..
Lorient: :D
St Mary: ?
Fdgames: non merci ça ira, désolé :)
St Mary: fdgames tempo with alexandre pinot?
Hansa: and lorients team is equal to mine espacially because hes a good form^^
Hansa: like i said best team dont metter if you just hang^^
Tusnad Cyc Team: and Hansa with the best team here will not win the tour :)))
Hansa: you would have attacked me lather this stage^^
Rohazon RC: oh quelle surprise lol ^^ bien joué lorient
Lorient: If I take 4"bonifs more than you you can beat me in last stage
Hansa: its ok for me like this i dont need to work a single km again^^
Tusnad Cyc Team: gg Lorient :))))
Hansa: bad sectrick
Lorient: I said better for you to join ...
Bugatti: f***
Hansa: bah to late
Hansa: not able to join tempo
Lorient: ok ^^
Hansa: like i said ;)
Bugatti: that would be ok for me :)
Hansa: so bugatti win
Hansa: lets see what the 10 do^^
Lorient: I stop and your chance to win tour = 0 :D
Lorient: but better if I stop ;:)
Bugatti: that s right :)
Hansa: and im not sure maybe it is bette rif bugatti win the stage and take the bonification than you
Lorient: you fighty or not ?
Hansa: i will try at the 10
Lorient: better for you no ?
Hansa: the red jersey is and maybe my 3 guys will be too
Lorient: so you don't want to collaborate ?
Fdgames: noone eliminated?
Hansa: because ive had 6 riders left^^
Hansa: im sure bacuas ei was without helper since rohazono siebed
Lorient: I'm sure that not ^^
Hansa: but im way weaker than you
Hansa: im ok since the start of the mountain
Lorient: I'm ok for riding together now so if you want front just say yes ^^
St Mary: ok pas de soucis
Lorient: ça sert à rien ...
Lorient: j'aurai bien aidé mais ça m'intéresse pas
St Mary: lorient tu peux help avec ton maikllot jaune? :)
Lorient: de toute façon à 35 minutes ça reprendra tout seul
Lorient: mdr
Fdgames: holala je vois rouge de partout ^^
Lorient: we can stop FDgames it's enough thanks for the help ;)
Hansa: bugatti du kannst ja einfach reichtzeitg attackieren^^
Lorient: but Martinez can be in your wheel and you probably don't want to ride for him too :D
Hansa: you still would loose more than 30 secs^^
Lorient: bah if I come back I can use martinez for help Romero ^^
Hansa: you really think you can keep romero with less than 30 secs loss today?^^
Hansa: on the last stage
Hansa: @lorient you really think so? the last mountain has 3 kms wehre you can get about 30 secs^^
Lorient: pas de soucis ;)
St Mary: merci le merlu
St Mary: ok cool
Lorient: oui large
Tusnad Cyc Team: yes, when i see you in every race i rode ... i dont have the fun to play anymore
Lorient: but If he come back more chance for me to win tour so ^^
St Mary: c'est à dire? genre j'ai 550, c'est assez?
Bugatti: ok for me
Hansa: so we go together in front?
Lorient: suffisamment pour aller jusqu'en haut xD
Hansa: i kill your fun? lol
Lorient: at least if Romero come back he is less strongest than Martinez lol
St Mary: Lorient combien d'energie avec PAvel?
Tusnad Cyc Team: so i need to play with you every race and you kill my fun?
Hansa: enough facts?
Hansa: ive less power than you^^
Lorient: depend of some facts ^^
Hansa: im a student i cant ride somewhen else^^
Hansa: sry i just can ride on 21 and 22
Lorient: xD
Hansa: dont think lorient will go with us
Tusnad Cyc Team: hansa i can play only at 21h or 22h so please you inscribe other races or other times
Rohazon RC: oui demain çà va être drole
Lorient: non mais il gagnera pas
St Mary: je serais rester devant *-*
Lorient: pas trop grave
Fdgames: va y avoir du under reg demain :)
Bugatti: should we go together in front? Lorient and Hansa?
Lorient: avec ce qui s'est passé ça a aidé aussi
Hansa: tusnad you ever inscribe for the same race like me^^
Lorient: oui là c'est bon sur ce tempo ça va pas trop vite donc ça va
Hansa: bugatti ist schon
Fdgames: on est bien Lorient derrière, non?
Bugatti: Hansa des auch gleich in s forum
Tusnad Cyc Team: and i hope you'll not inscribe anymore in a race with me because you allways suck in other wheel and win in the end
Tusnad Cyc Team: and yes, i hate you from that meditareean race and if i meet you on the street i kill you because this hate
Hansa: so you lost because you done a mistake^^
Rohazon RC: l'art de la flagorneire , la ficelle est grosse
Tusnad Cyc Team: in Andes if i was with Constantin as leader i was the winner but instead that i was with Nechita and you suck in my wheel and i lost the tour
Hansa: im a bit more afraid of lorient hes just the better manager^^
Lorient: xD
Hansa: like yesterday and today :D
Hansa: no i was in lorients wheel the whole andes :D
Hansa: think the day you said :"i hang on you because i ride against you because i dont like you since mediteranee"
Tusnad Cyc Team: so what?
Tusnad Cyc Team: and you was alway i attacked in my wheel
Tusnad Cyc Team: i hope you're just kidding and not stupid and lier
Hansa: you was everytime i attack you hanged
Hansa: i will help lauener a bit hes with less power than you guys so i dont need to suck if we change then
Tusnad Cyc Team: i was in your wheel always in Andes? you kiddink?
Hansa: @tusnad sry but you was in may day the whole andes and yesterday so i think youre ever in my wheel
Tusnad Cyc Team: @hansa: i didnt was in your wheel :)))) but its ok that ;)
Hansa: @ fd doesnt matter 2 or 3 teams riding against me
Hansa: i think you have bacuase youve most power now^^
Lorient: lol
Bugatti: but i dont think i have a chance :)
Fdgames: I think I should also ride against Hansa now :)
Lorient: maybe yes :)
Hansa: but like this weve 3 guys riding together today and fight for classement the last stage i hope^^
Lorient: hihi
Hansa: but i was afraid if you dont follow me im fucked^^
Hansa: i thought about arrack with alngeleben and attack in downhill gain to get tusnad away
Lorient: I know that you will do that if you have attack with Langeleben I'm not in your wheel xD
Lorient: yeah
Hansa: lorient together?
Lorient: tu peux continuer pour le fun mais c'est mort selon moi ^^
St Mary: peperefm, plus auicun interet d'après les autres, je stop
Lorient: donc on a 11 minutes de retard pour l'instant ^^
St Mary: perso je vbiens de commencer le tempo, tu verrais comment je suis frais :o
Lorient: après le vrai groupe pour comparer pour les délais c'est le groupe des leaders
Rohazon RC: ce qui est bien c'est qu'il crève leur mecs devant
Lorient: il vous aurait fallu 10 minutes au pied de la dernière montée et encore avec pas mal dénergie ...
St Mary: oui je sais, mais quand il sera rattrpé?
Lorient: il sera rattrapé ^^
Hansa: oh tusand still with 9 for all the other stages
St Mary: A mona vis si le groupe de 2 est rattrapé, ça irras très vite non?
Hansa: lets see oh tusnads guys everyone fit
Hansa: let me see hmm oh tourwin not for hansa because someone rode half his team out of classement
Lorient: après 30 faudrait que ça aille très vite
Bugatti: 151 bin ich raus
Lorient: vu la dernière montée si ça monte vite ça dépassera les 20 minutes déjà
Rohazon RC: oui c'est possible
Tusnad Cyc Team: i like that all the teams ride for Hansa win :)))
Fdgames: tu penses qu'on peut perdre encore 30 min?
St Mary: moi aussi tqt :P
Lorient: ça ser toujoursd mieux que de perdre 3-4 coureurs ^^
peperefm: ok scuse je regarde le match
Lorient: si y a une ou 2 autres équipes intéressées qu'elles n'hésitent pas ^^
St Mary: peperefm
Fdgames: ok
Lorient: bon maintenant ça peut s'organiser en vert dans ce groupe ? ...
Rohazon RC: c'est bon fdg arsene a fini son tour tkt pas pour lui
St Mary: ok?
Fdgames: Rohazon ya Arsen qui traine pas loin du groupe
St Mary: peperfm, on reste ensemble hein, no attack?
peperefm: ok
peperefm: st mary a 2 ?
Lorient: 45 minutes
Fdgames: j'ai demandé comment on calculé les délais, on ne m'a pas répondu :)
Lorient: en vert suffisant ^^
Hansa: hol deine beiden fahrer am besten so zurück das sie 140 da sind
Lorient: le groupe à 11:03 surtout si vous voulez pas terminer le tour à 4 ou 5 coureurs ^^
O Imperdor: fdgames et usnad aussi svp
O Imperdor: rohazon empo in the 2secod group
Bugatti: xD kein problem passiert :)
Hansa: oh warst noch gar nicht dran^^
Bugatti: halt bin doch noch gar net da :)
Bugatti: danke
Hansa: jo
Bugatti: jz? :)
Bugatti: passt schon
Hansa: ich kann anneliese nicht ranlassen bugatii
Fdgames: comment on calcule les délais?
Hansa: 170 passt aber von der zeit in der rennbeschreibung
Hansa: jetzt ist es wieder 170
Hansa: Oo
Hansa: bei mir jetzt auch oo
Bugatti: Francesco has only 46 power
Bugatti: bei mir ist 120 markiert
Hansa: km 170 ises
Bugatti: minuten takt ab km 120?!?! willst mich verarschen?
Rohazon RC: i cannot hate you i do not know you
Hansa: so also bugatti lass gleich mal ein wenig feuer in die runde bringen, war grade mal im forum und hab tusnads beleidigung gemeldet kannst ja mal im forum gucken
Hansa: i really dont know why rohazano and tusnad hate me :(
Rohazon RC: some are destinated to be kissed, some others are destinated to be fucked, that is life.... so hard life
Hansa: and look today because i worked alone and rohazano is riding sensless i could loose all
Fdgames: you were fucked? with 4 guys in first 15th gk? :)
Hansa: tusnad thats not true i ever do my work like yesterday i done and everyone else fucked me up
Tusnad Cyc Team: you destroy all my races we rode together sucking in my wheel
Rohazon RC: fear
Rohazon RC: beause you faer francesco might be eliminated too ?
Tusnad Cyc Team: i play just for fun, i'm not like you ... suck in every wheel and win every stage
Tusnad Cyc Team: i will not ride 1km for you anymore
Bugatti: Rohazon RC now you can go out pleasse
Tusnad Cyc Team: so suck my dick and ride if you want to win the tour
Rohazon RC: true i have no clue
Hansa: not really tusnad
Tusnad Cyc Team: and in the final stage you win the tour
Tusnad Cyc Team: and dont ride 1km
Tusnad Cyc Team: you sucked in my wheel all the stages in Andes
Hansa: rohazano you just have no clue
Tusnad Cyc Team: so?
Tusnad Cyc Team: you go and work for your victory
Rohazon RC: think about your tactic and your faults instead of mine
Hansa: because it matter if you suck my wheel tusnad
Tusnad Cyc Team: so you are the best team
Hansa: not really ive had a chance if you wouldnt ride against me
Tusnad Cyc Team: and here you have 87m + 82m + 78m and i have only 87m + 72m ...
Rohazon RC: you have no chance with a tactic like yesterday ! you suicide thre guys
Hansa: rohazona if you want to train go for short races but stop killing a whole tour
Hansa: not really tusnad
Hansa: because i su cked so much in andes
Rohazon RC: training
Tusnad Cyc Team: in Andes i ride all the stages and in final you win
Hansa: yeah because this=andes
Hansa: rohazano i have a chance to win the classement you dont have a chance so why do you ride?
Tusnad Cyc Team: pull for what? for your victory like Andes?
Tusnad Cyc Team: and? i was at work ...
Hansa: you rerally think i will pull you again?
Hansa: you sucked yesterday and i needed to ride a whole stage alone
O Imperdor: hi
St Mary: Tqt Paris, dans 45 minutes ils sont sur le trône juqu'à la fin de la saison! ;)
Rohazon RC: 2- 1 goal form tus
Hansa: tusnad your kidding me?
Tusnad Cyc Team: always you suck with the best team and go in escape
peperefm: oups 1-1
Rohazon RC: if i remember yesterday, who rides instead of tus ? tell me
Lorient: Ernest laché
Fdgames: allez Paris^^
Tusnad Cyc Team: hansa, you have the best team here and i need to ride for you? no thanks
Hansa: nice guy
Hansa: so you fuck the race of others
Rohazon RC: as said yesterday, training
Hansa: let the sucking tusnad guy ride
Hansa: like i said are you serious? you cant win stage neither classement so why do you ride?
Hansa: youve actually no advantage with your tempo
Rohazon RC: ? i am not in front so i ride
St Mary: Rohazon tqt emc t'as raison, metsd le tempo :D
Hansa: you really ride against me again?
Rohazon RC: not at all why ?
Hansa: rohazano are you serious?
Bugatti: ups sieben wollt ich net
Rohazon RC: cavani il est top toujours des buts qui comptent
St Mary: Edi qui marque encore :)
St Mary: Enfin assis sur le trône! :D
Rohazon RC: yes ! super, depuis le temps qu'ils nous les cassent avec l'om
peperefm: 1-0 ca c'est paris !!!
Bugatti: asooo ok
Hansa: ne bin nur aufgefahren und mein browser stürtzt ab^^
Bugatti: hansa warum fährst du? sollen wir lieber rollen?
St Mary: Parisiens les gars! :D
peperefm: la saison es loin d'être finie !!
Fdgames: oui mais là ça fait 2 défaites
Rohazon RC: bah nantes vu leur interidction de recrutement, ils font une super saison
Fdgames: sachant que mon autre club c'est Nantes, la fête totale :p
Bugatti: ja bin jz grad an pc bzw heim... musste auf em geburtstag noch den nachtisch abwarten :)
Rohazon RC: oups désolé fdg (je voulais pas chambrer !)
Lorient: Caen en sang xD
Hansa: ist sie auch wechselst heute noch an pc?
peperefm: fier d'être parisien !!
Bugatti: scheiß app... komm gar net klar mit der...
Bugatti: hi
Fdgames: en tant que supporter caennais c'est pas la fête ^^
Rohazon RC: à part le classement de ligue1 pas vraiment
Hansa: i have 1 question is there anyone interested in classement?^^
Rohazon RC: trop t^t pas bien pour être sûr d'éliminer
Rohazon RC: il viendra en temps voulu tkt, là je suis dans l'euphorie de la nouvelle victoire du stade rennais, en plus l'en avant a aussi cartonné
Lorient: lol
Fdgames: et moi qui n'est pas dormi de la nuit à cause du sieb d'aujourd'hui :)
Fdgames: servus
Hansa: moin moin
peperefm: hi
St Mary: P*tain, hier gros soucis de connexion.. :(
Last edited by Hansa on Thu Dec 04, 2014 12:00 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by cataracs » Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:03 pm

(hihi nice one tusnad)

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by Hansa » Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:30 pm

Tusnad Cyc Team: and yes, i hate you from that meditareean race and if i meet you on the street i kill you because this hate
Hansa: so you lost because you done a mistake^^
Rohazon RC: l'art de la flagorneire , la ficelle est grosse
Tusnad Cyc Team: in Andes if i was with Constantin as leader i was the winner but instead that i was with Nechita and you suck in my wheel and i lost the tour
Hansa: im a bit more afraid of lorient hes just the better manager^^
Lorient: xD
Hansa: like yesterday and today :D
Hansa: no i was in lorients wheel the whole andes :D
Hansa: think the day you said :"i hang on you because i ride against you because i dont like you since mediteranee"
Tusnad Cyc Team: so what?
Tusnad Cyc Team: and you was alway i attacked in my wheel
Tusnad Cyc Team: i hope you're just kidding and not stupid and lier
Hansa: you was everytime i attack you hanged
Hansa: i will help lauener a bit hes with less power than you guys so i dont need to suck if we change then
Tusnad Cyc Team: i was in your wheel always in Andes? you kiddink?

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by Hansa » Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:32 pm

das fairniscommitee kann sich selber ein Bild machen ich glaube ich brauche dazu nicht viel zu sagen ich werde zum rennende nochmal den gesamten chatlog hier editieren.

i dont want to say much about it if there are questions i will answer them.
Last edited by Hansa on Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by Hunsrueck » Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:55 pm

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by Hansa » Thu Dec 04, 2014 12:00 am

complete chatlog edited

est. 03.08.2009

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by tusnad » Thu Dec 04, 2014 12:04 am

I know very well what i said and i know that you deserved that words! I have no regrets! I will support any consequence from the admins :!:

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by Pokemon Club » Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:54 am

-1 for Tsunad for words he use. It is just the game, Tsunad was too trash.
-1 for Hansa too. When you always ride with this kind of team which always use the "no tempo but lets suck, even more when I am favo" tactic, it isn't a surprise that one day people insult you.

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by tusnad » Thu Dec 04, 2014 12:59 pm

Because ofthis message: "There is a fairplay problem with your team. Please visit viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4441 and answer. Thank you!" i came and answer that. I answered already last night but i think you didnt see that ...

I hate Hansa! Why? Because in every race he came with strong or the best team and he just cry for other players to do his job and control the race. He is a sucker like Cadel Evans was all his career. Even if he came with the best team in every race he just attack and go in escape with his weak riders to let other teams chase the escape and kill his riders and after that he came and control the race when other has dead riders and he has fresh riders. In all the races i participated, he came and race with me and destroy all the races. If i attack he is in my wheel but he never help in tempo.

In Tour of Meditareean 2012 i didnt win the tour because Hansa has lost his GC chance and after that he wants the fucking red jersey. I attacked yellow jersey and then because he wants fucking mountain points he just helped yellow jersey to get back to me.

I didnt remember other races now because i'm angry but i can say that in Tour of Andes i attacked in all the mountain stages and made tempo alone or with Lorient and he just suck and follow and in the end of stages he attacked us. In the final he win that Andes Tour because of this sucking tactic.

So I made a decision to dont race with Hansa anymore from that day. A few days ago i wanted to inscribe in Tour of December and i see that Hansa was there. I resign from that race to ride other race. 2 days ago when Mascarene Tour starts i see that Hansa is here. WTF!?!?! He hunts me, he comes running with me just to messing with me. Just to destroy my fun and my races. I play this game because after a hard day at work i want to came here and have some fun. I'm not a stage hunter or something like that. I just want to have fun. But this is not fun anymore. Because of him i get angry every and every night.

To conclude my answer, i dont want to resign from this game, and i cannot play at other hour instead 21h or 22h. So, after me, there is 2 options:
- banned my team forever for this words
- Stop Hansa from running in races where I am already registered and Stop me from running in races where Hansa is already registered

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by IDF » Thu Dec 04, 2014 8:19 pm

Or another solution :

do a new team with another name. ;)
[8:11:11 PM] SM: j'ai un bug la j'arrive plus a aller sur RFM

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by tusnad » Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:35 pm

IDF, I dont want to do that! ;)

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by Hansa » Fri Dec 05, 2014 9:43 am

If you have a problem with me don't inscribe to races i ride

est. 03.08.2009

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by tusnad » Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:04 pm

Anything from admins? Did they read my post or they are sleeping? I'm waiting an answer to my questions ...

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by Hunsrueck » Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:29 pm

tusnad wrote:Anything from admins? Did they read my post or they are sleeping? I'm waiting an answer to my questions ...
Stay cool.
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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by tusnad » Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:34 pm


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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by Hunsrueck » Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:43 am

FPK has the following penalty set: FINE OF200000, WARNING: NO, TEMPORARY BAN FOR 1WEEK.

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by olmania » Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:46 am

Hunsrueck wrote:FPK has the following penalty set: FINE OF200000, WARNING: NO, TEMPORARY BAN FOR 1WEEK.

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by Rockstar Inc » Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:40 pm

just asking@fpc...shouldn't you at least work a bit according to your guidelines or are they not longer active? how in the world can a guy get a temporary ban when he has his first case in terms of fairplay and others get 1,2,3 warnings and no temporary ban or just get a warning when they are "first timers"...i'm missing equality in your decisions
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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by luques » Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:35 pm

Rockstar Inc wrote:just asking@fpc...shouldn't you at least work a bit according to your guidelines or are they not longer active? how in the world can a guy get a temporary ban when he has his first case in terms of fairplay and others get 1,2,3 warnings and no temporary ban or just get a warning when they are "first timers"...i'm missing equality in your decisions
There are different things to take into account (or actually that I take into account).

1) The result, what I want to achieve is that the problem won't be present in the future. So that guy X doesn't make anymore multis, or doesn't insult guy Y anymore. I'm not seeking to make a revenge for guy Y.

In this particular case:

2) The gravity of the offense, not every insult has the same relevance.

3) If it is an isolate case or it goes on since days/ weeks / months (in this case it goes on since months).

4) If the guy has done some "bad" things before. It is true that Tusnad has no fair play cases open, but it is not true that he didn't insult anybody else. Just go back on his fairplay comments "I'm not a son of a bitch, stop insulting". And you can find other guys telling him to stop insult.

That is just to give a summary.

Actually I perfectly understand that every decision will have people who think it's too much, people who think it's too low... not even judges in the real life can make every part happy. But instead of judging the decision, judge the result.

And if somebody feels he can give a help, it will be appreciated, in whatever form he prefers (being part of the FPJ, writing a better guideline...).
Criticize it's pretty easy but doesn't help much.

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by olmania » Mon Dec 15, 2014 1:39 pm

luques wrote:
Rockstar Inc wrote:just asking@fpc...shouldn't you at least work a bit according to your guidelines or are they not longer active? how in the world can a guy get a temporary ban when he has his first case in terms of fairplay and others get 1,2,3 warnings and no temporary ban or just get a warning when they are "first timers"...i'm missing equality in your decisions
There are different things to take into account (or actually that I take into account).

1) The result, what I want to achieve is that the problem won't be present in the future. So that guy X doesn't make anymore multis, or doesn't insult guy Y anymore. I'm not seeking to make a revenge for guy Y.

In this particular case:

2) The gravity of the offense, not every insult has the same relevance.

3) If it is an isolate case or it goes on since days/ weeks / months (in this case it goes on since months).

4) If the guy has done some "bad" things before. It is true that Tusnad has no fair play cases open, but it is not true that he didn't insult anybody else. Just go back on his fairplay comments "I'm not a son of a bitch, stop insulting". And you can find other guys telling him to stop insult.

That is just to give a summary.

Actually I perfectly understand that every decision will have people who think it's too much, people who think it's too low... not even judges in the real life can make every part happy. But instead of judging the decision, judge the result.

And if somebody feels he can give a help, it will be appreciated, in whatever form he prefers (being part of the FPJ, writing a better guideline...).
Criticize it's pretty easy but doesn't help much.
Points 2, 3 and 4 seem to fit good and be similar to the case of Robyklebt and probably some others ... but he got what, remind it to us please ? Compare 2 sentences, backgrounds and explain please. Here viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4382 and here viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4344 .

More specifically, about point 4, I got explained (by fl maybe ?) that if other people that are insulted are not reporting it, the court don't have to take it into account. And now, you say you do it (or only for some people ?) ?

About last line, there is that thread f.e viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4086&p=82603#p82603 that is un-answered by FPC members. Also that one viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4082&p=82518#p82518

And I asked the FPC to explain us if there is a grid, or some kind of guide they follow to set penalties, warnings, fines and bans ... still waiting for it, but transparence seems not wanted there ...

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by team fl » Mon Dec 15, 2014 3:17 pm

More specifically, about point 4, I got explained (by fl maybe ?) that if other people that are insulted are not reporting it, the court don't have to take it into account. And now, you say you do it (or only for some people ?) ?
Don't misinterpret what I wrote or try to bend it so that it fits your argumentation.

Besides that, you really want to compare this case with Robyklebt? You're still not over that? To make sth. clear, I cite just one line:
...if i meet you on the street i kill you because this hate
This is completely unacceptable from any perspective you wanna see it. Even if not meant that way. That's way beyond anything that has to do with your cases.

And btw, this is not a court. This is a private game with private rules. Those rules are finally made by the owners.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Dec 15, 2014 4:08 pm

Robyklebt has nothing to do with it.
And if anything Tusnads insults are more similar to OLs than to mine.

Probably a temporary ban for OL would be in order. If he insists on continuing to insult people and hijack every other fairness thread.
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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by olmania » Mon Dec 15, 2014 5:29 pm

Robyklebt wrote:Robyklebt has nothing to do with it.
And if anything Tusnads insults are more similar to OLs than to mine.

Similar to mine ? How ?
I find it quite similar to some of your insults when you tell a guy to go commit suicide.
If he insists on continuing to insult people

@FL : I never said that insults of Tusnad were anyhow acceptable. I agree with the FPC and their decision to ban him for it. My point is to understand why such decision is taken now for him, and was never taken before for any other.
And I don't limit the things to RKL at all. And even less to OL vs RKL, but to RKL vs all the people insulted by RKL.

To stick to the tusnad words you quote and the browser game context, do you find the words of RKL telling someone to commit suicide (rough translation : ''finally, you are a just a poor son of a bitch, I recommend you suicide, as soon as possible'') so far from the words of Tusnad ?

Anyway, my most important line is this one :
And I asked the FPC to explain us if there is a grid, or some kind of guide they follow to set penalties, warnings, fines and bans ... still waiting for it, but transparence seems not wanted there ...
And I think, I am not the only one caring about that.

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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Dec 15, 2014 5:48 pm

olmania wrote:And I don't limit the things to RKL at all. And even less to OL vs RKL, but to RKL vs all the people insulted by RKL.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And just because you lost the TdF you have to post in all threads now?
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Re: Tusnad Cyc Team

Post by team fl » Mon Dec 15, 2014 5:50 pm

And I asked the FPC to explain us if there is a grid, or some kind of guide they follow to set penalties, warnings, fines and bans ... still waiting for it, but transparence seems not wanted there ...
And I think, I am not the only one caring about that.
They have no obligation to do that. You may ask of course. Again :)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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