Team Attack YU GI at Carlow GP 11h

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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team fl
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Team Attack YU GI at Carlow GP 11h

Post by team fl » Wed Mar 12, 2014 2:19 pm

After it was clear that the peloton with the sprinter would not catch the front group and nobody being in tempo again, YU GI did a team attack at Carlow GP 11h. He attacked with 4 riders at the same km with more than 10 km to ride, all ended up in the same group.

A lot of teams told him that it's against the fairness rules. After a while (and a lot of mocking around) he reacted and let his two sprinters in the group fall back, still three riders in the group. In the end, he let fall back another rider, so he finished with two riders in this group.

The facts:

Race: Carlow GP (143 km )

Team attack and following km (bottom up):

Km: 142, Steigung: 0
Maxime Carrosse (YU GI) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen

Km: 138, Steigung: 0
John Schön (YU GI) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen

Km: 132, Steigung: -2
John Schön (YU GI) attackiert
Mehdi Moqaddam (YU GI) attackiert
Joe Friesenbichler (Team FL) geht mit
Karl Liebknecht (ATB - Racing) geht mit
Douglas Spencer (MgN-Redteam) geht mit
Montana Tony (YU GI) attackiert
Maxime Carrosse (YU GI) attackiert
Nick Save (YU GI) attackiert

Chat (bottom up):

ATB - Racing: way too late
Team FL: joker
MgN-Redteam: ATB :)
ATB - Racing: damned too late
Team FL: anybody feel free to open a thread in the forum. I am too hungry for it
ATB - Racing: Hauke rules
Bengals Udine: u have 3 riders now...drop one of them !
Team FL: i think the discussion is not worth it :)
YU GI: i droped my 2 sprinters
ATB - Racing: and way too late. ofc
ATB - Racing: we are able to count
SV Furpach: but much to late:(
Team FL: and you only dropped one rider
Team FL: what you do now is only partly a compensation
ATB - Racing: you droped 1
Team FL: you still attacked with 4 riders at the same km more than 10 km before the finish line. that's not ok, clearly
YU GI: i drop2 riders
ATB - Racing: i thought so ...
Team FL: what is ok?
YU GI: it's ok?
ATB - Racing: YU GI, thats kind of a joke isnt it?
Team FL: As far as I know, I am not
SV Furpach: but you attack at km 132
ATB - Racing: my bad
ATB - Racing: you? not?
Team FL: who?
ATB - Racing: good to know that we have a member of the FC here
YU GI: i can attck in last 10 km
YU GI: so i can drop my 2nd rider
YU GI: ok, i'm faiplay
ATB - Racing: cantine you should let MgN ride in front
YU GI: ATB roide :D
ATB - Racing: YU GI i guess the potential warning / fine could be higher than your outcome here
SV Furpach: yu gi, teamattack is forbidden, read the rules
Bengals Udine: it mgn time .....favo in sprint
YU GI: i don't know, you can ride in peloton :D :D :D
ATB - Racing: perhaps you should read them once
ATB - Racing: you agree to the fairplay rules, every time when you subsrcibe for a race
Team FL: of course, you're not riding according to the fairness rules. you attacked with 4 riders at the same km and NOT during the last 10 km
Bengals Udine: :)
SV Furpach: jep 200 kp
ATB - Racing: @ Bengals, i just said that i hang on your rider and changed the km before the attack to furpach
Team FL: please let two riders fall back into the peloton YU GI
YU GI: you talk me the fairplay?
YU GI: fairplay?
Bengals Udine: no fair play yugi
ATB - Racing: Alexis am Ende?
ATB - Racing: sorry Furpach
ATB - Racing: ok just 2
Team FL: YU GI, your breaching the fairness rules here
ATB - Racing: YU GI drop 3 riders
Team FL: not alloew
Team FL: that's a team attack
Bengals Udine: pleae ATB...if u speak about me speak english...thanks
ATB - Racing: team attack
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Team Attack YU GI at Carlow GP 11h

Post by Hunsrueck » Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:26 pm

fair play committee reviews the case

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Re: Team Attack YU GI at Carlow GP 11h

Post by Hunsrueck » Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:05 am

FPK has the following penalty set: Penalty 150 k and a temporary Ban

RS Ostfriesland
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Re: Team Attack YU GI at Carlow GP 11h

Post by RS Ostfriesland » Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:38 am

* for one week

Anonymer RSFler: ich trink glaub ich 2 mal im jahr alk und einmal resette ich :-D

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Re: Team Attack YU GI at Carlow GP 11h

Post by YU GI » Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:38 am

salut à tous! tout d'abord je vais faire l'effort de garder mon sang froid mais excusez moi si parfois je m'emporte!
quant on a une course à 10h, qu'on se réveille un dimanche matin et qu'on a une écriture de merde disant que sa course est foutue en l'air parce qu'on a attaqué à 11km de l'arrivée au lieu des 10 prévus, excusez moi du termes mais c'est à se bouffer les couilles!!!!!
une erreur de kilometrage!!!! 1 seul km en plus et voilà qu'on a son compte bloqué! très franchement ça ressemble plus à de la jalousie des autres équipes présentes qu'autre chose! quant à ceux qui préconisent une semaine comme punition, pourquoi pas un an? ou un siècle tant qu'on y est comme ça mes enfants aussi seront punis? parce que ça reviens au même, je ne reviens plus si ce jeu est une chasse gardée d'une vingtaine de membres qui sont amis su le jeu et le pire dans tout ça sont à la fois modérateurs et joueurs, se permettant de menacer tel ou tel de ceci ou de cela. je m'en souviens très bien au Tour de Lakwaki ou certains parlaient comme s'ils étaient les créateurs du jeu. !!!! je comprends pourquoi les nouveaux joueurs sont optimistes à leur arrivées et quelques mois après disparaissent sans laisser de trace!!!!!
une chose est cerrtaine et ce n'est en rien une menace, faites ce que bon vous semble pour ces 1 Km en trop ( qui sont une erreur je l'avoue ) mais il est clair que si je ne court pas aujourd'hui, j'aimerais avoir une nette compensation car je suis à 100 en forme avec mon sprinteur et j'aurais gagné ma course de 10h!!!!!!!!
si de plus je suis sanctionné comme le souhaite l'autre idiot ( qu'il en excuse) ou même de 2 ou 3 jours, YU GI disparaît de ce jeu car pour certains , garnir leur palmarès est tout ce qui importe. quant un bon joueur émerge et qu'il n'est pas docile, on lui coupe les herbes sous le pieds!
bonne chance à ce jeu , en espérant qu'il y ait quelqu’un de sensé qui joue à d'autres jeu en ligne et qui sait comment ne pas aire d'un jeu pour tous, une réserve entres amis!

NB: je ne récrirais plus aucun post sur ce forum à ce sujet, raison pour laquelle j'ais pris le temps d’écrire si longtemps.
bonne journée.

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Re: Team Attack YU GI at Carlow GP 11h

Post by YU GI » Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:42 am


hi to all! First I'll make the effort to keep my cool but excuse me if sometimes I get carried away!
as there is a race at 10am, you wake up on a Sunday morning and we have a writing shit saying that his race is fucked up because they attacked 11km from the finish instead of 10 provided, excuse me the words but to eat the balls!!
error Kilometers!! Only 1 km and more and now we have his account frozen! quite frankly it's more like jealousy of the other teams present than anything else! But those who advocate one week as punishment, why not a year? a century or so that is how my children will be punished? because it's back to the same, I do not come back if this game is guarded twenty members who are friends knew the game and worst of all hunting are both moderators and players, is to threaten this or as this or that. I remember very well in the Tour de Lakwaki or some spoke as if they were the creators of the game!! I understand why new players are optimistic about their arrival and a few months after disappearing without a trace!!
one thing is certain and that is in no way a threat, do what you wish for these 1 Km too (which is a mistake I admit) but it is clear that if I do not now short I would have a net compensation because I am 100 fit with my sprinter and I would have won my race 10am!!!
if more I punished as desired by the other idiot (he apologize) or even 2 or 3 days, YU GI disappears from this game because for some garnish their record is all that matters. emerges as a good player and he is not submissive, they cut the grass under the feet!
good luck in this game, hoping that there is someone who plays sensible to other online game and who knows how not a game area for a reserve ENTERED friends!

NB: I will not write post on this forum about it, why I board took the time to write so long.
good day.

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Re: Team Attack YU GI at Carlow GP 11h

Post by IDF » Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:46 am

C'un peu abusé quand même..
[8:11:11 PM] SM: j'ai un bug la j'arrive plus a aller sur RFM

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Re: Team Attack YU GI at Carlow GP 11h

Post by Hunsrueck » Sun Mar 16, 2014 12:02 pm

Dear Yu Gi why you respond only after your punishment?

I have sent you a PM and wrote to you yesterday in the Race Chat. No response.
This was your second team attack and you see your error still not really.
We also dont protect any players or friends in this game, only the regulate.

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Pokemon Club
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Re: Team Attack YU GI at Carlow GP 11h

Post by Pokemon Club » Sun Mar 16, 2014 12:15 pm

YU GI tu dis tellement de bêtise à chaque ligne que ca en deviens comique. T'es tellement concentré sur ta personne et ton compte en banque qu'une amende de 1M serait plus adapté que le ban pour toi.


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