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Penis Enlargement for Free - Just click here

Post by Zenical » Sun May 23, 2010 9:37 pm

VC Aywaille: Ta gueule Z, occupe toi de ton petit cul...

Ich weiss zwar nicht genau, was es heisst, aber um zu erkennen, dass es ne Beleidigung ist, muss ich kein Franzose sein.
Last edited by Zenical on Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:43 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Us Lecce
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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by Us Lecce » Sun May 23, 2010 9:41 pm

Übersetzung ungefähr:
Halt's Maul Z,kümmer dich um deinen eigenen kleinen Arsch.
Das andere versuch ich grad rauszufinden :D

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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by Zenical » Sun May 23, 2010 9:50 pm

VC Aywaille: C'est mon opinion nenfoiren

Nenfoiren gibts zwar als Wort offenbar nicht, aber enfoire heisst 'Arschloch' oder 'dummer Sack' und das klingt ja nun nicht grad sehr nett.

VC Aywaille: menfin si t'ai assé intel iggent pour capté, tu sra pa satisfé

Jemand Übersetzungsvorschläge? Glaube ist keine Beleidigung diesmal aber ich würds trotzdem gern wissen..der kleine Schlingel hat nämlich die Wörter alle etwas abgeändert.

Us Lecce
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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by Us Lecce » Sun May 23, 2010 10:05 pm

"Enfin,si t'as assez intelligent pour capté,tu sera pas satisfé" müsste der richtige satz heißen.
Also ich probiers mal:
Wenn du schließlich genug Intelligenz hast/eingefangen hast, wirst du nicht zufriedengestellt sein.

gaurain rx
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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by gaurain rx » Sun May 23, 2010 10:11 pm

Is these really insulting???

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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by Zenical » Sun May 23, 2010 10:21 pm

As i am not well educated in french i didnt really know what it meant, but yes, i do think its insulting.

VC Aywaille
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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by VC Aywaille » Sun May 23, 2010 10:26 pm

La phrase « se mêler de son cul » est une expression. C'est du langage familier et c'est de l'argot. Cela veut dire qu’une personne demande à quelqu’un de ne pas se mêler de ses affaires.

The phrase "se mêler de son cul" is an expression. It is colloquial and slang. This means that a person asks someone not to meddle in its affairs.

That's a french expression. Are you paranoïd?
VC Aywaille
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gaurain rx
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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by gaurain rx » Sun May 23, 2010 10:29 pm

Zenical wrote:As i am not well educated in french i didnt really know what it meant, but yes, i do think its insulting.
Halt's maul ... Insult??? I read that on each chat in Rsf, or not far from it.
Take care of your ass... Insult? A bit yess. But if you take it at the first degree, you should feel insulted at each things a bit nasty we say to you!

Arschloch ... I don't read any "french Arschloch" in what Aywaille has writen.
If your not intelligent enough to understand,... Insult?? If you take it as an insult, we can say you insult Aywaille first (you said pretty to him the same things earlier on the chat).

I won't say Aywaille has used friendly words, but ok, no need for a topic about that I think!

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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by Zenical » Sun May 23, 2010 10:31 pm

So you expect me to know french phrases, Ay? :lol:

And Gaurain, you show me where i said something similar, please ;)

VC Aywaille
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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by VC Aywaille » Sun May 23, 2010 10:35 pm

If this is an insult i have insult a lot of managers here on RSF...

I am not the more calm, but Z is not a "young virgin" (don't take it on the first degree too, it's to say that Z is not white and me black). Make your race and i never say something lik this to you... I ignore you all the California. Yesterday i was a nice people and today a bad? :roll:
VC Aywaille
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Il ne faut jamais juger les gens sur leurs fréquentations : Judas, par exemple, avait des amis irréprochables! (Verlaine)

gaurain rx
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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by gaurain rx » Sun May 23, 2010 10:37 pm

Zenical wrote:So you expect me to know french phrases, Ay? :lol:

And Gaurain, you show me where i said something similar, please ;)
"yeah, exactly, thats what i wanted to say. your dictionary is pretty good."...
"if you are not able to use a dictionary right and start insulting then maybe i think you should pay some money."

And I had it, you reproach Aywaille to speak french but you were the first to use a language he doesn't understand. I don't blame you but be a bit coherent please... It will do all much easier for everybody.

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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by Lizard » Sun May 23, 2010 10:39 pm

I think it´s less important if others don´t find it insulting so they won´t mention it, but if Zenical feels offended and "Halt´s Maul" is swearing, so it definitely is insulting. Just for the record..
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gaurain rx
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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by gaurain rx » Sun May 23, 2010 10:41 pm

Lizard wrote:I think it´s less important if others don´t find it insulting so they won´t mention it, but if Zenical feels offended and "Halt´s Maul" is swearing, so it definitely is insulting. Just for the record..
I like your point of view Wizards :)

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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by Zenical » Sun May 23, 2010 10:44 pm

I made my race. Today, and the days before. I did not say you are a bad person, nore do i think so, but yet you insulted me, and only because you did in french of which you knew i cant quite understand doesnt change this.

Gaurain, have you really read what you were posting?

"yeah, exactly, thats what i wanted to say. your dictionary is pretty good."... thats irony and pretty far away from insulting.

"if you are not able to use a dictionary right and start insulting then maybe i think you should pay some money." and whats your problem with this? he insulted me and i want him to pay some money, saying that is an insult too?

You are right i spoke german before. But i didnt speak explicitly with Ay and i can handle german better than english so i wrote german in the beginning. But when Ay adressed me i switched to English because that is a language we both use. Was it insulting to speak german before? :?

Edit: And in fact i did not reproach him for speaking french. I think its disrespectful but if wants to talk french to me, ok, as long as i may answer in english.
Last edited by Zenical on Sun May 23, 2010 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

VC Aywaille
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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by VC Aywaille » Sun May 23, 2010 10:46 pm

Now i ask to the mods: give me a penalty (but i don't see why! :lol:) or delet this libelous topic...

We explain you that it's a french expression, Z. Search on the web "se mêler de son cul" or "mêle toi de ton cul" or something like this... Stop to make the victim, and have a nice night.

VC Aywaille
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Il ne faut jamais juger les gens sur leurs fréquentations : Judas, par exemple, avait des amis irréprochables! (Verlaine)

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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by Zenical » Sun May 23, 2010 10:49 pm

occupe toi de ton petit cul

se mêler de son cul

That looks different to me. And enfoire, what phrase is that? Or did you mean something completely different when you wrote "nenfoiren" so i couldnt check it?

VC Aywaille
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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by VC Aywaille » Sun May 23, 2010 10:51 pm

It's exactly the same in french :lol:

Occupe toi de = mêle toi de

petit = little (don't change the meaning).
VC Aywaille
The team to beat

Il ne faut jamais juger les gens sur leurs fréquentations : Judas, par exemple, avait des amis irréprochables! (Verlaine)

VC Aywaille
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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by VC Aywaille » Sun May 23, 2010 10:54 pm

Now (a new time) we explain you that it's a french expression.

2 solutions now:
1. You listen this, you wait 56 confirmations and it's ok;
2. You absolutely want to say that i am a bad boy and i don't see why i must continue to explain what i've said.
VC Aywaille
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Il ne faut jamais juger les gens sur leurs fréquentations : Judas, par exemple, avait des amis irréprochables! (Verlaine)

gaurain rx
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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by gaurain rx » Sun May 23, 2010 10:55 pm

Maybe I was not clear enough, so I begin again :)

1. First Point

I was only comparing this form Aywaille : "Wenn du schließlich genug Intelligenz hast/eingefangen hast, wirst du nicht zufriedengestellt sein."

With these from you :
Zenical wrote: "yeah, exactly, thats what i wanted to say. your dictionary is pretty good."... thats irony and pretty far away from insulting.

"if you are not able to use a dictionary right and start insulting then maybe i think you should pay some money."
I was not talking about the rest. I just wanted to say it was equal. And that if you seem ofended by this one, you can look at what you write too.

2. Second point.
Zenical wrote:You are right i spoke german before. But i didnt speak explicitly with Ay and i can handle german better than english so i wrote german in the beginning. But when Ay adressed me i switched to English because that is a language we both use. Was it insulting to speak german before? :?
I was just noting that the problem is that you both didn't understood what the other has said about you (Don't know if it's clear), cause you both used a language the other doesn't understant. You said : "Komische Attacke" and Aywaille take it bad cause he understood bad. Aywaille said " Occupe toi de ton cul", you takes it bad too cause you didn't understand it good :)

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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by Zenical » Sun May 23, 2010 11:05 pm

Oh, a should get punished for that!
I'm serious. No.

May it be an expression, well, i cant tell different, because as i repeatedly said i dont speak french. Thats why i have to use a translator. The translator told me that you insulted me and so i opened this thread. And it was not only this one insult ;)

Your second point is not worth an answer. I dont know you, so i would not judge about you because of your behaviour in an online game. But i do know, that you kept saying things to me that were not too nice, and my explanation for that is that you wanted to insult me. And for that i want a penalty, not for your character or whatsoever.

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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by Zenical » Sun May 23, 2010 11:16 pm

gaurain rx wrote:Maybe I was not clear enough, so I begin again :)

1. First Point

I was only comparing this form Aywaille : "Wenn du schließlich genug Intelligenz hast/eingefangen hast, wirst du nicht zufriedengestellt sein."

With these from you :
Zenical wrote: "yeah, exactly, thats what i wanted to say. your dictionary is pretty good."... thats irony and pretty far away from insulting.

"if you are not able to use a dictionary right and start insulting then maybe i think you should pay some money."
I was not talking about the rest. I just wanted to say it was equal. And that if you seem ofended by this one, you can look at what you write too.

"Glaube ist keine Beleidigung diesmal aber ich würds trotzdem gern wissen" That i said when i posted this sentence of him. I would translate it for you but as you have translated all the rest of me i guess you already have done it with this sentence as well. So its obvious i wasnt offended by this. Yet i think theres a difference in saying "you are not intelligent enough" and "you cant use a dictionary" but as i said i'm not offended by this.

2. Second point.
Zenical wrote:You are right i spoke german before. But i didnt speak explicitly with Ay and i can handle german better than english so i wrote german in the beginning. But when Ay adressed me i switched to English because that is a language we both use. Was it insulting to speak german before? :?
I was just noting that the problem is that you both didn't understood what the other has said about you (Don't know if it's clear), cause you both used a language the other doesn't understant. You said : "Komische Attacke" and Aywaille take it bad cause he understood bad. Aywaille said " Occupe toi de ton cul", you takes it bad too cause you didn't understand it good :)
And again theres a difference in quality. I say "komisch" which is not even in german an insult. It means strange. Strange attack. Which it was i think (which is not relevant). His dictionary should have told him the meaning but he obviously didnt get it (thats why the sentence from above fell from me). Its no big deal if he missunderstood me, but i guess of 100 persons only 1 would find this insulting, so you cant blame me for saying that. He says something that my translator told me is quite nasty. I cant expect Ay to know what "komisch" means, but i can expect him to translate it. Ay cant expect me to know a french expression, but he can expect me to translate it. And what comes out is an insult. And it fitted, so you cant really compare these 2 things.

And what you both dont answer is the "enfoire"-thing...

gaurain rx
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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by gaurain rx » Sun May 23, 2010 11:23 pm

I stop writing here or I'll go on my nerves :P

VC Aywaille
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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by VC Aywaille » Sun May 23, 2010 11:25 pm

If you say that your words are not insults, and that you understand that mines are not too (cause it's an expression to say "see your things, not mine"), i don't know why i must pay.


Say me for what you want that i pay? Cause i don't give you some honey? Hum, that's my personality to be warm... Not always nice maybe. But i am not a "serial-insulter"... But i don't see a reason to pay when i ask you to make your race... :roll:
2 solutions now:
1. You listen this, you wait 56 confirmations and it's ok;
2. You absolutely want to say that i am a bad boy and i don't see why i must continue to explain what i've said.
VC Aywaille
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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by Zenical » Sun May 23, 2010 11:31 pm

"C'est mon opinion nenfoiren"

How about that one? But i already said this before, so i dont know why you are asking me this. And again -though i have answered twice on this now- you come up with me having problems with your character. I DONT! (Thats what i meant with paranoid in the race by the way ;) I say "strange", you hear "stupid")

VC Aywaille
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Re: Ay ist böse zu mir.

Post by VC Aywaille » Sun May 23, 2010 11:35 pm ... n/enfoire/

"enfoiré, nom
Anglais: stupid"

I don't say something like "you're a f***ing man" or "you're a s**t".


Must i say it again?

VC Aywaille
The team to beat

Il ne faut jamais juger les gens sur leurs fréquentations : Judas, par exemple, avait des amis irréprochables! (Verlaine)

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