23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connection

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23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connection

Post by glasgowracing » Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:34 am

Km: 126, Gradient: -16
Peter Schmeichel (TEAM TDX) attacks
Michael Laudrup (TEAM TDX) attacks
HugoLuis Vallarzar (Auxilium Torino) follows


Aux follows TDX and could easily win the stage by just hanging in.

Without having a 2nd man in the group behind Aux drops back with the intention to help Pirati catch TDX in fight for yellow.

This is a clear violation of the rule, that every team shall ride in their interest.

A sign has to be set here. This is a clear violation of fairness.

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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by glasgowracing » Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:52 am

in case chat protocol becomes important, here it is

GlasgowRacing: nopik, can you maybe ad the screenshot if need be?
GlasgowRacing: if one deserves this success then it's you tdx, you rode attacking and well over the last few weeks. i became a little fan of yours
GlasgowRacing: and team ranking
TEAM TDX: 3 jerseys unbelievable
RSV Jever: gw tdx
UC PonteVecchio: gw TDX
pirati: gw
NoPikouze: ponte i think you dont used "alone" last km ?
GlasgowRacing: felicitations!
NoPikouze: gg tdx
GlasgowRacing: yes! well done TDX. beat them even when up against unfair stuff
Ambition: gw tdx
Auxilium Torino: mir egal, was du denkst, schon gesagtGlasgowRacing: wieso? was habe ich verbrochen? ausser, dass ich einen km geschlafen habe? das ist aber nicht unfair und dumm - wie deine aktion, sondern nur dumm
Auxilium Torino: yes, bonis
NoPikouze: no bonifs ?
Auxilium Torino: glasgow, du bist die letztes das sprechen kann
TEAM TDX: go go go!!!
pirati: sei il piu fresco
GlasgowRacing: du machst nicht das gleiche, du lässt einen fahrer fallen, der die etappe hätte gewinnen können und hilfst einem anderen team, das ist eine vollkommen andere situation als in etappe 1
pirati: se invece di attaccare tiravi...ti facevi pure la tappa
Auxilium Torino: wenn die erste stage ware andere gelaufen, hatte ich heute ganz andere mich benommen
GUDE LAUNE: das is ja ok, aber dann sag nie wieder irgendetwas zum thema fairness

pirati: e ti uccidi?
pirati: potevi fare secondo
pirati: ma come cazzo giochi??
Auxilium Torino: ich habe gesagt, werde die gleiche machen, und habe ich gemacht
NoPikouze: i dont know i dont want to give gc to anyone
pirati: ha gia un attacco sulle spalle
Auxilium Torino: was du denkst ist mir sooooooo von egal...
pirati: pik tempo fior stage?
pirati: metti si solo che rientriamo
UC PonteVecchio: lo vedo come fa tempo :D
TEAM TDX: why ponte?
RSV Jever: but yuo don´t get the 5. place
pirati: sei tu cge non lo fai
pirati: pik lo fa+
GlasgowRacing: the first day everything was ok. here it is unjustified as you even dropped back from the potential stage win. this is unfair and against the rules if you ask me
pirati: ai
UC PonteVecchio: no pik?
pirati: ok
pirati: ok, era solo per fottere me...
RSV Jever: i remember
pirati: deciditi
GUDE LAUNE: what a bullshit - i help my friend -i?m 14 and i don´t like anybody i don´t know -i help the guys i know UUUURGHH
pirati: rientriamo se fai tempo
Auxilium Torino: i say the first day...remeber the stage
pirati: fai tempo???
NoPikouze: auxilium says "i do the same as you" @glasgow but its tdx in front

Auxilium Torino: and?, what is the problem, he let me escape for red
GUDE LAUNE: absolutly nonsense - if you don´t ride and piati get´s him, you have a very small chance for the victory - if you roide - absolutly no chance and just helping pirati
Auxilium Torino: i say to you the first day already, i will make the same, like you
GlasgowRacing: you can see by PP finishing in the 2nd group, that jever had a real chance to finish 2nd, if not even win.

NoPikouze: hihi i'm having fun today
pirati: gw tdx
RSV Jever: to see
RSV Jever: it´s great
PP BikeTeam: im STOP
PP BikeTeam: ok
GlasgowRacing: no
Auxilium Torino: if you can i can
Auxilium Torino: was unrealistic the first day too
NoPikouze: screenshot sorry :D
NoPikouze: i've the ss

PP BikeTeam: sim és um chupa pilas
GlasgowRacing: it is unrealistic riding what you do. i will ask for a penalty.
pirati: allora?
Auxilium Torino: read before
GUDE LAUNE: a saw it now - pff
Auxilium Torino: yes, i say already
NoPikouze: chupar pika a narvalho
pirati: e li lascio
GlasgowRacing: well pp, they are gone those about 9 guys in front, no need to yell, that won't slow them down :-)
GUDE LAUNE: aux any explanation for that?
pirati: una risposta perche al prossimo mi fermo
PP BikeTeam: PD
PP BikeTeam: vai dar o olho para o marquez
PP BikeTeam: NoPikouze és um merdas tal como os outros que andam sempre ha mama e não trabalham
Auxilium Torino: i ride like you last day, was ok, in the pother stage, then is ok, today too
pirati: perchè un km e mi fermo
PP BikeTeam: work is the chance
NoPikouze: PP you need to learn some things ;)
pirati: vedi tu
pirati: con 7 sec se parti e ci guardiamo negli occhi è finita
PP BikeTeam: foda-se
GlasgowRacing: especially as aux was in tdx group. easy stage win for him, but no, he drops back. that's actually almost against the rules if you ask me. everybody shall ride in their own interest. that was definitly not the case here
PP BikeTeam: is the chance
PP BikeTeam: work
PP BikeTeam: work
PP BikeTeam: work
PP BikeTeam: not chance, no chace, foda-se
pirati: se rientriamo puoi provare a ripartire
pirati: però se aiuti io non sprinto
pirati: se aiuti io non sprinto
pirati: se parti non vinciamo nessuno dei due
UC PonteVecchio: e ha 52 sprint
pirati: guarda che mi sono attaccato a te...
GlasgowRacing: stop it pp
UC PonteVecchio: non ho chance, cristiano è partito da 920
GUDE LAUNE: i knew it from the beginning - italian connection^^
PP BikeTeam: foda-se
PP BikeTeam: fode-se
PP BikeTeam: fode-se
PP BikeTeam: foda-se
PP BikeTeam: foda-se esta merda, estou a ficar farto desta merda
NoPikouze: strange i'm not invited
PP BikeTeam: HHELP
pirati: UC ti interessa la tappa??
GUDE LAUNE: yes - most unlogical work here...
PP BikeTeam: Ambition HELP PLEASE
GlasgowRacing: aha,,, aux helps pirati, but talks about fairness in previous stage... riidicolous
GUDE LAUNE: go TDX, you deserve it - only one here doing a really good job - but seems like pirati is getting help...
NoPikouze: nutella time
NoPikouze: ptdr la famille
pirati: fai
Auxilium Torino: se mi lasdci la tappa, ti aiutto :D
GlasgowRacing: 132 esapekka comes in
GlasgowRacing: well I don't think we woul dhave catched them anyway, so what do i care
GUDE LAUNE: ah - how could you do this in such a moment?
GlasgowRacing: i was too late, was sorting out the guys in the back
GlasgowRacing: why is villazar back in the pirati group when he followed tdx?
GUDE LAUNE: @glasgow; why didn´t you pay attention when portiolo was in tempo?
Ambition: will be hard at 4.4
GlasgowRacing: go tdx go
PP BikeTeam: tanta merda de desculpas para não puxar pelo grupo fds
GlasgowRacing: i will even put george in, so... no chance in sprint
GlasgowRacing: i will work, no point in wasting all riders yet
PP BikeTeam: you no work?
PP BikeTeam: Glasgow, pirati the yelow jersey
Ambition: uc always favo and hanging…
GlasgowRacing: ok
PP BikeTeam: UC
Ambition: i do the downhill…
PP BikeTeam: UC~
GlasgowRacing: I join in doenhill
PP BikeTeam: Glasgow
GlasgowRacing: but won't catch them in front anyway after that silly sieve
portiolo: sono diventati tutti matti!
NoPikouze: yeah i think i saw you
portiolo: grazie pirati
GlasgowRacing: i didn't but was too late to put on in
NoPikouze: well who trusts portiolo alone in tempo :s
GUDE LAUNE: omg you guys really don´t know much about this game... congrats pirati!
NoPikouze: lmao
pirati: grande portiolo
NoPikouze: yeah portiolo
pirati: tdx tempo?
Auxilium Torino: stefano,m fai fare a loro
Auxilium Torino: ciao
Auxilium Torino: un casino, mi e' saltato il pc due volte gia' stefano
GlasgowRacing: nah, no he doesn't
NoPikouze: strong race wow
NoPikouze: ppirati go ?
GlasgowRacing: ah maybe you do...
TEAM TDX: maybe white
GlasgowRacing: potiolo! you have no interest in sieving!
GlasgowRacing: stupid mahler!
Ambition: no…
GlasgowRacing: ambition... jäger in tempo. intended?
GUDE LAUNE: ambition - jever - some help?
GUDE LAUNE: come on guys
GlasgowRacing: any downhill help in the back from people, interested in winning the stage?
portiolo: come va la tappa?
portiolo: sono arrivato ora da una cena
portiolo: CIAO AUXI
Auxilium Torino: saltato tutto, attualizzazione di merda
GlasgowRacing: in honour of the pirati guy in tempo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6K_IuBsRM4
Ambition: today youtube is slow…
PP BikeTeam: continua a falar que daqui vais levar na mesma nota negativa no teste final
NoPikouze: damn my provider makes youtube so slow its annoying
NoPikouze: haha
GlasgowRacing: I didn't actually listen to the words, as i can't stand her voice
GlasgowRacing: then I admire the stylist
NoPikouze: its actually the whole oint of the song lol
GlasgowRacing: I didn't say a prositute is not a hard working person
NoPikouze: dont be so discriminating againt hard working and proud women
GlasgowRacing: looks like a prositute that "singer"
NoPikouze: no do they hit you in the balls and then smash your head on the ground ?
NoPikouze: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1znOcx5fu9w
GlasgowRacing: and did you hear about the famous Glasgow kiss?
GlasgowRacing: and vomitting
GlasgowRacing: there's vodka too
GlasgowRacing: there is more to glasgow than football.
NoPikouze: glasgow is alwso football :)
PP BikeTeam: ma non aiuta il gruppo e il secondo gruppo tira
PP BikeTeam: ma non aiuta il gruppo e il secondo gruppo tirama non aiuta il gruppo e il secondo gruppo tira
GlasgowRacing: too much football in that name to be a multi of me
Auxilium Torino: manco io a dire il vero
PP BikeTeam: SL Benfica is multi of Glasgow
Auxilium Torino: certo che pirati e' sfigatissimo
PP BikeTeam: Non capisco la sua strategia
GlasgowRacing: Hello S L Benfica, CircleCycle, Hansa and the invisible anonymous specator
Auxilium Torino: no se PP, no entiendo lo qe quieren
PP BikeTeam: Auxilium Torino, ma che cosa sono questo, non si chateias con lui?
PP BikeTeam: pilhas
NoPikouze: chupar a narvalo
NoPikouze: its not a hard fight but i'm not going to give red+stage+gc to one guy without a fight or a deal
PP BikeTeam: és uma chupa pilinhas
NoPikouze: ah ^^
GlasgowRacing: pot head
NoPikouze: potthead ?
GlasgowRacing: one of you lives in a bankrupt country, the other one in a country full of pottheads. not sure whom of you can be taken for serious
GUDE LAUNE: uh this is really a hard fight for red...
NoPikouze: try to understand...
PP BikeTeam: pas fair
PP BikeTeam: NoPikouze sont les pires que j'ai jamais vu jouer le jeu, tant pis
PP BikeTeam: NoPikouze est le pire que j'ai jamais vu jouer le jeu, tant pis
NoPikouze: lol
PP BikeTeam: bad fair NoPiouze
PP BikeTeam: TEAM TDX lui demande de savoir ce qui est
GUDE LAUNE: light rain - looks like it´s gonna be heavy rain^^
GlasgowRacing: :)
PP BikeTeam: lol
GlasgowRacing: public doilette?
PP BikeTeam: NoPikouze bad strategy very bad
GlasgowRacing: what's a PD?
PP BikeTeam: ele é um granda PD
GlasgowRacing: PP is really convinced :-)
NoPikouze: no brain, go to a shop
PP BikeTeam: no work, out the group
PP BikeTeam: no work, out the groupno work, out the group
Ambition: i guess fight for gc not relevant today ;)
PP BikeTeam: no work, out the group
GlasgowRacing: dutch people have no right to own a mountain jersey!
NoPikouze: because my rider is bad at gc compared to you and auxi, bad for stage compared to auxi, and auxi is also going to take my mountain jersey
GlasgowRacing: look at the general classament
Ambition: lol
PP BikeTeam: whi?
PP BikeTeam: no?????????????
NoPikouze: no thanks
PP BikeTeam: NoPikouze tempo in front
GlasgowRacing: indeed it was at the 4
NoPikouze: rule is deactivated on 4% and more ;)
NoPikouze: no
GlasgowRacing: yes nopik. but now it's ok
GlasgowRacing: aux doesn't see to intend to achieve a mass sprint today
NoPikouze: no
PP BikeTeam: lol
GlasgowRacing: 1 too much nopik
GlasgowRacing: Arturo Toscanini - a friend of us
NoPikouze: yo
PP BikeTeam: pirati in action
PP BikeTeam: hello ppl
GUDE LAUNE: hi guys - this time right in time ;)
GlasgowRacing: tutti frutti
Auxilium Torino: buona sera a tutti
RSV Jever: god evening
Ambition: servus

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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by NoPikouze » Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:55 am


To be complete, Vallarzar was in the breakaway, and when started the real fight in the last part of the stage and he was caught...
Followed the TDX attack. Felt back next km. And proposed help to pirati (and was able to make tempo "alone" pushing out pirati's downhiller)

Well all in all TDX was able to win for 1", that's nice. We'll see at the end of the tour...
But this kind of behaviour is not acceptable if he's still a fairplay-guy !

Oh and yeah, his "explanation" is something like "glasgow did the same against me on stage 1" :P
Last edited by NoPikouze on Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by glasgowracing » Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:01 am

Maybe little explanation

1st stage Jever helped TDX and me after TDX sieved great in a downhill section. Aux meeant Jever's tempo was not justified. At the end his rider could even have won the stage though. Despite many would have stayed out of tempo in Jever's situation I think the race finish proves him right.

Today, TDX lost valuable seconds in the fight for yellow. Pirati came in just 1 second behind. This could be crucial for the tour win. Aux had a rider in the leading group (2 TDX riders fighting for yellow and Aux), but Aux dropped back into the 2nd group to make tempo for pirati, without personal interest. Aux could have easily won this stage, so actually he might even have hurt pirati, by letting TDX win bonus seconds.

Aux's riding was unrealistic and he rode clearly NOT in his own interest, but even stated in chat, that he rides for another team, cause in his view this happened in 1st stage by the Germans (this nation argument was stated yesterday by Aux).

Such behaviour is, in my eyes, clearly not in the interest of this game.

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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by Pirkio » Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:46 pm

From last screen:

Aux: If you let me the stage I will help you
Pirati: Ok

This isn't unrealistic, as you can see in all the tour with spanish guys of different team help each other
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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by cataracs » Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:23 pm

Pirkio wrote:From last screen:

Aux: If you let me the stage I will help you
Pirati: Ok

This isn't unrealistic, as you can see in all the tour with spanish guys of different team help each other
you saw the race ? no..then don't write bullshit pleas.

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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by glasgowracing » Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:14 pm

Pirkio wrote:From last screen:

Aux: If you let me the stage I will help you
Pirati: Ok

This isn't unrealistic, as you can see in all the tour with spanish guys of different team help each other
Everybody can write something into the chat to try to fake justify an action. Aux is playing this game long enough to know for sure, that his rider won't contend for the win, if he loses power by making tempo.

Especially the statement is invalid and rubbish as Aux could have gotten an easy stage win, by just sucking on the TDX wheels.

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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by glasgowracing » Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:21 pm

NoPikouze wrote: But this kind of behaviour is not acceptable if he's still a fairplay-guy !
It would be an even worse offense if Aux really still is in the commission.

Who are the current members of the fairness committee?

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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by Pirkio » Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:47 pm

I'm just commenting the chat I don't know what race was and don't know what is

But I know that Auxilium torino won 57 races last year a lot of escapes and wasn't all flat stage at all.. So your reply about what he think is absolute nonsense.
As I sayd btw he was triing to win the stage almost try is what everyone have to do, not just sausage so reading the log chat (what I have to do as fairplay member) I can say 90% that's he will go for stage. That's my point of view, if you don't like, join the jury and say yours
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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by Pirkio » Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:52 pm

Talking about unrealistic riding, escartinos now in my race made tempo for what? no stage win chances, no gk chances.. let's ban escartinos? This isn't the way jury work and this isn't the way Buhman want I think
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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by Pokemon Club » Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:21 pm

Pirkio wrote:I'm just commenting the chat I don't know what race was and don't know what is

But I know that Auxilium torino won 57 races last year a lot of escapes and wasn't all flat stage at all.. So your reply about what he think is absolute nonsense.
As I sayd btw he was triing to win the stage almost try is what everyone have to do, not just sausage so reading the log chat (what I have to do as fairplay member) I can say 90% that's he will go for stage. That's my point of view, if you don't like, join the jury and say yours
His number of wins or races last year aren't important Moto. He followed TDX attack. Why if he would win the stage he let him fall to ride with pirati behind ? He could suck TDX and collaborate with him no ? So why Auxi helped pirati ? Because he won the red jersey ? I am sure if 2 guys with 50 races make the same move, all in the race chat or in the forum say that there are multis or at least say it is senseless, not fair and unrealistic.

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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by Hansa » Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:55 pm

Think the same if he want to go for stage he would have stayed in front at TDX wheel but no he let fall in a group with more guys and stronger guys then TDX and a group where ha couldn´t do a deal because there where other guys in infront it was easy to ask tdx i help get the stage you the classmenet or something like this

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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by glasgowracing » Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:09 am

from fairplay comments on inscription to a race:

- unrealistic arrangements are not allowed
- every manager must do the best for his team . Separation of private and RSF is required.


as Aux is still in this tour, I think those rules and any other rules have been deactivated for today's stage too. to it's ok to attack with all 9 riders in today's stage. thanks.

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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by Quick » Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:03 pm

Pirkio wrote:From last screen:

Aux: If you let me the stage I will help you
Pirati: Ok

This isn't unrealistic, as you can see in all the tour with spanish guys of different team help each other

BULLSHIT. He could have stayed in front and have the easy win. Clear unrealistic behaviour and riding for a friend.
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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by schappy » Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:31 pm

I do not know every member of the fairness committee, but i submitted this one for the committee.
It will be discuss there.
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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by Quick » Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:26 pm

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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by team fl » Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:11 pm

Me! Me! Let me guess! -> It takes time? or: It's done when it's done :)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by Quick » Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:21 pm

team fl wrote:Me! Me! Let me guess! -> It takes time? or: It's done when it's done :)
No, everybodys waiting for an Aux/pirati statement. Hmm, what about the multi-suspect of those teams? That had an own thread or am I mixing something?
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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by team fl » Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:25 pm

That leads to another statement: It is like it is. :D

But a statement by the teams that are accused would not be the worst thing, I admit
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by auxilium torino » Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:33 pm

you want my statement? ok
i ride for red and stage, i ask and offer my collaboration to Pirati, like the others teams collaborate each others , without a chance to win somethings, and i let my fail, because i want hold my word, was nothing against the rule, like in real cyclism race...and like in the first stage...because to judge the situation should be here the whole tour chat log, to understand what is happens in the others stage...after the first stage i warned the others teams that this will be my intention, when their ride in 5 like 1 ;)

if my was an unfair collaboration, then was the first stage teams collaboration also unfair!

i was not unfair, because i follow the better result for my team, then was the red jersey, and i win it!
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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by auxilium torino » Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:35 pm

only another world about the multi suspect from Quick...simply ridicolous!
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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by glasgowracing » Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:22 pm

auxilium torino wrote:you want my statement? ok
i ride for red and stage, i ask and offer my collaboration to Pirati, like the others teams collaborate each others , without a chance to win somethings, and i let my fail, because i want hold my word, was nothing against the rule, like in real cyclism race...and like in the first stage...because to judge the situation should be here the whole tour chat log, to understand what is happens in the others stage...after the first stage i warned the others teams that this will be my intention, when their ride in 5 like 1 ;)

if my was an unfair collaboration, then was the first stage teams collaboration also unfair!

i was not unfair, because i follow the better result for my team, then was the red jersey, and i win it!
1st stage. All teams who were in front had a valid chance to win the stage. You didn't. Even if you have agreed to help eachother for red and yellow it is unrealistic. No team cares if another one win red or yellow. You work yourself. A little bit coorporation is ok, but certainly not giving up a 100% stage win.

Your behaviour was unsportsmanlike and if tolerated, this game is unworthy of another subsciption payment from me.

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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by auxilium torino » Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:58 am

Glasgow, auf english ist mir unmoglich es zu sagen, deswegen sage auf deutsch, du weis es ganz genau, das 3 teams das in die erste stage tempo gefahren sind, hatten absolut keine chance zu gewinnen, wegen die 6% am die vorletztes km. aber weil fur dich und TDX sehr beqem war , ist absolut ok gewesen...
naja, komisch wie man seine aussicht wechselt...
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by NoPikouze » Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:30 am

auxilium torino wrote:and i let my fail, because i want hold my word
Nice move to invoque fairplay as defense, but I'm pretty sure the rider fell back a couple of kms before you made an agreement in the racechat...

try again...?
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

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Re: 23h Viti Levi Tour - unrealistic riding Italian connecti

Post by glasgowracing » Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:53 pm

auxilium torino wrote:Glasgow, auf english ist mir unmoglich es zu sagen, deswegen sage auf deutsch, du weis es ganz genau, das 3 teams das in die erste stage tempo gefahren sind, hatten absolut keine chance zu gewinnen, wegen die 6% am die vorletztes km. aber weil fur dich und TDX sehr beqem war , ist absolut ok gewesen...
naja, komisch wie man seine aussicht wechselt...
Ich kann mich auch gerne auf Deutsch wiederholen.

Am 6er blieb ein 69 Bergfahrer an uns dran (der von PP, der am Ende grün gewann, einen solchen Fahrer hatte auch Jever. Jever hat zudem den Sprint im kleinen Feld hinter uns gegen bessere Bergfahrer gewonnen.

Das Rennresultat spricht klar dafür, mein und TDX Tempo sowieso und auch eben Jevers Tempo vollkommen berechtigt war.

Ich habe damals im Rennchat und auch hier geschrieben, dass ich an Jevers Stelle eher kein Tempo machen würde. Allerdings war Jevers Hilfe werde unrealistisch abgesprochen noch gefordert. Jevers Tempo war freiwillig, und wie das Rennresultat zeigt, eben auch vollkommen berechtigt.

Dein Verhalten ist etwas vollkommen anderes. Einen Fahrer aus einer Gruppe zurückfallen zu lassen die mit Garantie die Siegergruppe ist und in der man aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach den Tagessieg locker holt, ist inakzeptabel.

Selbst wenn Du vorhin mit einem anderen Team einen Deal vereinbart hast, ist ein solcher Deal nur dann legal, wenn er in beidseitigem gleichgewichteten Interesse ist. Einen Etappensieg verschenkt man nicht um einem anderen Team zu Gelb zu verhelfen. Vorallem dann nicht, wenn man selbst weder vorne im GK vertreten ist, noch anderweitig eine Chance hat die Etappe mit einer Topklassierung zu beenden.

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