Italian Carnaval

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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Italian Carnaval

Post by cataracs » Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:38 pm

An Italian carnaval,when someone (an italian) wants to play , login with this account and play...1st race auxilium, 2nd wonder who, and today in the 3rd race Bsg , Tutti , Auxilium too, and maybe more or maybe juste one human or whatever...stop your craps....
Here some parts of today's chat...

rvb sport: ciaoooo
rvb sport: mo magnamo
rvb sport: bye taka
rvb sport: :D
rvb sport: lo sappiamo bene chi ce l'ha il culetto cosi'
Akurojin-no-hi: late*
rvb sport: se se
Team Hornbach: tomorrow i will be later
Auxilium Torino(FairPlay): col culo sfondato
Auxilium Torino(FairPlay): e tu sei una pippa
Team Hornbach: the green yersey is my :)
rvb sport: thanks horn sorry for yellow
rvb sport: pizza party stasera
Team Hornbach: gw RVB :)
team no pasaran: gw
rvb sport: e c'è anche bsg
rvb sport: e sono tutti
Team Hornbach: i sait not my day :(
rvb sport: sei brutto
Auxilium Torino(FairPlay): non dire cazzate, marco
Auxilium Torino(FairPlay): Taka still cool ;)
rvb sport: aux here
Akurojin-no-hi: lol aux
Akurojin-no-hi: because of the stupid sprint and tempo before....
Auxilium Torino(FairPlay): ciao taka!
Auxilium Torino(FairPlay): Italian Taka fan Club
Team Vilsa: gw rvb. thanks
Team Vilsa: I knew it, because of the help
rvb sport: gw yellow
rvb sport: hauhauahua
rvb sport: good collaboration
Akurojin-no-hi: gw tutti bsg aux or whoever is here...
rvb sport: :D
Akurojin-no-hi: lol vilsa
Team Hornbach: gw
Akurojin-no-hi: ciao aux
Akurojin-no-hi: me is stupid , you is fuck you :p
Team Vilsa: Jan helped Daniel all the time
Team Vilsa: you will win with gerardo
rvb sport: :D
rvb sport: taka
rvb sport: greets you aux
Liberty Lula: why ? :D you is stupid ? :D i will win today :D
rvb sport: togheter
rvb sport: vilsa
rvb sport: ok all in time now
rvb sport: 150 in
rvb sport: go out now
rvb sport: after go out with all
rvb sport: go in with jan
rvb sport: and you take yellow today :D
rvb sport: 147 in time with jan
Akurojin-no-hi: stop lula lol we can't catch them it's not your job now
rvb sport: attaccckkkkk
rvb sport: why time
rvb sport: vilsa in front with second best sprinter?
rvb sport: :D
rvb sport: aux
Akurojin-no-hi: how did you know that i'm taka you too ?
rvb sport: ^^
rvb sport: we eat pizza tonight
rvb sport: want to see if I'm here? to know in advance what to do?
Saxo Russian: non te proccupa
Akurojin-no-hi: why you're here ?
rvb sport: taka
rvb sport: tell me
rvb sport: lo so ma vediamo
Akurojin-no-hi: tutti ?
rvb sport: con gli scalatori
Saxo Russian: dp c'è pianura
Akurojin-no-hi: lots of idiot....
Saxo Russian: che attacco a fa
Saxo Russian: no
rvb sport: ma magari attacca
rvb sport: si saxxo siebba speriamo sul 6%
Astana Pro Team: ahahha
rvb sport: ^^
rvb sport: stop
rvb sport: noi tifiamo spezia
rvb sport: ma grande zeman
Astana Pro Team: *eggiàà
Astana Pro Team: aggààà tu di che squadra sei?
Akurojin-no-hi: Saxo Russian why tempo ?
rvb sport: peccato la presidenza
rvb sport: l'inno fa venire i bbrividi
rvb sport: il più bel coro che ci sia in europa
rvb sport: :D
Astana Pro Team: ahahahahha
rvb sport: no sprint
Astana Pro Team: avoja che tifo la magicaaa
rvb sport: tifi a maggica
rvb sport: 38-37-39
rvb sport: de roma
Astana Pro Team: quanti anni avete?
rvb sport: fantastic :D
rvb sport: on 6%
Astana Pro Team: io roma
rvb sport: saxo sieb?
rvb sport: tu?
rvb sport: siamo di la spezia
rvb sport: tutti here
Astana Pro Team: rvb di dove sei?
rvb sport: taka tell me
Astana Pro Team: ahahahaha
rvb sport: dopo si :D
rvb sport: la grappetta mi ammazza
rvb sport: cavoli prima di mangiare
Astana Pro Team: a me una grappetta :D
rvb sport: :)
rvb sport: we are drinking mojito, you want it?
rvb sport: tell me everything that I tell
rvb sport: ^^
rvb sport: francesco is preparing pizza
rvb sport: now
rvb sport: rvb
Akurojin-no-hi: tutti ?
rvb sport: umm
Akurojin-no-hi: always your day Horn,rvb...and vilsa....and me......loool
Team Vilsa: no interest to follow?
rvb sport: power today is off
Team Hornbach: i know and wish you good luck
rvb sport: :D
Team Vilsa: my attack wiill come :-)
Team Hornbach: i go smoking not my day..
rvb sport: :D
rvb sport: is ok
Akurojin-no-hi: how many riders you killed ? for ? nothing and the same result will be in the final if you did this or no....
rvb sport: ?
rvb sport: why
rvb sport: nooo
Team Hornbach: he attack at he six
rvb sport: hauahuahu
Team Hornbach: nice and i wish you gain yellow:)
Akurojin-no-hi: put Colana better...--"
rvb sport: :)
rvb sport: grrrr
rvb sport: horn if not ride after ...
team no pasaran: thank you help tempo
rvb sport: rvb
rvb sport: i'm marco
rvb sport: stop now i ride alone
rvb sport: :D
rvb sport: i'm a greatttttt
Akurojin-no-hi: i said tutti cause he rides that crazy and stupid with a lot of ":D" in the chat....
rvb sport: :D
rvb sport: luna is a friend
Akurojin-no-hi: ah
Akurojin-no-hi: simone=luna
rvb sport: simone bsg
rvb sport: tutti
rvb sport: pizza and rsf
Akurojin-no-hi: francesco ?
rvb sport: simone too
rvb sport: francesco is here
rvb sport: with 3 helpers is good
Akurojin-no-hi: tutti is helping you rvb ?^^
rvb sport: sure
Team Hornbach: not my thing.... ihave my guy in front
rvb sport: :)
rvb sport: no good today horn
rvb sport: ummm
Team Hornbach: ok dont tempo in seccond groupo
Akurojin-no-hi: who'll help , astana with his 47's flat ? :p
Team Hornbach: in 5 km i dont make tempo if none help
Team Hornbach: nobody help in tthe seccond group
rvb sport: ^^
Akurojin-no-hi: rvb i guess you have help today ?
rvb sport: not pull the otherrrr
Team Vilsa: no, sorry
rvb sport: is ok
rvb sport: hombach 4 riders in front
rvb sport: :D
rvb sport: vilsa too
Team Hornbach: i wait
rvb sport: ^^
rvb sport: Team Hornbach attack
Team Hornbach: hate this with only for teams on:)
Akurojin-no-hi: no, i know rules better than the players with 1200 and 600 races...
Team Hornbach: akurojin and your the greathest rider in the game:)
Team Hornbach: if the rider from astana is in your group at finish he wins the tour
Akurojin-no-hi: Hornbach you're bad .point
Team Hornbach: alone
Akurojin-no-hi: rvb ride with your puller when he's dead we change fresh riders
Team Hornbach: i dont do all the time tempo
Team Hornbach: if nobody comes on :)
Akurojin-no-hi: with yellow in your team ?
Team Hornbach: i think i can attack if nobody comes on
Team Hornbach: i wann action :)
Akurojin-no-hi: Horn you want a stronger group with fresh riders in escap ?
Team Hornbach: i wih i can attack :)
Team Hornbach: only five people on this is bad
Akurojin-no-hi: why doing tempo on the hill and attacking in the first one then ?
rvb sport: no aku no problem red is your
Akurojin-no-hi: or attack with your 63 now i'm not hanging....
Akurojin-no-hi: rvb ride like an escap and you can have the points
Team Hornbach: you must do tempo in escape
Astana Pro Team: quindi?
rvb sport: almeno fai tempo
Team Hornbach: idont make tempo there is no one bad for my white yersery
rvb sport: sprint per i punti montagna
Astana Pro Team: ??
rvb sport: pero'
rvb sport: stana se vuoi i punti devi correre
rvb sport: you not ride only for the red stay in escape ^^
Akurojin-no-hi: there is a 8% in the last kms your 63 is favo i won't help soon i'll ride later
Team Hornbach: GW for win :)
rvb sport: no chances for red
Akurojin-no-hi: i meant a 63 and no tempo...
rvb sport: :)
rvb sport: no funny the other was died
rvb sport: :(
Akurojin-no-hi: funny rvb
rvb sport: hi all
Astana Pro Team: ciaoo
Saxo Russian: hi
Team Hornbach: hi
team no pasaran: hello salut

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