multi Kurajberi and TUNJEVINA und beleidigung bei fairness

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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Team Calina
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multi Kurajberi and TUNJEVINA und beleidigung bei fairness

Post by Team Calina » Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:47 am

the race 24 o clock fukushima....

Online: 8
Team Calina
Team GasGas
Sky Pro Cycling

Offline: 7
Team Voeckler(89)
machine team(89)
Anime FC(89)

the teams Kurajberi and TUNJEVINA play from same ip... i have ask in chat... he told its his brother.... bla bla here the chat

Team Calina: who is favo?
V-Team: Favos attack, I lke it
skyyy: kann jemand deutsch?
V-Team: Yes, what you are doing isn't different that a multi
Team Calina: ah okay <and atack at same km... not allowed you talking about the race and make teamwork!
TUNJEVINA: kurajberi is my brother we play on 2 computers
Team Calina: same day registet same land his rider....
Team Calina: i think so too
V-Team: It's kurajberi multi I guess
Team Calina: tunjevina why 1 star?? you play with 2 accounts

Team Calina: akakla when this is your first race.... please change your rider and make NO tempo. you are not favo or have a good chance at end to win. so please let the big teams (favos) work. and save your power for the end. when you now make tempo you kill your rider and at end your rider are behind from the leadersgroup and you are without chances to get a good place
Falkenbier: Hi
Sky Pro Cycling: hello!
V-Team: yo
skyyy: hi

they dont talk in chat... but they tack with same rider at same km....

Km: 9, Steigung: 2
Tomislav Nikolic (Kurajberi) attackiert
Milivoje Branezac (TUNJEVINA) attackiert

now they ride in the field behind a group.... these 2 teams come at the same km in tempo... so they talk in real or that is a multi who playing with 2 laptops or pc...... i hope the fairplay make any!!!!!! they do illegal team talk!!!! and makes all together and that is not allowd i think!!!!!

Mozes samo da mi se agnes i da mi popusis kurac!

kam bei fairness bewertung.... laut übersetzer ist es sowas wie suck my dick oder ähnliches.... genauen wortlaut konnt ich leider nicht finden. aber auf jedenfall eine beleidigung!!!!! ich fordere eine strafe!
Last edited by Team Calina on Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:03 am, edited 2 times in total.

Team Calina
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Re: multi und verbotete absprache Kurajberi and TUNJEVINA

Post by Team Calina » Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:01 am

Km: 122, Steigung: 6
Aléssandro Ballan (Kurajberi) attackiert
Vuk Radivojevic (TUNJEVINA) attackiert
Petro Carlos (TUNJEVINA) attackiert
Vladimir Stimac (Kurajberi) attackiert

Alexander Musiol (fohlenpower) kann nicht mithalten
Sergio Montero (Akakla) kann nicht mithalten
Fernando Alosno (Akakla) kann nicht mithalten
Ernst Breitegger (Team GasGas) kann nicht mithalten
Stanley Dynan (Team Calina) kann nicht mithalten
Constantin Surucianu (Falkenbier) kann nicht mithalten

und wieder abgesprochen und atackiert... das ist totales absprache und gemeinsames fahren. damit extremer vorteil gegenüber allen anderen!!!!!

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Re: multi Kurajberi and TUNJEVINA und beleidigung bei fairn

Post by tunjevina » Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:45 am

Kurajberi is my brother,we play on 2 different computers.I've got wireless internet so we both play on he same IP.We didn't know that that is illegible so we're sorry for that...We did talk to ich other about tactics and teamwork for the first part of the race,than because we're in the different rooms and it was late and we couldn't yell from room to room anymore :) we made tactics through chat.

I don't know what's the different between talking and chatting because a lot of teams chat and make tactics on a language I don't understand,here is the example from this race:

Km: 72, Gradient: 1
Constantin Surucianu (Falkenbier) attacks
Stanley Dynan (Team Calina) attacks
Andri Toompere (Falkenbier) attacks
Gustavo Carlos (Team GasGas) attacks
Ferdinand Augustin (Team Calina) attacks

I guess they we're chatting on Germany,and I don't understand a word of that language.

We're not going to play the same race again,unless we are in two different houses playing on two different IP's,and we're going to chat instead of talking,but since we're from Serbia nobody would understand what we're writing...

Again,we're sorry.

Team Calina
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Re: multi Kurajberi and TUNJEVINA und beleidigung bei fairn

Post by Team Calina » Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:34 am

loool sure different you make all diferent....

atack at same km... tempo at same km.... sometimes ride you then the other team... never have problems.... so you talk in real about the race all the time....

and you atack 2 times at the same km with the same riders...... nobody can me tell that you dont talk in real at the race.

and we other riders dont talk in real about the race. we only talk in chat and i use a translator......

dont talk about fairplay... you and "your brother" make everythink together!!!!! it the same when i make a multi and make all together with a multi team.... then i have 4 rider in front and the other teams have more problems to catch us need more power more rider... bla bla

read the rules!!!! and you have make teamwork from same ip and that isnt fair!

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Re: multi Kurajberi and TUNJEVINA und beleidigung bei fairn

Post by Hasselhoff » Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:14 pm

You had to read the rules and there it says no multis.....

And then the famous "it's my brother"-excuse.. If it is really your brother you two have to delete one fo the two teams and have to arrange it like one day you drive and the other day your brother drives.
"Man sollte nicht alles glauben, was man im Internet liest"- Abraham Lincoln

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Re: multi Kurajberi and TUNJEVINA und beleidigung bei fairn

Post by tunjevina » Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:02 pm

Ok,we're not going to delete our teams...We're not going to play same races anymore.You can see that we didn't play this game for almost a year,we forgot some rules and we were lazy to read them again...

@Team Calina
If i wrote "Napadamo u sedamdestrecem km" google translate will translate this "We attack in sedamdestrecem km" and what i actually wrote is "We attack on seventy-third km". I actually used translator yesterday during the race,but sometimes it's hard to figure out what is actually written.

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Re: multi Kurajberi and TUNJEVINA und beleidigung bei fairn

Post by glasgowracing » Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:34 pm

I was in that race too and saw nothing, which should have asked for this thread. They were in tempo in pelOton to attack later. Something we see a lot from newcomers. Last night a greenhorn, Greenedge Sky, did the same.

Last night we also had two brothers, Hentai and Anime FC, and two Austrian hotel workers, wolfsblut and KAISERSCHMARRN, with the same IP.

As long as each time rides in their own interest, then I don't see a "multi" problem.

Just cause teams using the same IP work together a bit doesn't mean they're multis. Especially when they're new to this game.

There are teams with different IPs here, who work together after having discussed their tactics via Skype or ICQ or whereever else. It's easier for the pelOton to know two teams know eachother. Same IP is fairer, than hiding the real life (or elsewhere virtual life - other game - other chatrooms ect) connection.

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