Sardegna 22h-fairplay abuse by luna team bike/Change a rule!

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Sardegna 22h-fairplay abuse by luna team bike/Change a rule!

Post by NoPikouze » Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:57 am

3. Chained Attacks.
More than 2 riders of a team, who, through attack or following, escape out of a group.
This rule is deactivated if more than 10 riders from at least.4 teams are represented or if the original group has less than 15 riders.
This rule is deactivated too, in the last 20km of a race and if the road rises 4% and more.
Change this fucking rule! I've told it at least twice now. And just got screwed by a rule-abuser.

This rule says that an attack out of the peloton of 1+1+1+8 riders (number per team) would be ok. IS THAT RIGHT ?

I dont think so.
What, is this not a realistic example ... ?
Km: 143, Stijging: 0
Ben Hesse (DORIA) demarreert.
Djakhongir Khamidullayev (DORIA) demarreert.
Felipe Jalapeno (Club Nautico) springt mee.
Maris Taurins (Luna Team Bike) springt mee.
Victors Lidums (Luna Team Bike) springt mee.
Karl Anton (casablanca) springt mee.
Andrea Berardi (Club Nautico) springt mee.
Andris Zirnis (Luna Team Bike) springt mee.
Denis Marconato (VeloPiemonte ) springt mee.
Hector Salazar (VeloPiemonte ) springt mee.
Hwang Sun (PerfectCouilles) springt mee.

VeloPiemonte : Km: 143, Steigung: 0Ben Hesse (DORIA) attackiert Djakhongir Khamidullayev (DORIA) attackiert Felipe Jalapeno (Club Nautico) geht mitMaris Taurins (Luna Team Bike) geht mitVictors Lidums (Luna Team Bike) geht mitKarl Anton (casablanca) geht mitAndrea Berardi (Club Nautico) geht mitAndris Zirnis (Luna Team Bike) geht mitDenis Marconato (VeloPiemonte ) geht mitHector Salazar (VeloPiemonte ) geht mitHwang Sun (PerfectCouilles) geht mit
NoPikouze: right (at this point I counted 10 followers on Khamidullayev (DORIA), thats why it seemed "ok". But actually its only 9)
NoPikouze: hmm yes
VeloPiemonte : perfect was also in front
VeloPiemonte : was 11 riders
NoPikouze: 10 is not more than 10
Luna Team Bike: hahaha, yes of course :)
NoPikouze: Chained Attacks.More than 2 riders of a team, who, through attack or following, escape out of a group.This rule is deactivated if more than 10 riders from at least.4 teams are represented or if the original group has less than 15 riders.
NoPikouze: oh and luna, isnt that a teamattack ?
So well, after all, this seems to be a forbidden teamattack. Since they are only 10! What can you do about it ? Give me my power, my time and my money back ? I guess not, so let's be serious...

But my initial point was, with 1 attacker and 10 followers (didnt happen, but for example), which makes 11, but counting the potential illegal attackers, its just bullshit. You cannot count more than 2 riders from each team. Otherwise 1+1+1+8 is actually ok. So, please change the rule!
Its necessary since those italian people are playing the game borderline, always deciding unrealistic but unprovable alliances on messenger or icq or whatever, and thus killing the race.

Just for info, the whole chat anyway:

casablanca: il va etre mort demain
casablanca: par contre son 89 a bcp travaillé
casablanca: donc c mort pour moi
casablanca: ok
NoPikouze: mais attention avec plus de 10-12 d'écart en plat c'est quasi insuivable
NoPikouze: celle du 89 plat aussi ;)
Coroncina: domani non ci sono a domani l'altro
casablanca: faudra prendre ta roue c'est ça?
casablanca: lol
casablanca: ouai
NoPikouze: au moins jvais pouvoir foutre le bordel maintenant...
NoPikouze: normal de sucer ya une bataille pour le général aussi
casablanca: mais vu le contexte...
casablanca: car j'ai sucé les roues
casablanca: victoire amere
casablanca: ça fait chier des courses comme ça
casablanca: ouai merci Nopik
Luna Team Bike: gw
Club Nautico: bonoooo :)
NoPikouze: jsuis content que ce soit pas eux :)
NoPikouze: bonne lecture casa
VeloPiemonte : pa parlare contro e' bravo, pero a succhiare la ruota capacissimo, l'ipocrita francese del cazzo
PerfectCouilles: bien joué
Genius: nice stage
Club Nautico: va bene :)
Club Nautico: ti piace vincere facile:D
Coroncina: peccato
casablanca: thank you
Club Nautico: gw
casablanca: yes
Bovakian-Nairn: gw casa
NoPikouze: bien
Team Lulu: gw
pontepiscopiens: gw
Bovakian-Nairn: close NoPik
NoPikouze: allez casa ;)
Genius: Luna is not fair if you win without efort
NoPikouze: FUCK
NoPikouze: nooooo
NoPikouze: without their borderline-unfair attack i think you're durch hehe
Genius: nice try Lulu but you have unluck
PerfectCouilles: :/
Bovakian-Nairn: you love every tour Nopik, no matter how stupid it gets ;)
NoPikouze: i'm going to love this tour ^^
Team Lulu: doria who you riding for, pissing me off...
casablanca: d'arranger ok, mais à ce point...
NoPikouze: hintersprenkler give more power please...
casablanca: ouai ça devrait etre interdit
PerfectCouilles: bah oui, ça tue la course ... bref
casablanca: c'est pour ça que le gars a suivi avec ses 3 gars
NoPikouze: DORIA can you buy a brain ?
casablanca: je le saurai à l'avenir
casablanca: ah ok
PerfectCouilles: C'est pas bizarre, ils roulent toujours ensemble ces deux là...
NoPikouze: ouais... ben entre l'un qui court comme un idiot et les autres qui s'entraident sur msn...
casablanca: bizarre que le meilleur rouleur roule pour l'autre...
casablanca: tu as deja couru avec eux ?
casablanca: je ne comprends pas en effet nopik
casablanca: yes
NoPikouze: he has also the best TT skill so if you ride for him he wins the tour...
casablanca: just a question cause you're 3
casablanca: luna you don't want to help in front?
NoPikouze: you have chances with your climber
NoPikouze: forever, tempo to win the stage ?
VeloPiemonte : Km: 143, Steigung: 0Ben Hesse (DORIA) attackiert Djakhongir Khamidullayev (DORIA) attackiert Felipe Jalapeno (Club Nautico) geht mitMaris Taurins (Luna Team Bike) geht mitVictors Lidums (Luna Team Bike) geht mitKarl Anton (casablanca) geht mitAndrea Berardi (Club Nautico) geht mitAndris Zirnis (Luna Team Bike) geht mitDenis Marconato (VeloPiemonte ) geht mitHector Salazar (VeloPiemonte ) geht mitHwang Sun (PerfectCouilles) geht mit
NoPikouze: right
NoPikouze: hmm yes
VeloPiemonte : perfect was also in front
VeloPiemonte : was 11 riders
NoPikouze: 10 is not more than 10
Luna Team Bike: hahaha, yes of course :)
NoPikouze: Chained Attacks.More than 2 riders of a team, who, through attack or following, escape out of a group.This rule is deactivated if more than 10 riders from at least.4 teams are represented or if the original group has less than 15 riders.
NoPikouze: oh and luna, isnt that a teamattack ?
Luna Team Bike: thank's' perfect :)
NoPikouze: fucking joke
PerfectCouilles: he loves to ride for luna
NoPikouze: DORIA, no sprinter, no TT guy, no classic guy... Maybe you can stop tempo, no ?
Genius: gw Lulu
Club Nautico: sul lungo fosso
Coroncina: ?
Coroncina: Club Nautico? di Poggibonsi? e le barche dove le mettete
Coroncina: ahahah
Club Nautico: si e del cucchiaio
Luna Team Bike: della forchetta........
Luna Team Bike: sisi, coroncina, lui corre ancora, e' un professionista..
NoPikouze: forever, you want to try to win the stage with me ?
Club Nautico: io no sono di un'altra provincia
Coroncina: o cazzo mi sono sbagliato se sei quello che penso corri ancora
Luna Team Bike: LO sai che la mia famiglia viene da siena?? :D
Luna Team Bike: tu non puoi capire
Club Nautico: :D
Club Nautico: è?
Luna Team Bike: allora e' un cittino :D grande :D
Coroncina: sei ex pro?
Club Nautico: prrrrrrrr
Club Nautico: alla faccia dei liguri
Club Nautico: altro toscano:D
Club Nautico: ma dai :D
Club Nautico: sei senese?
Coroncina: io di Siena
Genius: i;m from Romania, please teach me how i send fair play points
Coroncina: O bene
Club Nautico: i
Club Nautico: in provincia di chappari?
Club Nautico: zi zi
Genius: Romania
Luna Team Bike: Io???? di monculi sul garda, conosci??
Club Nautico: da come tu scrivi mi sa che sei di brozzi
Club Nautico: te ?
Club Nautico: io sono di quel di poggibonsi
Luna Team Bike: forse di lamporecchio??
Luna Team Bike: club nautico, te di dove sei??
Club Nautico: coroncina cucù di dove tu sei te?
VeloPiemonte : coroncina, di dove sei'
Coroncina: or better 7 1
Coroncina: = Italia 2 England 0
Coroncina: Milan Arsenal 4 0
NoPikouze: and forever ;)
PerfectCouilles: bye bye chelsea :/
Coroncina: Napoli Chalse 3 1
NoPikouze: hintersprenkler can you help me ?
Bovakian-Nairn: maybe I'll get them later in the tour ;)
NoPikouze: you only lacked 4 minutes :D
Bovakian-Nairn: thank you NoPik :P
Club Nautico: togli tempoooooo
Club Nautico: ora aspetto
NoPikouze: nice try granpa :)
Luna Team Bike: aspettiamo marco
NoPikouze: why do you stop? :p
casablanca: moi j'ai pas de rouleur pour controler a la fin...
casablanca: ouai c'est tendu
Club Nautico: ;)
Luna Team Bike: bova, why you make tempo?
Bovakian-Nairn: Hi Nautico :)
NoPikouze: mais assez dur a controler pour moi, j'ai pas bcp dequipiers
NoPikouze: moyen, vu que je vise l'étape ;)
Club Nautico: bova good evening :)
casablanca: lol
casablanca: ça a rouler trop fort au début
casablanca: pas moi
casablanca: ben tu y crois à celle là toi?
NoPikouze: quand tu pense qu'un jour une échappée peut aller au bout essaie de mettre un coureur dedans
VeloPiemonte : i help later
VeloPiemonte : you want mountain points,m i have no chance
Club Nautico: I hope!!!
VeloPiemonte : after the mountain
Club Nautico: velo tempo
NoPikouze: best marco pantani
NoPikouze: best climber
Club Nautico: thanks
forever: i dont understand nopiko
NoPikouze: grazie
forever: good luck
Luna Team Bike: che vuole questo quea???
forever: :(
forever: :D
forever: bye
forever: i'm go out
casablanca: ça va laisser des traces Nopik
forever: ok ciao ciao
Club Nautico: facci andare per la rossa:D
Club Nautico: sei un peso:D
Club Nautico: simooooooooo
NoPikouze: luna/nautico, i dont like forever
Luna Team Bike: pepe...wait us please
Luna Team Bike: sera gente
NoPikouze: you have also 88 mountain
NoPikouze: forever, stay in peloton pls
Team Lulu: hi nopik
NoPikouze: lulu!
VeloPiemonte : @peperefm: when do you want learn to play a little?
casablanca: mais j'étais pas là
casablanca: ouai ça aurait pu
casablanca: ah ok
Team Lulu: abend
NoPikouze: course du pays d'aix... avec 5-6 vers la fin et plat ensuite
casablanca: yavait quoi
casablanca: hier?
Club Nautico: hi all
NoPikouze: possible ca dépend des courses... hier il devait etre devant
casablanca: j'arrive pas a trouver le bon gars, sans que ça coute trop cher en salaire
casablanca: c'est con
casablanca: il arrive jamais à suivre les bons
casablanca: ouai mais il est trop juste en montagne anton
NoPikouze: ah il a que 23 ans hmm... en tout cas l'autre est tres bon
casablanca: OK, mais ukawa vaut pas grand chose et un bon coéquipier coute tres cher
NoPikouze: ce sera pour 75-80 ou pour un grimpeur... si on arrive a sortir. Mais avec bcp de gens en tempo ca c'est pas sur a 100%
NoPikouze: un petit conseil, anton et ukawa sont un peu doublons, vends le plus nul et achete un bon equipier a anton, il pourra gagner des courses
casablanca: ça monte pas mal non?
NoPikouze: avec tes coureurs tu devrais faire des placettes et gagner de l'argent en tt cas
casablanca: tu sens ça comment aujourd'hui? arrivée au sprint?
casablanca: sauf que comme le budget est très juste c'est bien de prendre de l'argent en gagnant
casablanca: ouai c'est clair, moi c'est pareil
NoPikouze: je cours pas pour l'argent... une etape et le tour serait bien
casablanca: va falloir remplir la cagnotte...
Coroncina: escape?
PerfectCouilles: Hola !
NoPikouze: un peu trop... lol
casablanca: Nopik tu as l'air bien armé pour cette course
NoPikouze: hey hey
forever: g.evening
casablanca: hi
Bovakian-Nairn: No we are here for you to pull us all along ;)
NoPikouze: nobody for mass sprints :(


Km: 171, Stijging: 5
Giorgio Marra (Coroncina) demarreert.
Ettore Salimbene (Coroncina) kan niet weg komen.
Christophe Stettoni (Romania Cycling) kan niet weg komen.
Daniele Gasparini (DORIA) kan niet weg komen.
José Capablanca (Blues Cycling) kan niet weg komen.
Shahrukh Khan (Hintersprenkler) kan niet weg komen.
Rahsaan Bishop (Team Lulu) demarreert.
Matti Myllylä (forever) kan niet volgen.
Neil Abbot (Blues Cycling) kan niet weg komen.
Oscar Cardozo (Blues Cycling) kan niet weg komen.
Arnthor Elfarsson (casablanca) demarreert.
Manfred Kallenbach (Hintersprenkler) kan niet weg komen.
Mirjaqip Qoshqarbaev (NoPikouze) demarreert.
Hong Chul (PerfectCouilles) kan niet volgen.
Roger Bissli (forever) kan niet volgen.
Michel Chabineau (Bovakian-Nairn) kan niet weg komen.
Victors Lidums (Luna Team Bike) demarreert.
Andrea Berardi (Club Nautico) kan niet volgen.
Maris Taurins (Luna Team Bike) demarreert.
Felipe Jalapeno (Club Nautico) demarreert.
Karl Anton (casablanca) springt mee.
Denis Marconato (VeloPiemonte ) demarreert.
Andris Zirnis (Luna Team Bike) kan niet volgen.

500 tot de finish
Karl Anton (casablanca) zet de sprint in.
Brad Wiggins (pontepiscopiens) zet de sprint in.
Brad Wiggins (pontepiscopiens):
Daniel Betrand (pontepiscopiens) probeert in het wiel te komen.
Daniel Betrand (pontepiscopiens) pakt zijn wiel.
Arnthor Elfarsson (casablanca) zet de sprint in.
Stone Gerner (pontepiscopiens) zet de sprint in.
Stone Gerner (pontepiscopiens):
Laurent Desquer (pontepiscopiens) probeert in het wiel te komen.
Laurent Desquer (pontepiscopiens) pakt zijn wiel.
Hidetochi Ukawa (casablanca) zet de sprint in.
Andrey Contador (Romania Cycling) zet de sprint in.
Christophe Stettoni (Romania Cycling) zet de sprint in.
Andrey Rujano (Romania Cycling) zet de sprint in.
Andrey Merckx (Romania Cycling) zet de sprint in.
Andrey Cancellara (Romania Cycling) zet de sprint in.
Andrey Pantani (Romania Cycling) zet de sprint in.

450 tot de finish

400 tot de finish

350 tot de finish
Hwang Sun (PerfectCouilles) zet de sprint in.
Hwang Sun (PerfectCouilles):
Ewan MacPherson (PerfectCouilles) probeert in het wiel te komen.
Ewan MacPherson (PerfectCouilles) pakt zijn wiel.

300 tot de finish
Didou Bertal (peperefm) zet de sprint in.

250 tot de finish
Marc Goos (NoPikouze) zet de sprint in.
Lets Gooo (peperefm) zet de sprint in.

200 tot de finish
Léa Bertal (peperefm) zet de sprint in.
Ettore Salimbene (Coroncina) zet de sprint in.

150 tot de finish
Michel Chabineau (Bovakian-Nairn) zet de sprint in.
Felice Picolo (Genius) zet de sprint in.
Jarni Baliaska (Bovakian-Nairn) zet de sprint in.
Timéo Bertal (peperefm) zet de sprint in.
Timéo Bertal (peperefm):
Jeff Bertal (peperefm) probeert in het wiel te komen.
Jeff Bertal (peperefm) pakt zijn wiel.

100 tot de finish
Yves Didier (Bovakian-Nairn) zet de sprint in.
Marco Serafino (DORIA) zet de sprint in.
Marco Serafino (DORIA):
Daniele Gasparini (DORIA) probeert in het wiel te komen.
Daniele Gasparini (DORIA) pakt zijn wiel.
Thomas Veukler (peperefm) zet de sprint in.

50 tot de finish
Denis Marconato (VeloPiemonte ) zet de sprint in.
Andrea Berardi (Club Nautico) zet de sprint in.
Felipe Jalapeno (Club Nautico) zet de sprint in.
Hector Salazar (VeloPiemonte ) zet de sprint in.
Maris Taurins (Luna Team Bike) zet de sprint in.
Victors Lidums (Luna Team Bike) zet de sprint in.
Andris Zirnis (Luna Team Bike) zet de sprint in.
Mirjaqip Qoshqarbaev (NoPikouze) zet de sprint in.
Rahsaan Bishop (Team Lulu) zet de sprint in.
Maksim Zavarov (NoPikouze) zet de sprint in.
José Capablanca (Blues Cycling) zet de sprint in.
Roger Bissli (forever) zet de sprint in.
Matti Myllylä (forever) zet de sprint in.
Giorgio Marra (Coroncina) zet de sprint in.
Jochen Träger (Hintersprenkler) zet de sprint in.
Randy Hickey (Team Lulu) zet de sprint in.
Federico Stephano (casablanca) moet lossen.
Ramon Sanchez (Luna Team Bike) moet lossen.
Alex Magro (DORIA) moet lossen.
Alex Rasmusen (Genius) moet lossen.
Daniyal Qunanbayuli (NoPikouze) moet lossen.
Pablo Scacinos (Club Nautico) moet lossen.
Jeannot Jijon (casablanca) moet lossen.
Hugo Bertal (peperefm) moet lossen.
Andrey Merckx (Romania Cycling) moet lossen.
Andrey Rujano (Romania Cycling) moet lossen.
Andrea Conte (DORIA) moet lossen.
Brandon Pirri (Blues Cycling) moet lossen.
Vitu Barine (VeloPiemonte ) moet lossen.
Dwight Prince (Team Lulu) moet lossen.
Stefano Bia (forever) moet lossen.
Gilbert Duclos (peperefm) moet lossen.
Philippe Broyles (NoPikouze) moet lossen.
Juan Desperado (Club Nautico) moet lossen.
Morgan Grimes (NoPikouze) moet lossen.
Orihime Inoue (casablanca) moet lossen.
Alessio Cruto (VeloPiemonte ) moet lossen.
Riccardo Lenti (Luna Team Bike) moet lossen.
Yves Didier (Bovakian-Nairn) moet lossen.
Felice Picolo (Genius) moet lossen.
Ivan Surla (Blues Cycling) moet lossen.
Piet Kamsma (Team Lulu) wordt voorbijgereden.
Rasmus Quade (Genius) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen
Lets Gooo (peperefm) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen
Paollo Bettini (Genius) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen
Phalan Davis (Genius) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen
Léa Bertal (peperefm) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen
Robert Leger (pontepiscopiens) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 170, Stijging: 3
Matti Myllylä (forever) kan niet weg komen.
Michel Chabineau (Bovakian-Nairn) kan niet weg komen.
Serguei Botcharov (Blues Cycling) kan geen aflossing doen.
Karnam Malleswari (Hintersprenkler) kan geen aflossing doen.
Didou Bertal (peperefm) kan geen aflossing doen.
Robert Leger (pontepiscopiens) kan geen aflossing doen.
Jarni Baliaska (Bovakian-Nairn) kan geen aflossing doen.
Shahrukh Khan (Hintersprenkler) kan geen aflossing doen.
Marc Goos (NoPikouze) kan geen aflossing doen.
Brad Wiggins (pontepiscopiens) kan geen aflossing doen.
Manfred Kallenbach (Hintersprenkler) kan geen aflossing doen.
Djakhongir Khamidullayev (DORIA) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 169, Stijging: 2
Andrey Indurain (Romania Cycling) kan geen aflossing doen.
Andrey Cancellara (Romania Cycling) kan geen aflossing doen.
Andrey Armstrong (Romania Cycling) kan geen aflossing doen.
Andrey Merckx (Romania Cycling) kan geen aflossing doen.
Andrey Rujano (Romania Cycling) kan geen aflossing doen.
Andrey Contador (Romania Cycling) kan geen aflossing doen.
Djakhongir Khamidullayev (DORIA) kan geen aflossing doen.
Andrea Berardi (Club Nautico) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 168, Stijging: 2
Thomas Veukler (peperefm) kan niet weg komen.
Andrey Pantani (Romania Cycling) kan geen aflossing doen.
Christophe Stettoni (Romania Cycling) kan geen aflossing doen.
Stone Gerner (pontepiscopiens) kan geen aflossing doen.
Léa Bertal (peperefm) kan geen aflossing doen.
Andris Zirnis (Luna Team Bike) kan geen aflossing doen.
Maris Taurins (Luna Team Bike) kan geen aflossing doen.
Djakhongir Khamidullayev (DORIA) kan geen aflossing doen.
Andrea Berardi (Club Nautico) kan geen aflossing doen.
Ben Hesse (DORIA) kan geen aflossing doen.
Denis Marconato (VeloPiemonte ) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 167, Stijging: 0

Km: 166, Stijging: 1
Léa Bertal (peperefm) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 165, Stijging: 0
Andris Zirnis (Luna Team Bike) kan geen aflossing doen.
Andrea Berardi (Club Nautico) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 164, Stijging: 2
Léa Bertal (peperefm) kan niet weg komen.
Léa Bertal (peperefm) kan geen aflossing doen.
Andris Zirnis (Luna Team Bike) kan geen aflossing doen.
Andrea Berardi (Club Nautico) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 163, Stijging: 1
Andrea Berardi (Club Nautico) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 162, Stijging: 1
Andris Zirnis (Luna Team Bike) kan geen aflossing doen.
Andrea Berardi (Club Nautico) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 161, Stijging: 1
Andris Zirnis (Luna Team Bike) kan geen aflossing doen.
Andrea Berardi (Club Nautico) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 160, Stijging: 0

Km: 159, Stijging: 1
Andris Zirnis (Luna Team Bike) kan geen aflossing doen.
Andrea Berardi (Club Nautico) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 158, Stijging: 1
Andris Zirnis (Luna Team Bike) kan geen aflossing doen.
Hector Salazar (VeloPiemonte ) kan geen aflossing doen.
Andrea Berardi (Club Nautico) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 157, Stijging: 1

Km: 156, Stijging: 0

Km: 155, Stijging: 1

Km: 154, Stijging: 0
Leon Gutendorf (casablanca) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 153, Stijging: 0
Leon Gutendorf (casablanca) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 152, Stijging: 0

Km: 151, Stijging: 0

Km: 150, Stijging: 0

Km: 149, Stijging: -1

Km: 148, Stijging: 0

Km: 147, Stijging: 0

Km: 146, Stijging: 0

Km: 145, Stijging: 0

Km: 144, Stijging: -1

Km: 143, Stijging: 0
Ben Hesse (DORIA) demarreert.
Djakhongir Khamidullayev (DORIA) demarreert.
Felipe Jalapeno (Club Nautico) springt mee.
Maris Taurins (Luna Team Bike) springt mee.
Victors Lidums (Luna Team Bike) springt mee.
Karl Anton (casablanca) springt mee.
Andrea Berardi (Club Nautico) springt mee.
Andris Zirnis (Luna Team Bike) springt mee.
Denis Marconato (VeloPiemonte ) springt mee.
Hector Salazar (VeloPiemonte ) springt mee.
Hwang Sun (PerfectCouilles) springt mee.

Km: 142, Stijging: -1

Km: 141, Stijging: 0

Km: 140, Stijging: -1

Km: 139, Stijging: 0

Km: 138, Stijging: -1

Km: 137, Stijging: -1

Km: 136, Stijging: -1
Piet Kamsma (Team Lulu) demarreert.
Rik VanGils (Team Lulu) demarreert.

Km: 135, Stijging: 0

Km: 134, Stijging: -1

Km: 133, Stijging: -1

Km: 132, Stijging: -1

Km: 131, Stijging: -1

Km: 130, Stijging: -1
Marco Corsi (VeloPiemonte ) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen
Vitu Barine (VeloPiemonte ) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen
Inigo Ichebarria (VeloPiemonte ) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen

Km: 129, Stijging: -2

1.Inigo Ichebarria (VeloPiemonte ): 6
2.Marco Corsi (VeloPiemonte ): 4
3.Yves Didier (Bovakian-Nairn): 2

Km: 128, Stijging: 0

500 tot de finish

450 tot de finish

400 tot de finish

350 tot de finish

300 tot de finish

250 tot de finish

200 tot de finish

150 tot de finish

100 tot de finish

50 tot de finish
Marco Corsi (VeloPiemonte ) zet de sprint in.

Km: 127, Stijging: 2

Km: 126, Stijging: -1

Km: 125, Stijging: 0
Marco Corsi (VeloPiemonte ) demarreert.
Michael Tonini (Bovakian-Nairn) springt mee.
Oscar Parra (Luna Team Bike) springt mee.
Daniyal Qunanbayuli (NoPikouze) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 124, Stijging: 0
Carlos Ruiz (Bovakian-Nairn) demarreert.
Yves Didier (Bovakian-Nairn) demarreert.
Inigo Ichebarria (VeloPiemonte ) demarreert.

Km: 123, Stijging: 1

Km: 122, Stijging: -1
Marco Corsi (VeloPiemonte ) demarreert.

Km: 121, Stijging: 5
Marco Corsi (VeloPiemonte ) kan niet weg komen.
Curtis Lemansky (NoPikouze) moet lossen.

Km: 120, Stijging: 1

Km: 119, Stijging: 2

Km: 118, Stijging: 0

Km: 117, Stijging: 0

Km: 116, Stijging: 0

Km: 115, Stijging: -3

Km: 114, Stijging: 0

Km: 113, Stijging: 2

Km: 112, Stijging: 0

Km: 111, Stijging: 0

Km: 110, Stijging: 0

Km: 109, Stijging: -2

Km: 108, Stijging: 1

Km: 107, Stijging: 1

Km: 106, Stijging: 0

Km: 105, Stijging: -4

Km: 104, Stijging: 3

Km: 103, Stijging: 2

Km: 102, Stijging: -2

Km: 101, Stijging: -3

Km: 100, Stijging: -1

Km: 99, Stijging: -3

Km: 98, Stijging: -4

Km: 97, Stijging: -4

Km: 96, Stijging: -8

Km: 95, Stijging: -6

Km: 94, Stijging: -2

Km: 93, Stijging: 2

Km: 92, Stijging: 0

Km: 91, Stijging: 4

Km: 90, Stijging: 2

Km: 89, Stijging: 3

Km: 88, Stijging: 4

Km: 87, Stijging: 4

Km: 86, Stijging: 0

Km: 85, Stijging: 5

Km: 84, Stijging: 1

Km: 83, Stijging: 1

Km: 82, Stijging: 0

Km: 81, Stijging: 2

Km: 80, Stijging: 5

Km: 79, Stijging: 3

Km: 78, Stijging: 1

Km: 77, Stijging: -1

Km: 76, Stijging: 0

Km: 75, Stijging: 1

Km: 74, Stijging: 1

Km: 73, Stijging: 0

Km: 72, Stijging: 2

Km: 71, Stijging: -1

Km: 70, Stijging: 1

Km: 69, Stijging: -1

Km: 68, Stijging: -2

Km: 67, Stijging: 0

Km: 66, Stijging: 0

Km: 65, Stijging: -3

Km: 64, Stijging: 0

Km: 63, Stijging: 1

Km: 62, Stijging: 0

Km: 61, Stijging: -1

Km: 60, Stijging: -1

Km: 59, Stijging: -1

Km: 58, Stijging: -1
Pablo Scacinos (Club Nautico) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen
Pedro Decastillo (Club Nautico) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen

Km: 57, Stijging: -3
Pedro Decastillo (Club Nautico) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen

Km: 56, Stijging: -1
Pedro Decastillo (Club Nautico) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen

Km: 55, Stijging: -3
Pedro Decastillo (Club Nautico) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen

Km: 54, Stijging: -6
Pedro Decastillo (Club Nautico) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen

Km: 53, Stijging: -12
Gavin Monnion (forever) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 52, Stijging: -3

Bergwertung 1. Kategorie:
1.Pedro Decastillo (Club Nautico): 15
2.Oscar Parra (Luna Team Bike): 10
3.Vitu Barine (VeloPiemonte ): 6
4.Inigo Ichebarria (VeloPiemonte ): 4
5.Michael Tonini (Bovakian-Nairn): 2

Km: 51, Stijging: 13

500 tot de finish

450 tot de finish

400 tot de finish

350 tot de finish

300 tot de finish

250 tot de finish

200 tot de finish

150 tot de finish

100 tot de finish

50 tot de finish
Carl Brightwater (PerfectCouilles) moet lossen.
Pascal Ortega (Bovakian-Nairn) moet lossen.
Federico Stephano (casablanca) moet lossen.
Ramon Sanchez (Luna Team Bike) moet lossen.
Paolo Scarselli (Luna Team Bike) moet lossen.
Rasmus Quade (Genius) moet lossen.
Carlos Frontias (PerfectCouilles) moet lossen.
Daniyal Qunanbayuli (NoPikouze) moet lossen.
Danielle Benatti (Genius) moet lossen.
Alex Magro (DORIA) moet lossen.
Alex Rasmusen (Genius) moet lossen.
Emanuel Qinziato (Genius) moet lossen.
Hugo Garrido (PerfectCouilles) moet lossen.
Andrey Indurain (Romania Cycling) moet lossen.
Jeannot Jijon (casablanca) moet lossen.
Alfonso Busillo (Coroncina) moet lossen.
Lets Gooo (peperefm) moet lossen.
Didier Lebouler (pontepiscopiens) moet lossen.
Andrey Cancellara (Romania Cycling) moet lossen.
Andrey Armstrong (Romania Cycling) moet lossen.
Andrey Merckx (Romania Cycling) moet lossen.
Andrey Rujano (Romania Cycling) moet lossen.
Kalojan Arsov (Blues Cycling) moet lossen.
Andrea Conte (DORIA) moet lossen.
Brandon Pirri (Blues Cycling) moet lossen.
Norberto Fidenza (forever) moet lossen.
Adrian Klimof (PerfectCouilles) moet lossen.
Christophe Stettoni (Romania Cycling) moet lossen.
Andrey Contador (Romania Cycling) moet lossen.
Dwight Prince (Team Lulu) moet lossen.
Paollo Bettini (Genius) moet lossen.
Ernesto Sparapiano (Coroncina) moet lossen.
Phalan Davis (Genius) moet lossen.
Hartmut Schade (Hintersprenkler) moet lossen.
Pippo Gionny (Coroncina) moet lossen.
Philippe Broyles (NoPikouze) moet lossen.
Stone Gerner (pontepiscopiens) moet lossen.
Gavin Monnion (forever) moet lossen.
Piet Kamsma (Team Lulu) moet lossen.
Gerd Heidler (Hintersprenkler) moet lossen.
Juan Desperado (Club Nautico) moet lossen.
Morgan Grimes (NoPikouze) moet lossen.
Orihime Inoue (casablanca) moet lossen.
Artuto Puzzi (Coroncina) moet lossen.
Ale Virgi (Coroncina) moet lossen.
Virgilius Dögl (Team Lulu) moet lossen.
Timéo Bertal (peperefm) moet lossen.
Jeff Bertal (peperefm) moet lossen.
Riccardo Lenti (Luna Team Bike) moet lossen.
Léa Bertal (peperefm) moet lossen.
Marco Corsi (VeloPiemonte ) moet lossen.
Yves Didier (Bovakian-Nairn) moet lossen.
Felice Picolo (Genius) moet lossen.
Fabio Feline (Genius) moet lossen.
Curtis Lemansky (NoPikouze) moet lossen.
Ivan Surla (Blues Cycling) moet lossen.
Burkhard Hemmersbach (PerfectCouilles) moet lossen.
Andrey Armstrong (Romania Cycling) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen
Alessio Cruto (VeloPiemonte ) kan geen aflossing doen.
Curtis Lemansky (NoPikouze) kan geen aflossing doen.
Oscar Parra (Luna Team Bike) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 50, Stijging: 3
Pedro Decastillo (Club Nautico) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 49, Stijging: 6
Hugo Bertal (peperefm) demarreert.
Pablo Scacinos (Club Nautico) moet lossen.
Gilbert Duclos (peperefm) moet lossen.

Km: 48, Stijging: 2

Km: 47, Stijging: 0

Km: 46, Stijging: -3
Hugo Bertal (peperefm) demarreert.

Km: 45, Stijging: -15

Bergwertung 2. Kategorie:
1.Oscar Parra (Luna Team Bike): 10
2.Pedro Decastillo (Club Nautico): 6
3.Inigo Ichebarria (VeloPiemonte ): 4
4.Vitu Barine (VeloPiemonte ): 2
5.Gilbert Duclos (peperefm): 1

Km: 44, Stijging: 7

500 tot de finish

450 tot de finish

400 tot de finish

350 tot de finish

300 tot de finish

250 tot de finish

200 tot de finish

150 tot de finish

100 tot de finish

50 tot de finish
Daniyal Qunanbayuli (NoPikouze) moet lossen.
Philippe Broyles (NoPikouze) moet lossen.
Gavin Monnion (forever) moet lossen.
Curtis Lemansky (NoPikouze) moet lossen.
Inigo Ichebarria (VeloPiemonte ) moet lossen.
Vitu Barine (VeloPiemonte ) moet lossen.
Curtis Lemansky (NoPikouze) kan geen aflossing doen.
Vitu Barine (VeloPiemonte ) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 43, Stijging: 12
Michel Chabineau (Bovakian-Nairn) demarreert.
José Capablanca (Blues Cycling) springt mee.
Daniele Gasparini (DORIA) springt mee.
Michael Tonini (Bovakian-Nairn) demarreert.
Oscar Cardozo (Blues Cycling) kan niet volgen.

Km: 42, Stijging: 6
Pablo Scacinos (Club Nautico) moet lossen.
Gilbert Duclos (peperefm) moet lossen.
Pablo Scacinos (Club Nautico) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 41, Stijging: 4

Km: 40, Stijging: -1

Km: 39, Stijging: 0

Km: 38, Stijging: 1

Km: 37, Stijging: -4
Hugo Bertal (peperefm) kan niet weg komen.

Km: 36, Stijging: 1

Km: 35, Stijging: 4

Km: 34, Stijging: 0

Km: 33, Stijging: -9

Km: 32, Stijging: 4

Km: 31, Stijging: 0

Km: 30, Stijging: -1

Km: 29, Stijging: -2

Km: 28, Stijging: 6
Philippe Broyles (NoPikouze) moet lossen.

Km: 27, Stijging: 0

Km: 26, Stijging: 0

Km: 25, Stijging: -1

Km: 24, Stijging: -2

Km: 23, Stijging: 0

Km: 22, Stijging: 2

Km: 21, Stijging: 0

Km: 20, Stijging: 0

Km: 19, Stijging: 0

Km: 18, Stijging: 0

Km: 17, Stijging: 0
Gavin Monnion (forever) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen

Km: 16, Stijging: 2

1.Gilbert Duclos (peperefm): 6
2.Inigo Ichebarria (VeloPiemonte ): 4
3.Vitu Barine (VeloPiemonte ): 2

Km: 15, Stijging: 0

500 tot de finish

450 tot de finish

400 tot de finish

350 tot de finish

300 tot de finish

250 tot de finish

200 tot de finish

150 tot de finish

100 tot de finish
Gilbert Duclos (peperefm) zet de sprint in.
Léa Bertal (peperefm) zet de sprint in.

50 tot de finish
Curtis Lemansky (NoPikouze) zet de sprint in.
Jeff Bertal (peperefm) zet de sprint in.

Km: 14, Stijging: 1

Km: 13, Stijging: 0

Km: 12, Stijging: 0
Pablo Scacinos (Club Nautico) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 11, Stijging: 0
Pablo Scacinos (Club Nautico) kan geen aflossing doen.

Km: 10, Stijging: -1
Ben Hesse (DORIA) kan niet weg komen.
Stefano Parodi (DORIA) kan niet weg komen.

Km: 9, Stijging: 0
Daviduozzo Terrino (forever) demarreert.
Pablo Scacinos (Club Nautico) demarreert.
Gavin Monnion (forever) demarreert.
Pedro Decastillo (Club Nautico) demarreert.
Oscar Parra (Luna Team Bike) springt mee.

Km: 8, Stijging: 0
Gilbert Duclos (peperefm) demarreert.
Inigo Ichebarria (VeloPiemonte ) springt mee.
Vitu Barine (VeloPiemonte ) springt mee.

Km: 7, Stijging: 1

Km: 6, Stijging: 0

Km: 5, Stijging: -2
Stefano Parodi (DORIA) kan niet weg komen.

Km: 4, Stijging: 1
Ben Hesse (DORIA) kan niet weg komen.
Stefano Parodi (DORIA) kan niet weg komen.

Km: 3, Stijging: 2

Km: 2, Stijging: 0

Km: 1, Stijging: 0
Daniyal Qunanbayuli (NoPikouze) kan geen aflossing doen.
Last edited by NoPikouze on Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sardegna 22h - fairplay abuse by luna team bike

Post by Pokemon Club » Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:12 am

Doria and Luna always the same thing, Doria attack, Luna in his wheels, Doria make the tempo in the group and sacrifice his leader for gk when luna do nothing in the group.

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Re: Sardegna 22h-fairplay abuse by luna team bike/Change a r

Post by deghi » Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:44 am

you feel ... I make my race
if anyone knows how to lose, it's not my fault

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Re: Sardegna 22h-fairplay abuse by luna team bike/Change a r

Post by Pokemon Club » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:02 am

deghi wrote:you feel ... I make my race
if anyone knows how to lose, it's not my fault
Are you DORIA?

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Re: Sardegna 22h-fairplay abuse by luna team bike/Change a r

Post by NoPikouze » Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:19 pm

More bad behaviour...
Auxilium as tour favo in the 1st stage of De Panne. Nautico in the frontgroup. Auxilium doesn't like the group and has to ride but its not easy for his team. Nautico and Luna Team Bike jump in tempo to help him and catch the group.
Then right after that....
Km: 30, Stijging: 1

Jose Marti (Club Nautico) demarreert.
Kamoliddin Mirkhaydarov (Luna Team Bike) springt mee.
Obviously I'm not the only one who notices all this mess. In addition to "pirating" the fairness comittee for own purpose and designing unplanned last minute tours for his own leaders who happen to have topform at the right days.
Something has to be done...
Ideas ?

First of all, no giro later than 22h would be a start. And some fines and warnings and prohibition from running together...
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Re: Sardegna 22h-fairplay abuse by luna team bike/Change a r

Post by glasgowracing » Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:51 pm

designing unplanned last minute tours for his own leaders who happen to have topform at the right days.
Something has to be done...
Ideas ?

First of all, no giro later than 22h would be a start. And some fines and warnings and prohibition from running together...
Tours and races in general should be known well in advance. Last minute changes should not happen. Exactly for this reason. Not sure what the deadline should be, but I guess at least no later than about the 15th of eachmonth for races the next month.

auxilium torino
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Re: Sardegna 22h-fairplay abuse by luna team bike/Change a r

Post by auxilium torino » Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:25 am

NoPikouze wrote:More bad behaviour...
Auxilium as tour favo in the 1st stage of De Panne. Nautico in the frontgroup. Auxilium doesn't like the group and has to ride but its not easy for his team. Nautico and Luna Team Bike jump in tempo to help him and catch the group.
Then right after that....
Km: 30, Stijging: 1

Jose Marti (Club Nautico) demarreert.
Kamoliddin Mirkhaydarov (Luna Team Bike) springt mee.
Obviously I'm not the only one who notices all this mess. In addition to "pirating" the fairness comittee for own purpose and designing unplanned last minute tours for his own leaders who happen to have topform at the right days.
Something has to be done...
Ideas ?

First of all, no giro later than 22h would be a start. And some fines and warnings and prohibition from running together...
??? you are not normal? you need help, really!
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
Manager SantiNelli WC 10/10 argento TT
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Re: Sardegna 22h-fairplay abuse by luna team bike/Change a r

Post by Aixteam » Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:28 pm

Maybe I will be insulted but I think we have a problem with italians. They don't want to adapt their behaviour to RSF but they want RSF to change. We had problems with French acceptations, but not so much.
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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Re: Sardegna 22h-fairplay abuse by luna team bike/Change a r

Post by NoPikouze » Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:33 pm

auxilium torino wrote:??? you are not normal? you need help, really!
Why always these personal attacks instead of answering to the accusations ?
Ever and ever the same...

But for the record, you start personal attacks, I will answer the same way.
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Re: Sardegna 22h-fairplay abuse by luna team bike/Change a r

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:07 pm

Problem with Italians? Not really.
Too often they are talking via MSN/skype whatever during the stages... yeah... so did the french. So did groups of germans. And at times that becomes "riding together" to a certain degree... evne if just by knowing more about the plans/goals of the msn/skype partner...
But wouldn't say we have a problem with Italians in general.
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Re: Sardegna 22h-fairplay abuse by luna team bike/Change a r

Post by NoPikouze » Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:20 pm

I also disagree, it's not with "the italians" at all, it's just a group of guys who don't understand fairplay and competition, and destroy everybody else's fun. (excepted leading to dumb discussions in the forum which is also part of the fun, of course).
But... as far as I remember some people got sanctionned for riding for each other (AIX+OL, or am I wrong?). And these guys are 3 or 6 (who knows, with those multi account things), do it over and over again, and nothing happens ?

Of course there is not much provable, but there is some point where it's just too obvious. Maybe it'll be later for the slow-thinking minds... :)
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Re: Sardegna 22h-fairplay abuse by luna team bike/Change a r

Post by Pirkio » Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:00 pm

I don't know what happend I was reading this and the shame of the topic:" No giro after 22 "

Why? Give me one good reason for don't give to me giro h 24 please.
And not only me, I think 12 - 13 team or maybe more will run giro h 24, so If you think 3 italian work togheder why you want to don't give the chance to run the giro to other 9 - 10 or maybe more?

I was the first one who sayd something bad in a little part of Italian comunity, for prize someone says:" MOTORIZZATI OUT FROM FAIRNESS JURY"
I think there is a problem with the italian players.. Yes! A good half of Italian play h 22 - 24 they talk togheder of what happend when they run at 16 - 18 with multies and shit. So follow what you say, don't remove the race at h 24, remove the shit race to h 16 and remove a good half of multies no? Oh no a lot of famous team play h 16, so just cut h 24 and let this Italians go out from the game :lol:

Nopiko.. I'm italian, and I don't like what they doing, if they are doing it for true, but I just don't understand why you want cut off Giro h24
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Re: Sardegna 22h-fairplay abuse by luna team bike/Change a r

Post by Aixteam » Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:02 pm

We weren't sanctionned with Ol because we didn't do anything wrong .. But I say we have a problem with Italians, of course that's said a bit quickly. The problem is that the best Italians in the game are not the fairest .. And they can give bad advices to the new ones.
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

auxilium torino
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Re: Sardegna 22h-fairplay abuse by luna team bike/Change a r

Post by auxilium torino » Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:13 pm

Aixteam wrote:We weren't sanctionned with Ol because we didn't do anything wrong .. But I say we have a problem with Italians, of course that's said a bit quickly. The problem is that the best Italians in the game are not the fairest .. And they can give bad advices to the new ones.
before you this shit speak, follow the race...
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Re: Sardegna 22h-fairplay abuse by luna team bike/Change a r

Post by Aixteam » Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:44 pm

I have to apologize .. I didn't know you were able to speak as Master Yoda !
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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