Farm team

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auxilium torino
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Farm team

Post by auxilium torino » Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:36 pm

Kann jemand kontrollieren die mannschaft:
Team CJ Bonn
Seit 2008 inaktiv, aber mit 9 gutes 22 jahriger in Kader.
jedes anfang zweite monat 9 kaufen und nach 2 monaten wieder verkaufen.
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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US Radler
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Re: Farm team

Post by US Radler » Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:35 pm

der hat sich wohl einfach ein neues team aufgesetzt und züchtet mit dem nurnoch...

frag mich aber was ihm das bringen soll. müsste doch 60% geldsperre haben!!

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Re: Farm team

Post by Quick » Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:51 pm

der fuhr früher mal paar rennen... hm. ist zwar nicht das netteste, aber könnte man solche teams nicht einfach sperren? kann sich dann ein neues machen...besser als dieses gefarme allemal...und da die meistens sowieso ned fahren, bis sie ein übermegatea haben - sprich eh nicht süchtig sind^^ - sollte es ihnen auch kaum viel ausmachen...
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Re: Farm team

Post by auxilium torino » Sat May 01, 2010 12:57 pm

US Radler wrote:der hat sich wohl einfach ein neues team aufgesetzt und züchtet mit dem nurnoch...

frag mich aber was ihm das bringen soll. müsste doch 60% geldsperre haben!!
bringt 9 extra versuchenkaninchen um eine gutes fahrer, und der gutes kann direkt in seine richtiger team aufsteigen, die andere werden einfach weiter verkauft, um 9 neue versuchkaninchen.
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Re: Farm team

Post by auxilium torino » Sat May 01, 2010 1:00 pm

und irgendwie lohnt sich, wenn OHNE zu fahren jedes zweites monat 9 neue kaufen kann
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Re: Farm team

Post by Luna » Sat May 01, 2010 1:05 pm

Man kann sich einfach 10 Teams machen. Und das, wo am besten trainiert wird, nimmt man dann, um damit Rennen zu fahren...

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Re: Farm team

Post by auxilium torino » Sat May 01, 2010 1:14 pm

seit 2 jahre mach die selber spielchen!irgendwie komisch!
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Re: Farm team

Post by NoPikouze » Sun May 02, 2010 9:44 am

What about Milram Team ?
6 races since 24.07.2009
A lot of tranfers every 3 months

5 or 6 good young classic riders on the market like these ... ils=238851 ... ils=238826
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Re: Farm team

Post by auxilium torino » Sun May 02, 2010 11:35 am

buh,bei alte mannschaft unten transfer, einfach jedes name mit pop-up option, um seine tranfere zu sehen!, so weiss mann wo gelandet ist!
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Re: Farm team

Post by Buhmann » Sun May 02, 2010 6:29 pm

I´ll send these teams a ingame message.

Us Lecce
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Re: Farm team

Post by Us Lecce » Mon May 03, 2010 5:39 pm

My idea:
The price of young riders, who trains in a farmteam, but didn't ride till they are saled, is like the price(Marktwert) in the beginning of their career.

65-52-78-71-53 3,5mio
after 4 years:
79-53-78-75-53 normal circa 5,5mio, but if he doens't ride (maybe 10 races), he can only be saled with the price of 3,5mio

So the teams doesn't earn money by transfering and training, if they don't ride a few races with them ...

2. Idea:
a team must have 9 riders(young rider included) or they don't like to train ^^

Team Nüchtern is one of the bad teams -.-

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Re: Farm team

Post by Lizard » Mon May 03, 2010 6:55 pm

Didn´t see this thread, I´ll bring up my idea here:

Hidiho. I just had an idea on farming looking on the chat when the others were talking of Team Nuechtern (as an example here..).

We have this law for riders from the transfer market to bring more money after they were in the team for 50 days (-50%, everyday +1% back). We can do the same for farming, haha. Very good one I have here:

Riders bought which don´t ride any races make you earn less money from day to day to prevent from farming. We might have this little fellow, on the JTM right now:

73-49-73-48-57, 63 Reg (3.320.254 to buy)

So if a team buys the rider he will first get back price minus "Geldsperre" or something around this? It doesn´t mind, let´s say on selling the 21y old we get back 2.8mio. A farm team won´t ride races, so until the rider completed his first race he will lose what he´s worth day to day a percent of his money value. After two months inactiveness the rider won´t bring any money at all (we could also do lose 0.5% each day or something else, doesn´t mind for the idea).
If the team now wants to sell with a plus it is not possible. When selling the rider for 20% or something of his value he gets on the TM and will again cost what his value actually is. When riding a race the rider will earn his actual value aswell. We could also implement that the money for selling will sink after e.g. 15 days of no races (for teams who are active but want to sell an old rider at the beginning of next month or when the JTM is refreshed or something like this).
Now people could say that the farm teams might just ride one race each month to keep the value high. So would they? First, those teams like Team Nuechtern don´t usually have 9 riders at all, and if they have they start with 480k and don´t earn any money because they can´t compete in the race with 9 captains just for money earning.

Example for the climber:
73-49-73-48-57, 63 Reg (3.320.254 to buy), 21y
85-49-74-53-57, 63 Reg (~4.500.000 to buy), 24y (might be a possible training for farming)

So if we do this rule:

4.500.000 (actual value)
4.000.000 (might be something like this the team would get back now, 700k win)
With the new rule: 15 days no change, then every day -1% (-45.000), until 24y 4 months make 120 days, 105 days losing money for selling (of course we can also have a minimum money back), so by this time the rider of the inactive team won´t earn him a bit (105 days - 4.725.000). Even with -0.5% (which by the way sounds better to me) after 105 days the rider brings 2.362.500 credits less, which makes 4.000.000 - 2.362.500 = 1.637.500 credits, 50% loss of the starting 3.3mio to buy him.

How does that sound, ha?

P.S.: Also like Lecce´s suggestion.
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

Hall of Fame:
Adam Wollfinger (73-82-80-47-57, 64 Reg)
Herbert Königsbauer (87-60-66-54-53, 57 Reg)
Manuel Clausen (76-83-63-46-64, 57 Reg)
Tom van Amstel (74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg)

auxilium torino
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Re: Farm team

Post by auxilium torino » Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:34 pm

Ich denke es ist Zeit, etwas zu tun gegen farmteam, und gegen die eintagesTeam (resetteam)!
Bitte hier um Lösungen!

I think it's time to do something seriously against farmteam, and against onedayTeam (resetteam)!
Please,suggest solutions!

reset should be helpful for new!
May be considered a new player who has already won several races??
I will be an 'unfair player that takes advantage of a bug
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Re: Farm team

Post by Allagen » Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:47 pm

Plan A

1) only div 1-3 or 1-4 are able to buy youth-riders

2) automatic sell system: After 8 Weeks without a race, all riders will sell automatic and the team will start with 15 millions or delete and go back to div 7.

3) holiday-option: if you want to do a break, you have to click (at profile) on the "holiday-option", but then you are not able to train riders (only negativ is possible) or to ride, but your riders will not sell by the automatic sell system.

Plan B

we just create a rule: It´s not allowed to have a farmteam. if the fairnes-comitee see a farmteam (a lot of young riders without a race) they delete this team.
RV Allagen. Qualität seit 2006. Erfolg seit 2006.

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Re: Farm team

Post by Luna » Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:56 pm

Suggestion: 3 races free for testing the game. From there on no further action possible until a license is bought (no race, no rider purchase, no anything). That's how many Online Games do it and it works.

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Re: Farm team

Post by NoPikouze » Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:16 pm

Same system as the 50 days
-50 % if no race at all for the rider, 2% back after every race (25 races to ride to get it all back)
For normal teams, after one month you can sell him if he isnt good enough
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Re: Farm team

Post by Allagen » Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:36 pm

RSC Oberlausitz (since 16.09.2009) with only 21 old riders. account since 1 year, only 16 races at this time.

and we have the Team RC Oberlausitz, but this team sold all riders just one month before RSC Oberlausitz was we have 2 teams and one manager i think.

but we can delete both teams.

ParzellXXL (17.10.2009) with only 21 old riders. it is a farmteam too

and we have ParzelXL with no riders, but it was/is the second team of ParzelXXL. just delete both teams

other farmteams (i not 100% sure, but these teams have young riders at the some age and without points and/or only a few races and the trade a lot (buy riders, sell them after 1-3 months) Most Teams have 1-50 Races after 1-3 years and i checked only the teams with 21-23 years old riders:

Willich Tigers, (trader)
VC Montherme, (trader)
Tshabalala Team,
Vuvuzela, (both teams with with south-african riders and looks like trader)
Team Nuechtern (28 races since 08, but only 23 old riders, trader),
Team Mondial (11 races since 09, only 21y o rider, trader),
Team GasGas (trade riders, 77 races since 09),
team Eluveitie (trade riders)
Team Burdigala (big trader!)
Team Alphakeks (big trader with 12 21y riders since 06)
Tampa Allstars (trader since 08)
SVO-Racing (trader since 08)
Stephen Roche(only trades riders since 09)
Sony Cycling (big trader since 08)
Smartley (big trader since 08 with a big transferlist)
Simyo (small trader since 09)
RS Climb (small trader since 09. still a lot teams createt in may 09...)
Rechtshinten (trader since 09)
RC Osnabrueck (farmer s09)
Radsportfreaks (farmer s09)
Racerfriends (trader s09)
RaBoBanks (farmer s09)
O-Race (farmer s09)
NrNeunRonaldo (big trader since 10)
morganoux (farmer s09)
Milram Team (big trader s09)
MicRacing (Farmer s10)
Mercury-Viatel (Farmer s09)
Lunapowerle (farmer)
Logitech (farmer)
Liquigas (very big trader/farmer since 07)
Liege Velo (farmer)
la fr des Jeux (trader since 07)
Juggalo-Racing (very big trader since 07)
JPS Classics (farmer/trader only to get money hehe)
Herakles (nice picture but he is a farmer since 09)
FA Velodromes (big trader since 09)
Down-Under (farmer)
Dombrowski (farmer since 10)
Die Klopper (famous trader since 07)
Cilo-Aufina (trader s 07)
Calimero (big trader s 09)
bugmugs (known as csc-mama, big trader with 15 riders, since 06!!!)
BigLions (farmer s09)
BBOX Bouygues (farmer s09)
BBOX Bouygues. (second-team)
Audax (trader since 07 with a lot of different names)

so we can see a lot of farmteams. best thing is to delete all teams or to block a log-in and waiting for a message from these teams. i think 95 % are multis/farmteams and they will not answer because they are affraid of a big fine. after waiting 1-2 weeks for a answer we can delete all these team (without jps)
RV Allagen. Qualität seit 2006. Erfolg seit 2006.

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Re: Farm team

Post by Allagen » Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:35 pm

so he have 48 teams with ca. 500 riders between 21-23 years old. i think most of them, 90-95 % are multis, because they only ride 1-50 races in the last 1-3 years and they buy and sell the riders without making a race.
RV Allagen. Qualität seit 2006. Erfolg seit 2006.

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Re: Farm team

Post by NoPikouze » Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:43 pm

Liege Velo and Mercury-Viatel are no farm teams
Montherme seems to ride quite often the last weeks/months, so i guess he isnt neither

You know, during the summer holidays, a lot of people are absent for 2 months, that's why it can be tempting for them to make a team full of young riders, it is not necessarily a farming team...
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Re: Farm team

Post by Allagen » Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:48 pm

i only added teams which do no ride and farm/trade. perhaps they have no other teams, but the buy riders only to train and earn money. and this is a farm team for me. but like i said, 90-95 % of these teams did not ride a race, they only have 1-50 races after 1-3 years.

Team Alphakeks is a good one. today he sold 18 23 years old riders and buy 16 new 21 years old riders....
RV Allagen. Qualität seit 2006. Erfolg seit 2006.

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Re: Farm team

Post by Alphakeks » Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:05 am

let me tell you guys, i am not a farm team. team alphakeks ist the only one i have. you can check that on ip's if you want.

i am not racing anything, because i dont have the time, because i'm a student and since bologna, being student is NOT chilling all day long.

btw, i have raced two races in february, because we had holidays at that time. so i do race sometimes, when i find the time.
and in the timespan where i can't race, i'm at least trying to improve my balance, so i can buy good and expensive riders to form a good team sometime.

so please stop calling me a farmteam or something, its just not true.

cheers, alpha

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Re: Farm team

Post by Allagen » Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:28 am

Alphakeks wrote:let me tell you guys, i am not a farm team. team alphakeks ist the only one i have. you can check that on ip's if you want.

i am not racing anything, because i dont have the time, because i'm a student and since bologna, being student is NOT chilling all day long.

btw, i have raced two races in february, because we had holidays at that time. so i do race sometimes, when i find the time.
and in the timespan where i can't race, i'm at least trying to improve my balance, so i can buy good and expensive riders to form a good team sometime.

so please stop calling me a farmteam or something, its just not true.

cheers, alpha

not in every case a farmteam is also a multi. you just buy and sell riders without riding, so you are a farmteam. making money without a races. and i think that is not okay.

by the way, you create your forum-account just today for a answer? but before you read all the posts here without a account? or do you have a other account here in the forum and you create this account because we have to believe that you have only one team? ;) perhaps you only read the farmteam thread...because that is important for you.

but back to the topic. you have no time to ride. that´s no problem. reset your team and later if you have time you can buy riders like everyone else. but farming is bullshit...

some facts about you:

First Race: 28.09.2006
Races after 4 Years: 29!!!

do you like this game? After 1400 days RSF you only ride 29 Races, 1 race in 50 days. you have no time, but you like to farm? 4 years with farming. i can not believe you that you have only one account. do you have fun wihtout riding, just farming? that´s impossible....
Last edited by Allagen on Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
RV Allagen. Qualität seit 2006. Erfolg seit 2006.

auxilium torino
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Re: Farm team

Post by auxilium torino » Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:31 am

I find it absurd that a team is put in Div.7 (inactive) and will sell and buy every day ...

Und alphakeks? I saw your team and you are a Farmteam!

all cyclists with more 'than 60 reg. if one or two are strong enough then go into the first team!
These teams should be deleted!
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Re: Farm team

Post by Alphakeks » Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:01 pm

@allagen: then please go ahead and let buhmann check my ips or do it yourself. i have one team, i have always had one team. please check that, so you can believe me. i really mean it, please check it and tell the others what you found out.

@aux: i bought 60+ reg riders this time, because i think they can improve their value and btw, they are all weak, you should know. i took the weakest riders, so i dont mess up anybody. they all have climbing around 50, dont tell me they would be good.

so please, allagen, or buhmann, or whoever is in charge, check my ip's, please, and don't accuse anybody before having facts!

cheers, alpha

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Re: Farm team

Post by auxilium torino » Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:08 pm

Low, because, 'growing more' quickly and more 'value,' easily, and may sell better (you earn more ')
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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