equipe-questions about the team

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Pirkio » Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:45 pm

well done yesterday 29/12 equipe the multy won another race why he's not ban yet?
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by equipe » Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:06 pm

I run from 2010

I win 31 races

1 classic

3 tours

9 shirts

and many podium

in just 262 runs, envy is a bad disease

buon anno,

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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Pirkio » Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:48 pm

sure now someone check the account and will find it was aux or pirati :roll: if none one of them from different location :lol:
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:30 pm

If it wasn't Aux I wouldn't have opened the thread? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by auxilium torino » Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:58 pm

Robyklebt wrote:If it wasn't Aux I wouldn't have opened the thread? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta

du kannst lateinisch, oder???+
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:32 pm

Where do you see an apology or even an explanation of why I opened the thread? Nowhere, right. After all no explanation needed, people with a brain know why it's open.

You as predicted play the victim card... poor poor mobbed Aux. :lol:

Besuch einen Logikkurs... irgendwann mal, gell.
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Pirkio » Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:59 pm

so all "tarallucci e vino?"
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:35 am

What is tarallucci?

But yes, nothing happens, nothing is provable. Plus in general Aux/piratis/equipes explanation is sensible enough. True? Doubt it, but who cares.

Deuses question for a source, ok probably there is none, retire that statement.

Situation concerning the multi charge (charge leveled at pirati, not Aux, something our brainy boy hasn't really understood it seems since he keeps saying equipe is not his multi...)

Theory 1: Pirati manager "Davide" has 2 teams. Davide=Pirati, Davide=equipe. For equipe he officially claims Sergio is the owner. A Sergio that probably really exists but isn't playing RSF. Or C4F.. Auxilium and Motorizzati and maybe other Italians are fully aware of Pirati has 2 teams and tolerate it. 2 fairness committee members. Pirati and equipe never ride in the same races. But Davide uses both teams regularly. He then feels unfairly treated by other teams, victim of unrealistic agreements, so wants to turn around the table and inscribes both teams for the greatest tour ever designed, the Tour of Yemen. He rides with Pirati, Aux rides with equipe.

Theory 2: See pirati and Aux posts. Roughly without guarantee that it's all like they wrote it's: Davide has a team called Pirati. Sergio equipe. They have the same IP, but never ride in the same race. Some posts for equipe are translated by Aux and posted by Aux under equipes forum account. Then since pirati feels unfairly treated they decide to start in the same race for once, and he choses the greatest tour ever designed, the Tour of Yemen. Using a "key" not to have the same IP. (not sure what a key is.... VPN? ) Aux then sits equipe an unknown amount of stages.

both theories sound plausible. Some questions that remain to are:

1) How many stages during Yemen were sitted by Aux? Which ones?
2) Did Sergio ride any stages during the Tour of Yemen? How many? Which ones?
3) Why did Davide claim that Aux had nothing to do with it, except posting some stuff under equipes account? Even though Aux sitting equipe certainly qualifies has having something to do with it, being involved in some way.
4) Why didn't Davide-Sergio publicly announce they have the same IP because they work together?
5) Did Aux announce during the races that he was sitting equipe?
6) Why didn't Aux mention that he was sitting equipe in the forum, even went so far to post in a fairness thread regarding the race as equipe?

Situation concerning the unrealistic agreement charge:

Not my topic, didn't see anything, can't comment.

Of course nothing will happen. First nothing is provable, even if I'm convinced that theory 1 is convinced. It's not provable. Doesn't deserve a fine or punishment. Second, Aux will see to it that nothing happens to him. Nothing to do with provable or not, see other cases, Aux doesn't care about facts, he uses his fairness committee position to punish enemies and protect friends (same with the nations committee, just look at the Zappa clan in Nepal, if it wasn't Motorizzati, an ex friend it seems now, Aux would have kicked them out a long time ago) since he is his own best friend he will certainly happily use his position there to protect himself and pirati.

What could and should have happened is: Buhmann checking the IPs during Yemen for equipe for every stage. And then compare it with Aux statement once it came. Or will come, which stages was he sitting, which stages not. Hasn't happened. Probably not possible anymore now? And if yes doubt Buhmann will do anything. Which is ok too.

Let's see if there will be more statements by the ones involved coming. If not, bah, we still have Aux to protect us for unfair happenings in the fairness committee, we should be thankful to him! The lone knight fighting against injustice!
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by pirati » Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:05 pm

Caro Roby, considerato che continui nella tua posizione di giudice accusatore (pubblico ministero) ti voglio far notare come le prove ed il teste d'accusa da te prodotto è alquanto discutibile. POI VORREI CHE LO STESSO SENSO DI GIUSTIZIA LO METTESSI ANCHE PER IL TOUR LE ANDE.

Non s'è mai visto un accusa che poggia le sue tesi su un teste (motorizzati) che secondo la stessa accusa potrebbe aver partecipato alla frode.
Deciditi, perchè quando dici che Auxilium sapeva che Motorizzati si aiutava ad altri per far vincere Nepal , tu stai facendo un'affermazione ENORMEMENTE GRAVE, contro te stesso. Non puoi considerare Motorizzati attendibile quando accusa equipe e pirati, ed invece inattendibile perchè froda nelle nazionali. Ed allora TU cosa vuoi?? dimmelo, perchè se l'unico interesse è colpire Auxilium allora io che cazzo c'entro??

Poi, mi fai il piacere di Verificare chi è Arrival???
Sai, ho perso il tour delle Ande per Arrival, una squadra che ha corso solo 75 gare e vinto solo alle ande (ed ha messo in vendita tutti suoi corridori)...e che senza aver mai corso contro di me, mi ha insultato per tutto il tour!! Allora?? questo non è sospetto?? questo non ti dice nulla?? GIUDICE!! E come mai i suoi insulti erano uguali a quelli di Claw?? Questo non muove il tuo senso di giustizia?? questo non ti crea delle domande?? GIUDICE!!!

Gia, le domande ti vengono su 2 squadre che hanno corso quasi 300 gare l'una e mai assieme e non si sono scambiate nemmeno un corridore. GIUDICE!!!

Allora, FAI UNA BELLA INVESTIGAZIONE SU ARRIVAL oppure hai qualche amico da nascondere???

E forse prima di dire che Auxilium mi ha coperto dovresti informarti. Chiedi ad ARIOSTEA come ho perso il campionato NAZIONALE ITALIANO!!!! Scoprirai che l'ho perso perchè AUXILIUM per senso di giustizia mi ha bloccato il corridore piu forte in un team attack di cui si era accorto solo lui. ALLORA?? NIENTE DA DIRE?? oppure aspetterai che il tuo teste d'accusa ti suggerisca che c'eravamo messi d'accordo per farmi perdere un campionato già ampiamente e facilmente vinto??!!


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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:45 pm

1 scrivi in inglese
2 leggi cosa ho scritto. Mi aspetto le tue scuse per le parole mai dette da me che mi metti in bocca.
3 rispondi alle mie domande prime di chiedere a me di rispondere alle tue. Si chiama educazione, sai.

Poi rispondero.
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by pirati » Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:17 pm

1 il mio pessimo inglese si presta a frantendimenti, meglio l'italiano.
2 cos'è che non avresti detto? mi sembra che mi stai accusando di tutto...basandoti sulle affermazioni di un ragazzino invidioso. Forse sono altri a doversi scusare.
3 Mi sembra di aver abbondantemente risposto in un lunghissimo post. E per altro mi sembra di aver tenuto nei tuoi confronti sempre un atteggiamento molto rispettoso e cordiale. Forse prima di aprire la discussione avresti potuto avere la delicatezza di avvisarmi delle falsità che il ragazzino proprinava e chiedermi spiegazioni, invece di continuare ad accusarmi.

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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Pirkio » Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:23 pm

ancora con sto nepal? ho vinto la prima maglia del nepal prima dell'iscrizione di nepal team come ho fatto? ho drogato tutti? siamo in 3 a correre i campionati nepalesi non inventarti cavolate del genere per piacere..

Se poi dobbiamo valutare i tuoi di comportamenti stai tranquillo che andresti bannato ugualmente solo per gli insulti dati a mezzo rsf..
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Pirkio » Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:33 pm

I just want to know the buhman position we alredy voted in jury we already had reply of all always the same reply.

We know that Equipe was used in forum by auxilium and in race by pirati, eccept when they rode the same tour, than auxilium used equipe eccept some days when someone sitted equipe (all verificable)

Who is Pirati?
Pirati is a looser a poor boy who can't lose. During my 2 month in the game he said to me, help me to win the tour i give you a stage, after 1 year he say to me, i don't want to race never again with you, you don't collaborate with me you only think about your team.
This say all about who is this Pirati in 3 strings.

Who is Equipe?
Equipe is the alter ego of Pirati (check the payment of license if possible) or check the riders who bought.. Surprise surprise some of them are riders of Pirati.. Strange case?

Who is Auxilium Torino?
Auxilium is a nice guy, he want to help all in all the case, same if is good or wrong, this time he was wrong but for sure a lot of time he was good, only realy bad thing now is don't admit all, who cares about Motorizzati and Pirati when you are one of the best player of the game? He should speak and stop doing the "Mafiaman"

I'm realy realy bored about this situation, is stupid, we talk from 1 month, we voted from 3 weeks and nothing changed, equipe still running, no fine for pirati, nothing of nothing. Don't want to talk again here just let me say.. sometimes you are boring Buhman
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by pirati » Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:57 am

Who is motorized? envious man who is a boy with my same number of runs failed to win anything good. He help me? I've always been really accused of helping him ... who is motorized? a boy who tried to throw out the first 3 games with the Italian palmares better. Strange?!
In fact, he speaks of victories.

I insulted in this game just a runner, claw, and I publicly denounced. You always say false words.

I never bought any racer from Sergio. Perhaps only one rider Sergio by pirates. In almost two years! You always say false words.

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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by pirati » Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:04 am

vogliamo parlare di come hai vinto l'altro campionato nazionale del paraguay oppure l'hai dimenticato?? mister-truffa!!

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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Pirkio » Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:21 pm

He talk about wins.. well i see i have more win than Pirati, Less than equipe.. he's was talking about equipe for sure :lol:

come l'ho vinto? tirando come un fesso con bobadilla da solo tutto il tempo? :lol:
Che squadra era equipe? chi sitterava aux? era una corsa di 1 giorno nemmeno si poteva sitterare ;)
Come già detto non voglio più parlare di questo aspetterò la decisione se non arriverà amen, vali meno di 0 per me ti sei dimostrato 0 come amico, ora ti stai dimostrando 0 anche come avversario, tirando in ballo bugie che per altro affossano di più la tua condotta pietosa di gioco
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:43 am

pirati wrote:1 il mio pessimo inglese si presta a frantendimenti, meglio l'italiano.
2 cos'è che non avresti detto? mi sembra che mi stai accusando di tutto...basandoti sulle affermazioni di un ragazzino invidioso. Forse sono altri a doversi scusare.
3 Mi sembra di aver abbondantemente risposto in un lunghissimo post. E per altro mi sembra di aver tenuto nei tuoi confronti sempre un atteggiamento molto rispettoso e cordiale. Forse prima di aprire la discussione avresti potuto avere la delicatezza di avvisarmi delle falsità che il ragazzino proprinava e chiedermi spiegazioni, invece di continuare ad accusarmi.
1 No. I understand Italian, kind of manage to write it, but it's not about ME and you, it's about the fairness committee, Buhmann. They don't speak Italian. So english should be the language to write. O metti le risposte in Italiano e inglese, traduzione google, poi correggi un pochino.
pirati wrote:Deciditi, perchè quando dici che Auxilium sapeva che Motorizzati si aiutava ad altri per far vincere Nepal ,
Never said something like this.
Mai detto una cosa del genere.
pirati wrote:Caro Roby, considerato che continui nella tua posizione di giudice accusatore (pubblico ministero)
Giudicie accusatore? Forse mi sbaglio, pero mi sembra che tu dica che io sia sia il giudice che l'accusatore. Guardiamo la prima cosa che ho scritto dopo la tua risposta:
Prosecuting judge? Maybe I'm wrong and it has a different meanding, but it seems you are telling me that I am both the judge and the prosecutor..
Robyklebt wrote:Anyway, you don't need to convince ME, I don't decide anything, it's the fairness committee that recommends something, and Buhmann that decides.
Giudice? No. Accusatore, si.
Judge? No. "Prosecutor" yes.
pirati wrote:GIUDICE!!
pirati wrote: GIUDICE!!!
Avevo chiaramente detto a TUTTI che ancora non lo avevano capito, che non ero giudice.... "accusarmi" di essere giudice....
Told everybody clearly that didn't know it yet, that I wasn't a judge... then to "accuse" me of being a judge..

pirati wrote:E per altro mi sembra di aver tenuto nei tuoi confronti sempre un atteggiamento molto rispettoso e cordiale.
Rispettoso e cordiale? Assolutamente no, guarda nr 2. Non e rispettoso ignorare quello che l'altro scrive, non e rispettoso cambiare le accuse che uno fa.
pirati wrote: Mi sembra di aver abbondantemente risposto in un lunghissimo post.
Primo post si.
Yes, first post answered.

but, let's see what you wrote under nr 2 again.
ma vediamo ancora una volta cosa hai scritto nel nr 2.
pirati wrote:mi sembra che mi stai accusando di tutto...
Same problem as before. You're changing what I wrote, ignoring it. Or mixing it up with what others wrote and said. My accusation is fairly precise
Stesso problema di prima. Cambi quello che ho scritto, lo ignori. O lo "mix" con quello che hanno scritto altri. La mia accusa e abbastanza precisa.

La ripeto

1) Hai due squadre .Pirati e equipe. Sei un multi.
2) Per il Tour of Yemen hai dato una squadra ad Aux che ha corso il Yemen con equipe.

Questa e l'accusa .Non inventare accuse che non faccio per difenderti.

My accusation is:

1) you have 2 teams. Pirati and equipe. You are a multi
2) For the Tour of Yemen you gave one of the teams to Aux, who then rode Yemen with equipe.

That's the accusation. Don't invent accusations I'm not making to defend yourself.

E le domande alle quali ancora non hai risposto:
The questions to which you haven't responded yet:
Robyklebt wrote:1) How many stages during Yemen were sitted by Aux? Which ones?
2) Did Sergio ride any stages during the Tour of Yemen? How many? Which ones?
3) Why did Davide claim that Aux had nothing to do with it, except posting some stuff under equipes account? Even though Aux sitting equipe certainly qualifies has having something to do with it, being involved in some way.
4) Why didn't Davide-Sergio publicly announce they have the same IP because they work together?
5) Did Aux announce during the races that he was sitting equipe?
6) Why didn't Aux mention that he was sitting equipe in the forum, even went so far to post in a fairness thread regarding the race as equipe?

1) Quante tappe ha "sitterato" Aux nel Yemen? Quale tappe?
2) SErgio ha fatto quante tappe nel Yemen? Quale tappe?
3) Perche al inizio dicevi che Aux non aveva niente a fare con il "caso", che aveva solo postato qualche messagio con l' "account" di equipe nel foro? Anche se Aux che sitta equipe sicuramente fa vedere che Aux c'entra.
4) Perche Davide and Sergio non hanno annunciato che hanno la stessa IP perche lavorano insieme (addizione in Italiano, voglio dire prima del Yemen, anche se non corrono insieme, come l'hanno fatto altri che lavorano insieme)
5) Aux a detto durante le tappe che sitterava equipe?
6) Perche Aux non a detto che sitterava equipe nel foro? Ha addiritura postato un messagio con l'account di equipe nella parte fairplay senza dire che era Aux... se lo sitterava in quella tappa, come lo assumo, perche non dirlo apertamente?

THESE were the questions I asked and ask again. Once you at least made an attempt to answer some of them, I will happily answer your last post... If you don't want to answer, then don't. But have the decency to NOT change my accusations.

Short version only in english:

Don't change the accusation. Don't misrepresent what I clearly say. If you want to answer my (or anybody elses) questions, do so,if you don't want to, don't. But don't make up stuff to confuse the issue.

I accuse (or suspect) pirati to:
1 have 2 teams, pirati and equipe
2 have given 1 team during Yemen to Auxilium Torino

pirati said no to the first charge, with a believable story.
POint 2, he originally claimed Aux had nothing to do with equipe except some posts in the forum. Which doesn't convince after a later comment by Aux that he had indeed sitted equipe for "more stages" in Yemen.
He then hasn't answered follow up questions. (yet)

I accuse or suspect Aux to

1 have known about piratis multi without taking any action against it, despite being part of the fairness committee. (The same counts for Motorizzati too, as he HIMSELF has posted, no need for me to repeat it ad nauseum)
2 have sitted equipe, suspect the whole tour of Yemen, despite knowing that it's the second team of pirati, thus not only passively "supporting" a multi, but now actively.

And I still wonder, no real accusation there, just wonder, it's really kind of a mystery, why Aux posted under equipes account in the forum. Different theories there, wanted to give legitimacy to equipe? By letting him have a forum presence? But why Aux, can't Pirati do that? Would normally seem that pirati could do that as well... Translations? Then why a post in Italian in the Italian part? Somehow that posting for equipe thing doesn't make much sense either way. But if equipe is indeed a multi, (something I suspect but of course am not sure of) then that would be active support for a multi again. (So since I believe he is a multi after all it's an accusation too...) Just don't see the point in the whole posting thing.

Not even sure what Aux wrote exactly, he sitted "more stages", but he's not a multi. Well, not my accusation anyway, maybe should quote some wise latin phrases posted by Aux :lol:
Pirkio wrote:I'm realy realy bored about this situation, is stupid, we talk from 1 month, we voted from 3 weeks and nothing changed, equipe still running, no fine for pirati, nothing of nothing.
I seriously hope you and Aux both didn't vote. You are like a "prosecutor" here, plus an "ennemy" of pirati, doubts about your objectivity are there for sure. In those cases you should NOT vote. Same for Aux, he's accused, he should defend himself, here, like every other accused, but NOT vote.

And now DON'T tell me how you or Aux voted or anything at all about the vote....
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by pirati » Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:41 pm

1- l'accusa in italia si chiama PM (pubblico ministero) alias giudice/accusatore. Perchè tecnicamente il PM (cioè l'accusa) nell'ordinamento italiano è preposto all'accertamento della verità e non all'accusa semplice come avviene nell'ordinamento anglosassone. Quindi sei un giudice. E non capisco in cosa ti senti offeso??!!
prima di muovere altre accuse potresti chiedere chiarimenti.
2-Ok, forse ho frainteso la storia di Nepal. Scusa. Sai non ci vuole molto a dire che si fraintende qualcosa. Ma per un attimo avevo immaginato che nella tua posizione di Giudice (PM) ti preoccupassi di accertare chi è il tuo testimone d'accusa!! Invece nulla...ma ci torniamo dopo.
3- ho sempre avuto un atteggiamento cordiale. non darmi del maleducato se non mi conosci. Visto che fai il giudice, rispetta il tuo imputato.
Veniamo alle tue domande a cui ho già risposto. Chiedere di rispondere 2 volte non è molto cortese, ma lo faccio.

1)non lo so, non mi riguarda, rispondo per pirati non per aux ed equipe. scrivigli e se vogliono ti rispondono.
2)come sopra
3) perchè aux ha solo sitterato e tradotto in inglese. Niente altro. La scelta di correre insieme ad equipe è stata mia. Quindi colpa mia.
4)Ti ho già risposto, mi ripeto, non volevo che comparissero le stelline, visto che non facevo altro che leggere di gente che si litigava per questioni di multi. E poi scusa se volevo farmi il multi quale cosa piu semplice di dichiararlo apertamente e poi farli correre assieme per aiutarmi?? Invece di farti accecare dalle idiozie che racconta un ragazzino truffatore, perchè non usi la logica.
5)Che mi ricordi io si.
6)chiedere ad aux ed equipe.

Però Roby, senza far polemiche, visto che io non ho nulla contro di te, e non capisco il tuo accanimento nei miei confronti, cerchiamo di ragionare. Ti faccio io delle domande perchè voglio capire dov'è che sbaglio.
a) perchè impiego 2 anni a far correre insieme un multi?? devo essere scemo, il multi si crea per aiutarsi, per scambiarsi corridori (mai fatto, puoi verificare uno ad uno). Sono talmente scemo, che per essere corretto, evito addirittura di correrci insieme con altro IP. Se volevo fare il furbo l'avrei fatto molto prima no??? Oppure sono il primo multi della storia che non si aiuta e non si scambia nemmeno un corridore. Piu che un multi un fesso.
b) Perchè durante la gara dello Yemen equipe ottiene risultati anche migliori di pirati? In una tappa addirittura mi sta davanti prendendomi secondi di abbuono. Cioè faccio correre il multi e poi mi faccio fregare dal mio alter ego? Sono un pazzo oppure cosa?? dimmelo tu...perchè io non riesco a darmi una risposta.
c)Equipe vince tappa (davanti a me) e maglia squadre e piazza un 48 di crono in 6 posizione. Per essere un multi è andata benino...

Questi sono fatti, prove, evidenze che nessuno può contraddire. Quasi 2 anni e 300 gare e mai insieme ad aiutarsi. Se non è una prova questa allora qual'è una prova??!! Io veramente faccio fatica a seguire il tuo ragionamento.
Metti da parte per un secondo le idiozie di quel ragazzino e prova a ragionare con la logica.
Io direi che per essere onesti fino in fondo bisogna spiegare cos'è un multi perchè lo si crea e se questo rientra nel caso di pirati ed equipe. Perchè io non mi ci trovo per niente.

Però la cosa che mi ha fatto arrabbiare e rispondere in maniera forse troppo polemica, mi spiace non voglio litigare, è che io vengo accusato di multi senza uno straccio di prove da un ragazzino che gioca sistematicamente tutte le sue gare e tour in compagnia di qualche "amichetto" che gli da sempre l'aiutino e che io ho allontanato negli ultimi tempi perchè scorretto nei miei confronti. Vedi, io sono cosi, come mi vedi, caratteraccio e sincero. Lui un doppiogiochista truffaldino. Potrei raccontarne sine fine su questo tizio, e lui sa benissimo di cosa si parla.

Se poi vedi i suoi post capisci perfettamente che soggetto sia, prima aux era l'amico di giochi, poi diventa il nemico da eliminare (usando pirati ed equipe) e poi ritorna ad essere l'amico buono che sbaglia. Una giravolta senza fine.

ti fidi della parola di un soggetto del genere???

Adesso gli sono rimasto solo io da eliminare perchè, nel clan Italia (dove io partecipo pochissimo) lui è out per aver accusato ingiustamente Aux. Di me non se ne frega nessuno, cosi è tranquillo che su di me può dire tutte le fesserie che vuole.
Anche perchè io gioco sempre da solo a differenza sua. Tanto che è da quasi un anno che non corro nemmeno con auxilium, perchè non mi piace molto correre con le persone che conosco, proprio per l'esperienza che ho fatto con motorizzati. Tutti si aspettano l'aiuto e poi ti fregano sistematicamente. Cosi come è avvenuto nel campionato nazionale italiano, dove AUX ( e tu dici che mi aiuta?????????) mi ha segato le gambe per un team attack che nessuno aveva visto tranne lui.

Io, prima di accusarmi ulteriormente, vorrei che rispondessi cortesemente alle mie domande. Grazie.

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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by el Galactico » Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:14 pm

Can i demand a penalty for writing italian all the time?
It's not funny anymore. How should we decide in this case when we cant understand half of it?
I want a penalty for pirati if he continues to write italian in this topic here. This is also a kind of "Justizbehinderung". Dont know the word in english...
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by deuseburger » Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:25 pm

moin miteinander...

although i totaly agree that all that italian can be quite annoying for people who (as myself) dont speak that language its totaly resonable to use a language your familiar with in this part of the forum.that beeing said it seems that using his mother tongue imho unfortunatly is nearly the only reasonable thing looking at the content of the post according to what the online translator gave me:
1 - the prosecution in Italy is called PM (prosecutor) aka judge / accuser. Because technically the PM (ie the charge) into the Italian is in charge to establish the truth and not the accusation is as simple as into Anglo-Saxon. So you're a judge. And I do not understand in what you feel offended?!
before moving further charges you may ask for clarification.
2-Ok, maybe I misunderstood the history of Nepal. I'm sorry. You know it does not take much to say that you misunderstood something. But for a moment I imagined that in your position as Judge (PM) worry to ascertain who is your witness for the prosecution! Instead we go back ... but nothing after that.
3 - I always had a friendly attitude. do not call me rude if I do not know. As you judge, respects your defendant.
We come to your questions that I have already responded. Ask to meet 2 times is not very polite, but I do it.

1) I do not know, does not concern me, not to answer for pirates and auxiliary staff. write them and if you want to respond.
2) as above
3) because aux sitter and has only translated into English. Nothing more. The choice to run along with my team was. So my fault.
4) I've already answered, I repeat, I did not want the appearance of the stars, seeing that I was only reading about people who fought for issues of multi. And excuse me if I wanted something where the multi easiest to state this openly and then run them together to help me? Instead of blinding you from a boy who tells bullshit scammer, why not use logic.
5) What I remember is me.
6) and ask aux team.

Roby, however, without controversy, since I have nothing against you, and do not understand your rage against me, trying to reason. I'll I want to understand where the questions because I'm wrong.
a) 2 years because it used to ride together a multi? I must be stupid, to help you create the multi to exchange runners (never done it, you can check one by one). They are so stupid, that to be correct, I avoid even driving it along with other IP. If I wanted to be clever I would have done much earlier not?? Or are the first of the multi story that does not help and do not exchange even a runner. More than a multi fool.
b) Because of Yemen during the race team's results are even better than pirates? Even in a stage in front of me taking my second rebate. That is, do I take the multi and then I scrub from my alter ego? I'm crazy or what? tell me ... because I can not give me an answer.
c) Team wins stage (before me) and top 48 teams and places a time trial in the 6 position. To be a multi went pretty well ...

These are the facts, evidence, evidence that no one can contradict. Almost 2 years and 300 races and never together to help themselves. If this is not evidence then what evidence?! I really do struggle to follow your reasoning.
Put aside for a second the idiocies of that kid and try to reason with logic.
I would say that to be honest all the way to explain what you have because it creates a multi and if this falls in the case of pirates and crew. Why I do not find me there at all.

But the thing that made me angry and respond perhaps too controversial, I'm sorry I will not argue, is that I'm accused of multi without a shred of evidence from a kid who played consistently all his races and tours in the company of some "friend" that has always help and I have gone wrong in recent times because of me. See, I'm so, as I see, and sincere temper. Him a double agent scam. I could recount sine the end of this guy, and he knows what it speaks.

If you see her posts you know perfectly well that person is, the first aux was a friend of the games, then it becomes the enemy to be eliminated (using pirates and team) and then returned to being the good friend who is mistaken. A swing without end.

you trust the word of a person like that??

Now I am left alone to be eliminated because, in the clan Italy (where I participated very little) he's out for having falsely accused Aux. Me no cares no one is quiet so that I can say about all the crap he wants.
Also because I always play by himself, unlike his own. Much that is almost a year since I'm running even with Auxilium, because I do not really like running with the people I know, just for the experience I had with motorized. Everyone expects you to help and then systematically give a damn. Just as happened in the Italian national championship, where AUX (and you say that helps me ?????????) I sawed the legs to attack a team that no one had seen but him.

I, before you accuse me further, I would like you to answer my questions politely. Thank you.
will comment on that later on if i find the time to do so...

cheers deuse
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by deuseburger » Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:53 pm

decided to do a double post in order to have the translation of piratis statement on its own (despite the things i already wrote there that is...)
pirati wrote:Veniamo alle tue domande a cui ho già risposto.
which google translates as:
We come to your questions that I have already responded.
yeah and that is a part of the problem you RESPONDED to that questions, but you didnt ANSWER them at all...
pirati wrote:Questi sono fatti, prove, evidenze che nessuno può contraddire
which is translated as:
These are the facts, evidence, evidence that no one can contradict.
Äh, you are calling the paragraph you wrote before that statement evidence??? i´m calling it nonsense! (and yes i´m guilty of using that term as an euphemism of utterly bullshit.) just in case you really believe that to be fact / prove / evidence i will explain examplary what and why i see it differently. just to be sure that everybody knows what i´m talking about its about this paragraph:
Roby, however, without controversy, since I have nothing against you, and do not understand your rage against me, trying to reason. I'll I want to understand where the questions because I'm wrong.
a) 2 years because it used to ride together a multi? I must be stupid, to help you create the multi to exchange runners (never done it, you can check one by one). They are so stupid, that to be correct, I avoid even driving it along with other IP. If I wanted to be clever I would have done much earlier not?? Or are the first of the multi story that does not help and do not exchange even a runner. More than a multi fool.
b) Because of Yemen during the race team's results are even better than pirates? Even in a stage in front of me taking my second rebate. That is, do I take the multi and then I scrub from my alter ego? I'm crazy or what? tell me ... because I can not give me an answer.
c) Team wins stage (before me) and top 48 teams and places a time trial in the 6 position. To be a multi went pretty well ...
(sidenote: i will restrain from quoting the italian original since you are expecting the comunity to do the translation by emselfs i guess its fair that you are beeing expected to do the same...)

so basicaly you are saying you didnt exchange riders between the 2 teams and therefore cant be a multi. a multi team with that specific purpose is commonly called a farm team here on rsf, and thats all it is, a specific version of a multi team so it proves you are not using a multi as a farm team but hey thats all, there is no legitimate conclusion that therefore it cant be your multi. Same thing with this "2 years without helping one team with the other" statement its again just one specific purpose of a multi and again it by no means disqualifies you from using a multi for another purpose. And to widen the readers imagination: having the possibility to ride 2 races a day or experimenting with different setups and teams for different race types (ie having a decent hill and sprint and mountain and cooblestone team at the same time) are just 2 of many other purposes i can imagine a multi team might be motivated by and or is used for...

hope you got my point of view in the meantime, the paragraph (and not only that one) you called fact, prove, evidence is nothing but interpretation... to state that clear once and forever lets look at the following sentences:
Almost 2 years and 300 races and never together to help themselves. If this is not evidence then what evidence?!
and break em down 1 by 1 and lets see what is fact, prove, evidence or interpretation: "Almost 2 years and 300 races and never together..." k, i go along calling this a fact (didnt researched it and wont do i´m just taking it as a fact) it continues with "to help themselves" bad guys might interpretate this as hey they did race together but did not help each other, i will not but i put that in to show you that this already leaves the ground of facts and opens up the door for interpretations. continuing with " If this is not evidence then what evidence?!" well taking the previous sentence as fact this just is evidence (at best) that those teams didnt ride together or didnt ride together to help each other, but, you are implying it proves that equipe isnt your multi and this implied message simply is an interpretation, your interpretation, but by no means proves that equipe isnt your multi!!! this and especially your statements considering the i must be crazy to do this or that or if i were clever i would have done it this or that way is totaly speculative... ongoing from the same facts but asuming equipe is your multi i´m giving you another interpretation:
not riding in the same races (earlier) was not silly but very clever, cause it minimized the chances of getting cought and ensured you can enjoy rsf 2 times a day or with different team setups... According to what happened at Yemen it again wasnt dumb at all to let the multi have its succeses (team classification - stage victory) on the contrary, letting one team have all the success would have been very suspicious. its not crazy its not scrubbing your alter ego it can be seen as a clever way to keep up the disguise and since your only? /main? target was the achieved tour win, a single stage beeing 2nd instead of first and a defeat in the tt dosnt hurt at all... so what does all of this bubbling prove? what is the evidence in there??? i tell you: it proves a big nothing!
try to reason with logic.
sign!!! please do this yourself!!! and please, please restrain from further attempts to offend your readers intellect!

cheers deuse...
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:49 pm

The tone counts Pirati and you tone is everything but respectful and friendly. As you claim. I don't give a shit if it isn't, just stop claiming it is...

You answered these questions for the first time. Or link to the first time you answered. Until I see those first answers, I qualify this statement
Veniamo alle tue domande a cui ho già risposto. Chiedere di rispondere 2 volte non è molto cortese, ma lo faccio.
an insulting lie

You say ask equipe and Aux, I do...

Your 2 posts:
Poi, mi fai il piacere di Verificare chi è Arrival???
Sai, ho perso il tour delle Ande per Arrival, una squadra che ha corso solo 75 gare e vinto solo alle ande (ed ha messo in vendita tutti suoi corridori)...e che senza aver mai corso contro di me, mi ha insultato per tutto il tour!! Allora?? questo non è sospetto?? questo non ti dice nulla?? GIUDICE!! E come mai i suoi insulti erano uguali a quelli di Claw?? Questo non muove il tuo senso di giustizia?? questo non ti crea delle domande?? GIUDICE!!!
Bla bla bla bla.

I don't know who Arrival is, I have never heard of Arrival. If you think it's a claw multi, then make a thread about it. Why should I make a thread about something I know nothing? Why should I investigate about something I know nothing about that is 2 months back? Ah.. .so you can whine a bit that I attack you and not Arrival. You are old enough to open a thread yourself. If you care about it, do it. You obviously don't, so don't whine about others not opening a thread or not caring about something.
Allora, FAI UNA BELLA INVESTIGAZIONE SU ARRIVAL oppure hai qualche amico da nascondere???
Ah, so easy. When I don't do what you want, I don't open an investigation about Arrival, that means it's because he's my friend. BLA BLA BLA BLA.

pirati wrote:E forse prima di dire che Auxilium mi ha coperto dovresti informarti. Chiedi ad ARIOSTEA come ho perso il campionato NAZIONALE ITALIANO!!!! Scoprirai che l'ho perso perchè AUXILIUM per senso di giustizia mi ha bloccato il corridore piu forte in un team attack di cui si era accorto solo lui. ALLORA?? NIENTE DA DIRE?? oppure aspetterai che il tuo teste d'accusa ti suggerisca che c'eravamo messi d'accordo per farmi perdere un campionato già ampiamente e facilmente vinto??!!
Nothing to do with anything. More BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA
a) perchè impiego 2 anni a far correre insieme un multi?? devo essere scemo, il multi si crea per aiutarsi, per scambiarsi corridori (mai fatto, puoi verificare uno ad uno). Sono talmente scemo, che per essere corretto, evito addirittura di correrci insieme con altro IP. Se volevo fare il furbo l'avrei fatto molto prima no??? Oppure sono il primo multi della storia che non si aiuta e non si scambia nemmeno un corridore. Piu che un multi un fesso.
Do you know what a multi is? One real life person that has more than one account. FINISHED. Nothing more. THIS IS A MULTI. Nothing else is necessary to be a multi. There are x multis and were x multis that never rode together in the same race. 2 teams to ride twice a day. Or to be able to ride races that the first team has no chances with the other team. Specialized first team, less specialized second team. All multis. Even just having a second account that never races, never buys riders is just there to check the spectators account in the end is a multi. So not having exchanged riders, not having done this or that is not prove that you don't have 2 teams.
b) Perchè durante la gara dello Yemen equipe ottiene risultati anche migliori di pirati? In una tappa addirittura mi sta davanti prendendomi secondi di abbuono. Cioè faccio correre il multi e poi mi faccio fregare dal mio alter ego? Sono un pazzo oppure cosa?? dimmelo tu...perchè io non riesco a darmi una risposta.
Because you weren't in charge of both teams during Yemen. Aux was in charge of equipe. Why did he have some success? Many possible reasons, hopeless to beat Schleck anyway, ride for himself. Fight with Moto already started, you both thought he would come out with his accusation, better cover yourself a bit. You want to ride with equipe after Yemen too, so that team needs money as well. Many possible reasons.
pirati wrote:c)Equipe vince tappa (davanti a me) e maglia squadre e piazza un 48 di crono in 6 posizione. Per essere un multi è andata benino...
Same as b basically. Don't waste my time with idiocies please.
pirati wrote:Questi sono fatti, prove, evidenze che nessuno può contraddire. Quasi 2 anni e 300 gare e mai insieme ad aiutarsi. Se non è una prova questa allora qual'è una prova??!!

E pure metti queste scemenze in bold? This is NOT PROVE that equipe is not your multi.

Answers to my questions:
1)non lo so, non mi riguarda, rispondo per pirati non per aux ed equipe. scrivigli e se vogliono ti rispondono.
2)come sopra
3) perchè aux ha solo sitterato e tradotto in inglese. Niente altro. La scelta di correre insieme ad equipe è stata mia. Quindi colpa mia.
4)Ti ho già risposto, mi ripeto, non volevo che comparissero le stelline, visto che non facevo altro che leggere di gente che si litigava per questioni di multi. E poi scusa se volevo farmi il multi quale cosa piu semplice di dichiararlo apertamente e poi farli correre assieme per aiutarmi?? Invece di farti accecare dalle idiozie che racconta un ragazzino truffatore, perchè non usi la logica.
5)Che mi ricordi io si.
6)chiedere ad aux ed equipe.
1 If they want they can answer here.
2 But at least HERE you should know the answer... "Sergio" works for you, you probably see him quite often no? And he never told you if he rode some of the stages himself? You don't even know if he rode just ONE stage himself?
3 Ah, and this is NOTHING TO DO. Until Aux himself said he had sitted you claimed Aux had NOTHING TO DO with it, except some posts in the forum. Now it's nothing to do except sitting and posts in the forum. If the accusation is: equipe is piratis multi, and now equipe is riding Yemen under Auxs command...... mentioning that Aux did sit would be logic. You didn't, why? NOTHING to do you said.
4 Ah, yes, this you answered before I asked... question remains why not.. like others, Italians too, did before. * but announced, not riding for each other. I turn the question around now.... if it's not your multi, then why not openly say that he's your co-worker and ride against each other like many others do? Yes, each time you have to answer the q. about the *, but if you are really 2 persons and really ride against each other, there wouldn't be any further problems. Why don't you use some logic yourself sometimes? Best way to prove you are not one guy is ride with * and fight against each other.
5 Ok.
6 If they want, they can answer...

My 6 questions to Aux and equipe still there.

1) How many stages during Yemen were sitted by Aux? Which ones?
2) Did Sergio ride any stages during the Tour of Yemen? How many? Which ones?
3) Why did Davide claim that Aux had nothing to do with it, except posting some stuff under equipes account? Even though Aux sitting equipe certainly qualifies has having something to do with it, being involved in some way.
4) Why didn't Davide-Sergio publicly announce they have the same IP because they work together?
5) Did Aux announce during the races that he was sitting equipe?
6) Why didn't Aux mention that he was sitting equipe in the forum, even went so far to post in a fairness thread regarding the race as equipe?
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by pirati » Sun Jan 15, 2012 2:58 pm

My tone is and continues to be always correct. Are you the charges that move, who accuse respects.

You are constantly attacking, the idiotic things you say you are. Just because you want to hit Auxilium. And once I show you that all your theories are nonsense. It 's all in your words.
I respond to these claims because there is to cry.
Because you weren't in charge of both teams during Yemen. Aux was in charge of equipe. Why did he have some success? Many possible reasons, hopeless to beat Schleck anyway, ride for himself. Fight with Moto already started, you both thought he would come out with his accusation, better cover yourself a bit. You want to ride with equipe after Yemen too, so that team needs money as well. Many possible reasons.
You are wonderful! I wonder if you believe the things you say?! I'm 3'30 "ahead of Skullz winning team because so and let me take the rebate on that Ikaros was ahead in the race! Have other fantasies?? there was no discussion with motorized again.

You always many possible reasons! These tests do you call? Have you ever seen a judge say to condemn the many possible reasons! MY GOD!
Do you know what a multi is? One real life person that has more than one account. FINISHED. Nothing more. THIS IS A MULTI. Nothing else is necessary to be a multi.(A) There are x multis and were x multis that never rode together in the same race. (B)2 teams to ride twice a day.(C) Or to be able to ride races that the first team has no chances with the other team. Specialized first team, less specialized second team. All multis. Even just having a second account that never races, never buys riders is just there to check the spectators account in the end is a multi. So not having exchanged riders, not having done this or that is not prove that you don't have 2 teams.
(A) Equipe pirates in two years, and NEVER do not run together in two years never exchanged runners. MULTIIIIIIIIIII!!
(B) Pirati 380/ Equipe 270...mmm....2 races a day??
(C) first year Marco Pirata 84-68-50 (pirati)/ Damiano Damiani 84-67-66 (equipe) e Cesare Ungaretti 85-70-70 equipe). no no no no!!!

You always many possible reasons! Go go go....

Make the courtesy to bring you the facts do not suggest hypotheses motorizzzati
You make 10 different hypotheses because you hope that some of these may approach the truth. This is not to have any respect.

I do not open a post on Arrival Claw and because I have no proof, and do not make accusations that I can try. I have a suspicion, but this is not enough to insult a runner.

Rispettami, grazie.

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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:23 pm

Rispettami, grazie.

PS: bla bla bla...do the sheep
You in your always correct tone just called me a sheep.

The rest is bla bla bla bla as usual.
pirati wrote:And once I show you that all your theories are nonsense.
Ah, no you haven't you haven't shown anything. You denied to have 2 teams, with a believable story. That's it. You haven't proven anything at all. All your "proofs" are about things I didn't accuse you of.

Do you know what a multi is? One real life person that has more than one account. FINISHED. Nothing more.
THAT was the important part of what a multi is.
pirati wrote: (A) Equipe pirates in two years, and NEVER do not run together in two years never exchanged runners. MULTIIIIIIIIIII!!
No proof that they are not multis
pirati wrote:(B) Pirati 380/ Equipe 270...mmm....2 races a day??
Not proof that they are not multis
pirati wrote:(C) first year Marco Pirata 84-68-50 (pirati)/ Damiano Damiani 84-67-66 (equipe) e Cesare Ungaretti 85-70-70 equipe). no no no no!!!
No proof that they are not multis.

That was the point. A multi doesn't have to do the things you say you didn't do. You didn't understand it, that's ok.

Anyway, see no further point in discussing this here with you right now, I asked the questions I wanted to ask, you answered some.

But say hi to "Sergio" and tell him to maybe answer the questions I asked if he feels like it. Maybe he hasn't seen them yet, since he hasn't visited the forum in his account for quite a while.
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by flockmastoR » Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:49 pm

Robyklebt hat geschrieben:1) How many stages during Yemen were sitted by Aux? Which ones?
2) Did Sergio ride any stages during the Tour of Yemen? How many? Which ones?
3) Why did Davide claim that Aux had nothing to do with it, except posting some stuff under equipes account? Even though Aux sitting equipe certainly qualifies has having something to do with it, being involved in some way.
4) Why didn't Davide-Sergio publicly announce they have the same IP because they work together?
5) Did Aux announce during the races that he was sitting equipe?
6) Why didn't Aux mention that he was sitting equipe in the forum, even went so far to post in a fairness thread regarding the race as equipe?
And? Still no answers by AUX?
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