Hokkaido H18

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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Hokkaido H18

Post by Pirkio » Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:37 pm

Aixteam start to say shit about way to ride and little "pearl" like:"Aixteam: You're an idiot"

this is the complete chat

"Motorizzati: ?
TTT Hamburg: hahahaha
Aixteam: I would like to help a guy like you Moto, really
Aixteam: You make me feel pity
Team THOMAS: don't talk, just ride, thanks everybody
Aixteam: You're an idiot
Aixteam: THIS IS THE WAY ?
Aixteam: The 94 are the stars !
Motorizzati: team thomas is a good manager don't make 1 km of tempo and win the stage this is the way
Aixteam: Oh yeah
Motorizzati: 9 placewith onor :)
Motorizzati: yes gw die playboys
Die Playboys: moto you are the best every worl!!!! ;-)
Aixteam: Please can you explain me RSF master Moto ?
Aixteam: Yeah I'm a noob
Motorizzati: i win white shirt at TDF red at Vuelta who cares about the victory like i sayd you are good on mountains bad on sprint
Aixteam: Shut up
Aixteam: So please
Motorizzati: i'm happy for you
Motorizzati: not other
Motorizzati: maybe europecar too
Aixteam: I won TDF against Bergwerk, Lecce and the ape having the worst team and of the worst leader ..
Motorizzati: tt you luebek and GDF
Motorizzati: i think you will work.
Aixteam: No really .. you really think I need that to win ?
Aixteam: So I wasn't disturbing him to help me ! MOUHAHAHA I'm the evil, I use the newbies to win !
Motorizzati: never say i'm better than you / him
Motorizzati: good driver is franconia or alkword not you or me with 2 races win with one stupid 92
Motorizzati: and please read again
Motorizzati: if he have 220 total race he's not a new manager..
Die Playboys: what say the many of races about a player
Aixteam: And it's me who don't respect the new managers ^^
Die Playboys: you are a stupid typ dont more
Motorizzati: well in 200 races you don't learned nothing so.. lol
Aixteam: I still learn in this game Moto ;)
Die Playboys: i have 20 races with this team but i play for 4 year with a other team with over 200 races
Motorizzati: game not change if you have 100 races you can play if you have 200 or 800 nothing change just dumb listen to you better ;)
Aixteam: In fact, I have 979 races, not only 800
Aixteam: Playboys : you should ask Moto how to win this stage ! He's the master of RSF
Aixteam: Mr 299 races know the game better than Mr 800 races !
Motorizzati: mr 20 race know the game better than others right?
Die Playboys: no no no sprint is dont only luck
Motorizzati: good driver is franconia or alkword not you or me with 2 races win with one stupid 92
Die Playboys: sorry moto but you talk so bullshit
Motorizzati: good driver? sprint are only luck
Die Playboys: and this is a chance for better win??? oh no every 92 can win with a good driver
Motorizzati: mah this game isn't work all togheder untill the end this game is you work i win why manager don't understand this?
GUDE LAUNE: it is always the same question, who should work in the pelOton, only the real favo, or all guys who could win the race if they are very lucky... this question can only be answered by the managers on their own, there´s no right or wrong
Motorizzati: how you can defeat the leader if you work with him?
Motorizzati: why? becouse they have 2 more point than you?
Aixteam: If he can win, why shouldn't be allowed to ride ?
Aixteam: That's right
Die Playboys: why????
Motorizzati: die playboys 92 can win but 94 can win better
Aixteam: Why not having a 3rd ?
Aixteam: Lucky days ?
Aixteam: ECS already won a stage ..
Motorizzati: this was my affermation than you say they are allowed becouse of one lucky day of two of them, than you sayd skills are not important and this is the big mistakes of you
Die Playboys: MOTO i have Withe trikot and a 92 and yes a 92 can win
Motorizzati: don't talk about GDF thalk about ECS Die Playboys
Aixteam: That's not an argument .. That's an affirmation
Motorizzati: argument is easy some 92 haven't to work
Aixteam: From the beginning, you didn't use any argument. Try to use one !
Motorizzati: sorry for this gude
Motorizzati: who cares i don't remember and i don't care what bad managers tell to me
GUDE LAUNE: first: sorry guys for doing nothing today, but i have a terrible hadache... second: the hadache is growing, when i try to read the discussion between moto and aix... in my opinion both fair manager, just two different points of view.... so calm down guys
Aixteam: What did I say poor little Moto ?
Motorizzati: if you don't remember
Motorizzati: you attacked me 2 days ago
Aixteam: I gave my opinion, then you attacked me
Motorizzati: you have chances but not high like chances of the 94 or 95 so 3 team have to work first than you
Motorizzati: aix you start this not me
Aixteam: So now, shut up please
Die Playboys: why have dont chance with 92??????
Aixteam: AND we saw it the last two days
Aixteam: TTT said his 95 has no form + if you really know RSF, you would know that the sprint skill is not so important
Motorizzati: this tempo don't help you this tempo help only europecar
Aixteam: But his tempo was helping me
Motorizzati: they have no reason to work with a 92 92 vs 95 no chances
Aixteam: At the first stage, I said to cyclo star he shouldn't ride in the peloton because he had no chance in a sprint
Motorizzati: you say they have to work becouse of they have chances
Team GDF-Suez: blue TTT ?
Aixteam: I respect all the players
Aixteam: I said their tempo were understandable
Aixteam: WHERE ?
Aixteam: Where did I say them to work ?
Motorizzati: the difference from an old manager to you is they respect all the players and helps the new one you only say them to work
Aixteam: It's fun, but a lot of teams like me too !
Motorizzati: i know is for this a lot of team love me and a lot of team have a good time with me in this game team who don't blabla like you
Aixteam: When I arrived on RSF, I respected the old managers .. Now this time is over
Aixteam: You're fun
Aixteam: Hihi :)
Motorizzati: aix aix you need to talk few shit every race becouse of your week team?
Aixteam: If he wins, then it's a great move
Motorizzati: use the 87 at -80 is a great move no?
Motorizzati: if*
Motorizzati: of course i ride in this way is shit
Aixteam: They are newbies ? They beat us the lasy days ! We are shit then
Aixteam: If you would know the game, you would know it's often easier to sprint with an outsider than with the big favo
Motorizzati: no just one who like the game and don't say shit to newmbie for have an advantage ^^
Aixteam: Then you're a big star
Die Playboys: ging auch eher darum das ttt geholfen hat oder auch ich
Motorizzati: yes i have to learn to play the game look carlo 87 sprint 26 point look ttt with 95 25 point ^^
Aixteam: Lucky ? Yeah, I need them to catch you .. YOUR ESCAPE IS SO STRONG MY DEAR
Aixteam: I think you have still much to learn in this game
Motorizzati: mah talk with you is like talk with a child of 10 years you are luckythey are working for you
Luebeck-Oilers: ich kann aber die etappe gewinnen.tempo somit legitim
Aixteam: That's why I arrive to the conclusion you're a baby
Motorizzati: i think you are better in the mountain than in the flat
Aixteam: Then he will try his luck
Aixteam: Playboys saw we can win with a 92
Motorizzati: no 5 green and yellow
Motorizzati: no 5 winner
Die Playboys: @lübeck geht nur darum das er nicht will das wir ihn jagen weil wir ja doch nicht im GK gewinnen er füllt sich somit doof
Aixteam: And you know, I don't need them to catch you ;)
Motorizzati: maybe but then?
Motorizzati: GDF and the others?
Aixteam: ECS already won, maybe he's able to do it again
Aixteam: It seems logic he wants to keep it
Aixteam: GDF has yellow ..
Motorizzati: but they are new and you prefere they work
Aixteam: No .. It could be the winners of the last stages
Luebeck-Oilers: ich verstehe nichts
Motorizzati: theam with 92 haven't to work
Motorizzati: yes that one is TTT or you or lubek
Aixteam: And I'm not riding because my team is dead because I worked a lot the first two days
Aixteam: In every stage, there is a favo for the stage who helps for the gk .. that's the case here
Motorizzati: don't talk with me in this way i'm not stupid
Motorizzati: the winner of the tour?
Motorizzati: talk about europecar?
Motorizzati: 94
Motorizzati: ok now talk about you
Aixteam: GDF has yellow and already won a stage
TTT Hamburg: we talk not over you...why?
Aixteam: ECS already won a stage
Motorizzati: Aix shut the fuck up you are with one 94 and don't work don't be stupid
Aixteam: TTT has a 95
TTT Hamburg: ob wir in der Lage sind das spiel zu spielen!!
Aixteam: Luebeck has a 94
Motorizzati: please don't talk in this way with me i'm not your big friend don't be "too familiar" mercy
Aixteam: Say me who
Motorizzati: i'm not a child just tell the truth if they prefere don't learn to play ok no problem for me
Motorizzati: aix they have no chances to win the tour some of them are not able to win the race
Luebeck-Oilers: ttt was schreibt moto
TEAM ECS: ha ok merci aix
Aixteam: Moto .. please stop doing the baby
Motorizzati: existensial question for you guys ARE YOU ABLE TO PLAY THIS GAME? LOL
Team THOMAS: hallo
Motorizzati: 87 and 86 don't think are better for the end?
Aixteam: Ecs : TTT ne parle pas français
Die Playboys: um so schöner wäre mal ein teilerfolg in weiß
Motorizzati: and why ttt work? you are not able to win tour - green ^^
TEAM ECS: sorry TTT je suis de mauvaise humeur aujourd'hui
Die Playboys: glaube ich zu gern aber mehr ärgert mich bei einzelrennen ständig 2ter zu werden
Luebeck-Oilers: ich hab auch lange auf mein erstes trikot warten müssen
Motorizzati: what about sit and eat popcorn?
Team GDF-Suez: thanks TTT
Die Playboys: wäre mein erster erfolg mit diesem Team und einfach genial
Motorizzati: hi"
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Re: Hokkaido H18

Post by Aixteam » Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:44 pm

Motorizzati: Aix shut the fuck up you are with one 94 and don't work don't be stupid

You started .. Then I was just at your level. If I take a fine for that, I quit RSF I think.
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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Re: Hokkaido H18

Post by Pirkio » Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:48 pm

i never talked with you since you don't say this:"Aixteam: Moto .. please stop doing the baby"

Arrogant with me in chat now coming here and cry? why don't think it first? I'm one of the people who prefere avoid the fines and always vote for a low one but you attacked me 2 days ago and today too i'm very tired about you and your way to talk with me
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Re: Hokkaido H18

Post by Pirkio » Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:51 pm

And i think you can translate the part not in english better than me it talk a lot better than me
Motorizzati Corse

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Re: Hokkaido H18

Post by Aixteam » Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:54 pm

Only truth makes angry.
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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