Chaos Team

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Chaos Team, must be banned ?

Poll ended at Mon May 16, 2011 3:55 pm

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Chaos Team

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:30 pm

The master of - votes, 78 minus overall right now, nr 2 of all times behind an inactive team with -80, but will overtake him soon.

The reason? Topsprinter, 95, sometimes 2, complete refusal to work regularly it seems. . No work, not on too regularly either. So he gets minus nonstop.
That's basically not a big problem, IMO nothing to punish him, it must be very frustrating to ride with him, that's all.

But: Can you check the IP? Almost can't imagine that that's a "normal" user. IMO big chances that it's a multi. Playing the way he seems to do, in basically every race can't be fun. 2 sprinters, do nothing, get everybody angry at you, do nothing even if there is absolutely no reason to do nothing, let the others do your work and sprint, it would not hurt him in any way to work too. And would be less hated around here. Which usually makes it more enjoyable. Of course it's possible that he is just a complete weirdo, but IMO as likely that it's a multi who lives out his sadistic streak with Chaos. Might be wrong and he's really a complete weirdo..

Anyway, can you check the IP?
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Re: Chaos Team

Post by R0oM4iN » Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:59 pm

Just finished a race against him.
Totally agree !

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Re: Chaos Team

Post by Aixteam » Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:01 pm

R0oM4iN wrote:Just finished a race against him.
Totally agree !
Hum .. With which team ? ROMAIN is in Ruta del Sol group 2 . Have you another team ?
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Re: Chaos Team

Post by SaxoFan » Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:06 pm

Je suis chez un pote (ROMAIN) car mon ordi bug et j'ai oublié de le déconnecté du forum quand j'ai voulu répondre à Roby ^^
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Re: Chaos Team

Post by SaxoFan » Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:07 pm

Forget the message from R0oM4iN, it's an other player !
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Re: Chaos Team

Post by kielgy » Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:29 pm

Its really anoying to ride with chaos...

Everybody should tell everybody in races with him, just to attack and leave him alone...
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Re: Chaos Team

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:31 pm

Again, has an IP check been done?

The asocial behaviour just seems suspicious to me for a "first team". Can it be really be fun to ride like that?
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Re: Chaos Team

Post by claw » Thu Apr 14, 2011 6:15 pm

Robyklebt wrote:Again, has an IP check been done?

The asocial behaviour just seems suspicious to me for a "first team". Can it be really be fun to ride like that?
not for others in his pelotons, at least...
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Re: Chaos Team

Post by team fl » Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:10 pm

He's doing tempo!!! he must be ill!!! come and watch. race at 16h right now. even started in the peloton an is asking for help! wohoo! :twisted:
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Chaos Team

Post by team fl » Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:15 pm

damn, to early. old chaos back. I insist on checking if he was sitted the first KM ;)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Chaos Team

Post by Team ART » Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:36 pm

I am sure thats not in the interest of the rsf-community, thats a person like chaos is allowed to play this game furthermore.

He destroys every race he joins. In my opinion this is a better reason to punish him then an insult or something like that.
It´s nearly impossible to punish him during the races, so i would prefer that he will be banish.

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Re: Chaos Team

Post by flockmastoR » Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:43 am

Team ART wrote:I am sure thats not in the interest of the rsf-community, thats a person like chaos is allowed to play this game furthermore.

He destroys every race he joins. In my opinion this is a better reason to punish him then an insult or something like that.
It´s nearly impossible to punish him during the races, so i would prefer that he will be banish.
Absolutely disagree
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Re: Chaos Team

Post by Luna » Sat Apr 30, 2011 12:06 pm

Disagree, too.

In a way I actually like what he is doing. Although not completely sure about it, beacuse I never experienced him by myself, AFAIK. A team called "Chaos" teaching the pelotons the nature of the oh so feared chaos races. Funny somehow^^ (if that's what he does).

Just go out and adapt to it. Don't ride for a mass sprint if the (or one of the) best sprinter doesn't want to let his team wor for him. Show us your abilty to react differentyl to different situations. Be flexible.

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(Ok, Petacchi or Greipel wouldn't have enough flat skill in RSF. But you have other riders that would be able to fight for the win out of an escape group)

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Re: Chaos Team

Post by Team ART » Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:29 pm

Maybe you should first make your own experience with him...

He usually joins about 10 races a month. Feel free to enjoy some of them.
Natural with a sprinter team, to get the full package of Chaos-feelings :mrgreen:

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Re: Chaos Team

Post by flockmastoR » Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:51 pm

well i did it but everybody knows and still he gets his MS. Just try another thing...
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Re: Chaos Team

Post by Luna » Sat Apr 30, 2011 6:31 pm

Team ART wrote:Maybe you should first make your own experience with him...

He usually joins about 10 races a month. Feel free to enjoy some of them.
Natural with a sprinter team, to get the full package of Chaos-feelings :mrgreen:
Why should I make the same mistake and specialize myself to only one certain race unfolding..? I understand well that you don't have much fun with such an approach as soon as any little circumstance is different than needed for such a way of riding.

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Re: Chaos Team

Post by Team ART » Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:38 pm

Sorry Luna, but you understood nothing... i haven´t any problem to escape for myself or let an other group through.

But i have a big problem with his social behavior. There are some teams who have to ride every fucking race with him and i could imagine
that some of them decide not to ride, if they see that chaos is joining.
So for me its the better decision to ban chaos, then loose other teams who like this game...

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Re: Chaos Team

Post by Luna » Sun May 01, 2011 1:24 am

Yes, I have to admit I don't know much about his social behaviour. Just referred to that single fact of having one of the best sprinters and denying to work for him. I guess you referred to that, too, when you suggested to me to enter a race with him and bring a sprinters team line-up.

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Re: Chaos Team

Post by flockmastoR » Sun May 01, 2011 2:18 pm

Yeah just ban someone who doesnt ride as you want? Yes it is really annoying with chaos but ban him? NO!!! Then ban everybody who rides for a 3rd place, everybody who destroys races for money escape, red trikot etc.
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Re: Chaos Team

Post by Quick » Sun May 01, 2011 2:21 pm

Honestly...i would ban him too. What he does has nothing to do with RSF. can say, that the others should be flexible and escape... but if you have to ride to the chaos-time and you are a topsprintteam you maybe don't like 10 chaos-races per month.
But buh shall check the IP-adress...
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Re: Chaos Team

Post by Team ART » Sun May 01, 2011 6:41 pm

flockmastoR wrote:Yeah just ban someone who doesnt ride as you want? Yes it is really annoying with chaos but ban him? NO!!! Then ban everybody who rides for a 3rd place, everybody who destroys races for money escape, red trikot etc.
I understand this point very well, but - as quick said - chaos doesn´t play this game. His online-time is under 5% a every race.
But the teams who are in the same race with him got the problems. One Chaos = eleven angry manager. And he didn´t do this shit ones or twice... he does it in every race he joins. This have more negativ repercussions for this game then any insult - or the points you involved from above - could have. So if you don´t want to ban him...take his money, punish him. But i think, the community have to do something.
If this isn´t a reason for the fairplay commitee to act...I dont know...

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Re: Chaos Team

Post by Radunion » Sun May 01, 2011 7:29 pm

I understand your problem, but what is his crime? You cannot force a team to ride because you think he has to ride. And if he is offline for a long time it should be possible to change your tactics, and don't be surprised if he wins the bunch sprint.

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Re: Chaos Team

Post by Zentaron » Sun May 01, 2011 9:49 pm

I'm no friend of banning him - to point that out.

However: Look my team. I am pure sprint. That's my way to play RSF and i like it. Teams like Chaos though should be able to force me to build my team in another way? Because that's what Luna says at least. Look my team. There are no riders except the sprinters with more than 60 sprint. And this has a reason. Riders with a good sprint skill are expensive and i don't need expensive helpers. I don't want to buy other riders than that i have. However, now i should be forced by teams like Chaos to build my team like he forces me to do? That's the way RSF goes? That's definetely not the right way.
I'm an active sprint team, i ride when i have to ride, i try my best to become the best sprint team here, but with teams like Chaos you'll lose the fun very fast.

My advantage is, that i mostly have competitive sprinters and also do not have to ride that often against him. It's kind of pissing me anyway.

However, parasitism is the new way of life in RSF. It's nothing else with all the 92, 93, 94 sprinters who refuse to work, but Chaos (and AGHN in the past with Bubbly) is definitely the one who leads this problem to a higher dimension. So there has to be a possibility to punish a team who leads RSF ad absurdum without me having to build my team in a way he demands it.
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Re: Chaos Team

Post by Luna » Sun May 01, 2011 11:03 pm

No need to re-build the team. Every rider is capable of attacking, even with less than 60 sprint. Of course you're not necessarily in the role of the favourite in a group then. But that's bike racing. In one situation you have the better cards, in others the cards are less good. And even that may turn into an advantage in some cases.

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Re: Chaos Team

Post by Zentaron » Sun May 01, 2011 11:17 pm

But what's my intention then? Riding for place 10 to 15 in a group? Not the way i understand cycling.
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