CreditPommes(20:04): Gw
Hansa(20:00): but if i did a team attack, yes you should report it
Hansa(20:00): i wondered the same what team attack he is talking about
Schappy(19:59): was für eine Teamattacke bitte r FSCL?
Hansa(19:54): Gw rad
pontepiscopiens(19:41): gw radunion
Hansa(19:39): on km 100 he is shown there but obviously not riding as he loses 20 seconds on that km

Hansa(19:38): but in the real race he 100% was shown there
Hansa(19:37): in the replay*
Hansa(19:37): hmm in the animation emil is not shown in tempo on km 50
SouthWest Packers(19:37): Gw
Allrad(19:36): Gw
Radunion(19:36): thanks
Radunion(19:36): good that the tempo slowed down in the end
Black-Star(19:36): gw
r FSCL(19:36): gw rad
White Red(19:36): gw rad
Hansa(19:36): ah true the animation is missing
r FSCL(19:36): ich habe die Button aktualisieren und auto aber sprint fehlt
Radunion(19:35): can you do a screenshot for the bug report?
Black-Star(19:35): but dont see the animation
Hansa(19:35): for me it works both on pc and mobile phone
Black-Star(19:34): did close the website and opened it again
Black-Star(19:34): yes
Hansa(19:34): zooming in/out maybe helps
Hansa(19:34): you tried reloading?
Black-Star(19:33): where can you see them?
r FSCL(19:33): i dont have the button sprint
Hansa(19:32): i see them
r FSCL(19:32): i dont see the sprint meters anymore?
Hansa(19:32): with hanging there^^
Hansa(19:32): Huurman saving the sprint

Radunion(19:30): I expected him to have even less chance
SouthWest Packers(19:30): You forget that you habe 2 more flat
Radunion(19:28): "Gruppe kommt nicht weg" was not what I expected against Sergio
SouthWest Packers(19:27): Not today
Radunion(19:26): Lepko is scary
Black-Star(19:26): GL
Hansa(19:22): only alk could know
Black-Star(19:22): unless the riders in the race doesnt reload once the race is started
Hansa(19:22): but idk if the effects only happend after daychange
Hansa(19:21): at least thats when you can watch your riders train
Black-Star(19:21): mhm yeah would make sense
Hansa(19:21): training always was at 0:40
Hansa(19:21): but as training is a script running at 0:40 very possible that changes immedietely

Black-Star(19:21): I always thought training is at day change too but now its 0:40

Hansa(19:20): thats at least what we got told
Black-Star(19:20): never or like training some 40ish minutes later?

Hansa(19:20): at the daychange
Black-Star(19:20): the visual changes at 0:00 yes but when does it change really
Hansa(19:20): but i am not sure about training

Hansa(19:20): so i am very sure about that
Hansa(19:20): as its an old bug buhman told us form is only visual
Black-Star(19:19): if form doesnt count training shouldnt count aswell, but are you sure that form doesnt count , maybe it changes at 0:40 too?
Hansa(19:18): training ist 0:40
Black-Star(19:18): as training is when the day change is somewhere in the middle of the night
Black-Star(19:18): I thought we have no training during stage
Hansa(19:17): but the real question is what happens with training during a stage. will that be added immedietely?
Hansa(19:17): imagine midnight races on the last day of the month

Radunion(19:16): I luckily was told that it is that way when I was thinking about being very clever
Hansa(19:16): but only visual
Hansa(19:16): thats a very old buhman code bug

Black-Star(19:15): good to know
Black-Star(19:15): ok
Hansa(19:15): its just shown wrong
Hansa(19:15): its not
Black-Star(19:15): just don't ride 23h then your form is always 1 off^^
Hansa(19:14): because your form need to cover the early and the late mountain stages
Hansa(19:14): that would be the only right choice for any gc rider for dec tour
Black-Star(19:13): and you dont have to tell
Radunion(19:13): the sensible form would have been the ITT, not that I choose this option
Black-Star(19:13): I dont know your form
SouthWest Packers(19:13): Dont call my Riders weak

Hansa(19:13): but max isnt a pure climber
Hansa(19:12): the real question will be if packers can gain GC time on us
Black-Star(19:12): dec tour form for climbers means still quite good here

Hansa(19:12): this packers guy idk but eben with 100 form hes still weaker int he itt
Hansa(19:12): allrad without form too, max with dec tour form
Hansa(19:11): reggy without form might be the best form in this tour by the gc favos

Black-Star(19:10): 62 vs 72 is prolly like a minute on those 3 km
CreditPommes(19:10): Reggy obviously without Form wont help
Hansa(19:10): the cassics here are pretty weak
Hansa(19:10): my bet is clearly on packers tomorrow
Black-Star(19:09): to far away in the climb / not enough flat left
Hansa(19:09): 64-85 and 62-89
Black-Star(19:08): ponte credit and TTV are my favos there
Hansa(19:08): very hard fo single superclassics against these packers guys
Black-Star(19:08): tomorrow is a stage for super classics
Hansa(19:07): Max would have needed a superclassic as helper to gain time on him tomorrow, better 2 very strong ones
Black-Star(19:07): he is to weak
Black-Star(19:07): yeah I know
Radunion(19:07): sorry if I get Sami before the sprint but this is not about him
Hansa(19:06): not really as packers pretty easy catches the classics back tomorrow
Black-Star(19:06): if Max has a classic helper I'd say its his in this field but without its open
Black-Star(19:05): someone like Ivan Moskalenko might do it gaining like 30-60sec in the hilly stage against Max and co
Hansa(19:05): the gc fight will be mostly in the itt only Packers has some real chances to gain time on the other stages
Black-Star(19:04): will be interesting
Black-Star(19:04): GC fight will be weird here, no TT rider, Max with chances which he should not have in most fields, but no good classic with TT to kill him Hansa without support for Max
Radunion(19:03): I hope I can get a good view on the GC fight
Hansa(19:02): könnten in dem GK kampf am ende interessant sein
Hansa(19:02): viel mehr ärgert mich dass ich die sekunden mit max nicht bekommen habe
Black-Star(19:01): aber für die Wissenschaft Hansa immer drank denken
Black-Star(19:01): bist nicht der einzige der heute Kraftverschwendung betrieben hat

Hansa(18:58): jetzt hab ich 200 kraft von emil fürs testen verschwendet xD
Hansa(18:57): tempo machen muss halt wieder warten auf chef als einstellung überschreiben, so dass nicht beides gleichzeitig aktiv sein kann, so wie es im taktik tab ja auch ist wenn man es da probiert geht es nicht
Hansa(18:56): ah stimmt das problem auch noch ist perfekt für sectricks
Hansa(18:56): das war ja mein problem an km 50 er war im tempo und auf der km berechnung dann auf einmal nicht mehr

Black-Star(18:56): pls fix
Black-Star(18:55): perfekt für sectrick out oO
Hansa(18:55): ja genau
Black-Star(18:55): aber bis zur berechnung sieht es so aus als ob er tempo macht
Hansa(18:55): er verliert an dem km dann aber auch die zeit als wäre er nicht im tempo
Hansa(18:55): warten auf leader stelle ich zuerst ein, dann das tempo und bei der km berechnugn kommt dann de rbug das er nicht mehr im tempo ist aber trotzdem noch oben angezeigt wird
Hansa(18:54): und das war vorhin das problem auch ich hab an km 49 warten auf chef eingestellt er hat sich zu max fallen lassen, an km 50 waren sie dann beide zusammen und ich hab im rennfenster emil ins tempo gestellt weil der ja max ziehen wollte und dann kam der bug und das hauptfeld hatte uns eingeholt

Black-Star(18:54): wann fliegt er aus dem Tempo raus, wenn du auf leader warten einstellst oder erst wenn der km berechnet wird?
Hansa(18:53): und wenn du auf der taktik seite einstellst warten auf chef und danach einstellst tempo auch auf der taktik seite geht warten auf chef raus, wenn du das tempo aber über die rennseite einstellst bleibt warten auf chef drin, das verursacht dann den bug wenn beides gleichzeitig drin ist
Alkworld / Admin(18:53): und das war "warte auf Chef" ?
Hansa(18:52): aber er fährt kein tempo
Alkworld / Admin(18:52): ok, das ist falsch

Hansa(18:52): er verliert jetzt auch jeden km kraft als wäre er im tempo
Hansa(18:52): er ist oben an der gruppe aber nicht im tempo
Alkworld / Admin(18:52): ah, Max auch vorne ...
Hansa(18:52): guck jetzt auf emil
Alkworld / Admin(18:51): sags mir später, dann stelle ich es bei mir zu Hause nach
Hansa(18:51): und ja emil hat max geholfen aber max war in der gleichen gruppe wie emil und nicht im hauptfeld
Hansa(18:51): yes he loses power like he does tempo
Hansa(18:51): also ich kanne s dir jetzt in live vormachen wenn du möchtest xD
Black-Star(18:51): did he lose power for that km Hansa? if yes that would really suck

Hansa(18:51): no alk i can reproduce the bug
SouthWest Packers(18:50): Ah ok

Alkworld / Admin(18:50): or one of the requests took too long
Hansa(18:50): so he will lose power like he is riding tempo he is shown on top like he is riding tempo but he gets the timegap like he isnt riding
Alkworld / Admin(18:50): Log says Kellenberger was all the time helping someone else. Once you set wait for leader he dropped to that guy (in peloton). Maybe changing of helped rider didn't come through?
Hansa(18:50): so the problem really is you can have tempo and waiting for leader on the same km and that will bug out his tempo
Hansa(18:49): i am testing the bug i had earlier
SouthWest Packers(18:49): Emil does Tempo? Or i get a graphic bug
Hansa(18:49): ist wohl genau so wie du gesagt hast radu warten auf chef und tempo gleichzeitig macht probleme
Black-Star(18:49): it looks weird Emil is in front like he would do tempo but no tempo shown
Hansa(18:48): fährt wohl kein tempo
Black-Star(18:48): peloton pls slw down Sami deserves his km141 IS

Hansa(18:48): magst du nen km rausgehen um zu gucken ob emil tempo fährt oder nicht?
Hansa(18:48): er verliert auch kraft für im tempo
Radunion(18:47): ja
Radunion(18:47): the good old I kill your rider if you act this way
Liberty Sarténe(18:47): of course
Hansa(18:47): radu steht bei dir emil jetzt auch über deinem fahrer im tempo? obwohl ich nicht im tempo bin?
SouthWest Packers(18:43): Liberty you can Join now

Hansa(18:40): kann das jetzt auch nicht mehr testen ins alte rsf komme ich ja nicht mehr

Hansa(18:39): tempo im renntab sollte warten auf chef eigentlich auch rauskicken bin mir auch sicher dass es das früher hat weil manchmal wenn ich mich umentschieden habe doch nicht zu warten hab iche infach kurz tempo rein und wieder raus dann wurde auch nicht mehr gewartet
Alkworld / Admin(18:39): so ähnlich habe ich RVV verloren

Allrad(18:39): Ist aber Schnee von vorgestern. War halt mega nervig, wenn man während des Rennens ständig angemacht wird, dass man angeblich irgendwelche Fairnessverstöße begeht
Hansa(18:38): da ich das genau so schon öfter gemacht habe und das nicht passiert ist denke ich schond ass es neu ist
Alkworld / Admin(18:38): das ist vielleicht nicht mal ein neuer Bug / Feature
Hansa(18:37): eventuell ist das wirklich das problem
Hansa(18:37): radu hatte vorgeschlagen das es daran liegt das tempo und warten auf chef am gleichen km aktiv war, habs grade ausprobiert wenn man das im taktik tab einstellt geht es nicht da geht nur eins von beiden, wenn man das tempo aber im renntab einstellt bleibt das warten auf chef drin
Alkworld / Admin(18:36): I'll look after the race, replay will make it easier
Allrad(18:36): Nach 30 Kilometern hatte ich tatsächlich eine Teamattacke fabriziert. Die hatte ich aber umgehend rückgängig gemacht
Hansa(18:35): if you look at the log i attacked on 48 and on 49, waited there with Emil, on km 50 i had emil in tempo but the peloton caught the group, the gap was way to big for a catch in 1 km
Allrad(18:35): und zwei weitere Fahrer erfolgreich verhangen. In meinen Augen und auch von rQuick alles sauber. Nur ein Teilnehmer des Rennens (=Porto) war anderer Meinung
Alkworld / Admin(18:34): What happened?
Allrad(18:33): Vor vor drei Tagen bin ich ein Rennen gestartet. Kilometer 1 mit zwei Fahrern attackiert
Black-Star(18:33): together? or do you yield against Rad?
Hansa(18:29): glaube bis km 92 hätte mich keiner geholt mit 2 fitten flachfahrern vorne
Hansa(18:29): ohne bug wären das heute einige sekunden gewesen
SouthWest Packers(18:28): Kannst dir die bonussek morgen holen Hansa

Hansa(18:28): kann ich dir leider nichts zu sagen weil ich nicht weiß welches rennen und welche situation du meinst allrad
Allrad(18:28): Hatte ich mich auch gefragt
Hansa(18:28): ärgerlich hätte sonst ja locker zur sprintwertung gereicht
Black-Star(18:27): mhm it just says new status color not how they actually work
Hansa(18:27): muss mir mal km 50 merken und im replay angucken da war irgend ein bug mit meinem tempo
Schappy(18:27): maybe waiting and tempo doesnt work?
Black-Star(18:26): thx
Hansa(18:26): was davon soll ne team attacke sein?
Hansa(18:26): oskar again stopped tempo
Allrad(18:26): Kurz einmal auf deutsch. Vor einigen Tagen hatte man mir erzählt, dass sowas eine Teamattacke sei. Ist natürlich Blödsinn
Hansa(18:26): if you are on the start page before you log in if you scroll down you find patch notes
Black-Star(18:25): where can I find the message/news with what is new in the new version?
Allrad(18:25): A few days ago those two attacks (= Hansa) would be a teamattack

Schappy(18:25): seemed to be a bug
Hansa(18:25): why did my rider stop tempo?
Hansa(18:24): wtf?
Black-Star(18:23): I dont know the colour sheme didnt read the news^^
Radunion(18:21): if he was in the account on purpose this is beyond stupid
r FSCL(18:21):
I dont but okay ...
Hansa(18:21): as there is a color for not online at all its very clear if someone wasnt there at all
Hansa(18:20): i think its much more clear like this espacially with the color indicator
Black-Star(18:20): so he should be 1 less if you are somewhenre online before the race starts
Hansa(18:20): Km: 1, Steigung: -1 Tero Toivonen (Black-Star) attackiert Philippe Lammers (r FSCL) geht mit
Black-Star(18:20): and km 1 is obvly from 17:33:00 and 18:00:00
or he could have checked blacks km 1 attack and set the following
Black-Star(18:20): my understanding is for example km11 is between 18:04:30 and 18:05:00 means if he clicked on something betweeen those times he is there at km11
Radunion(18:19): you can check the energy and the form of the riders, this would be a reason
Hansa(18:19): how doesnt it make sense?
Black-Star(18:19): that doesnt makes sense but if it's like that ok
he wasnt here on km 1 but he was here before km 1 so somewhere between 17:33 and 17:59 same counts for donto in your account
Black-Star(18:18): if he wasnt here numbers are right but should be 1 less if he was there
so why were you in my account donto? if you were in my account and it's not bugged^^
Hansa(18:17): why should it be one less if ttv wasnt here on km 1?
Black-Star(18:16): number in the old versoin made more sense
Black-Star(18:16): aah ok, doesnt really makes sense why its not 1 less but ok
r FSCL(18:15): if he rides without he will be grey
Black-Star(18:15): so the numbers changed with the new version
Hansa(18:15): not online at all is a grey dot
Hansa(18:15): red dot means he was online already
Black-Star(18:14): if he has settign he has 29 at km 30
Black-Star(18:14): he has 30 at km 30
Hansa(18:14): he is riding with settings
Black-Star(18:14): else he would have 1km less inactive
Hansa(18:14): no
Black-Star(18:14): yeah TTv is riding without setting
No look at ttv red and 26 kms means he has settings but is offline since racestart otherwise it would be a grey dot
Black-Star(18:13): or it changed with the neew version^^
Black-Star(18:13): but he is shown offline for km1
Black-Star(18:13): if you log in in the 30min before the race you are shown online for km1
Black-Star(18:12): else it would be (23) when 24km are over
He was in your account before the race start
Black-Star(18:12): so he logged in before even anything was to be seen for him
you actively have to log into the sitting tool, I never thought about using it when I was not ask to sit somebody
Black-Star(18:11): no he did not we are at km24 and it says 24
Black-Star(18:11): 23 now^^
The bigger issue is r fscl following black on km1 after he logged in in blacks account
Black-Star(18:11): but why does it show like this? I mean it says (22) means he logged in even before the signin for the race stopped just because he clicked into my account at some time during today?
Schappy(18:11): i had 3 sitter i trust all the time active
Schappy(18:10): i am very interestet, against which rule this fpc case will be

Radunion(18:10): not sure everything works fine here, but it has to be looked into one way or another
Black-Star(18:10): yeah I should remembering deleting sitter accounts form time to time, but I have usually 3-4 active, or at least delete those who are racing in the same race

Hansa(18:10): Star means auto refresh
Radunion(18:09): and CreditPommes has a star that is not explained in the new version
That doesnt mean set as sitter that means you logged in in blacks account with the sitter tool
Hansa(18:08): I will open a füc for that btw
Hansa(18:08): I will open a füc for that btw
r FSCL(18:08): okay np
r FSCL(18:08): or black set me as sitter thats right
Black-Star(18:07): I deleted it now
r FSCL(18:07): i set him as sitter
Black-Star(18:07): I guess he used my sitter login he had from a few weeks ago when he sitted for me
Hansa(18:07): It means logged in via sittertool
Hansa(18:07): Obv 3rd favo for MS today btw
Schappy(18:06): what does these "via" mean?
Hansa(18:06): Black-Star via r FSCL (13) ???
Black-Star(18:05): but I'm not even 2nd or 3rd in the favo ranks so it doesnt matter to me anyway
Schappy(18:04): to call Black Star a sucker is a great joke
Black-Star(18:04): topfavo is Rad and rad only
Black-Star(18:04): top favo

you are funny
Liberty Sarténe(18:03): too many sucker in this game last time
Liberty Sarténe(18:03): because you are top favo ?
Black-Star(18:02): why not?
Liberty Sarténe(18:02): Black Star in front ? wtf ?
r FSCL(17:57): hi
Black-Star(17:57): Moin
Radunion(17:55): hi
White Red(17:52): good evening
SouthWest Packers(17:50): Hi
Schappy(17:38): hello
Team Trojer Vellau(17:36): Yop
Allrad(17:36): Hi
Hansa(17:35): Moin
CreditPommes(17:34): Moin
Alkworld(09:01): Don't sign up for this race before Monday morning, the inscriptions will be lost the installation of the new version on Monday morning!