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Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:43 am
by Allagen

Wollongong-Wollongong is a nice Sprinter-Race. There is one 6 % every lap and one Pave part (** and ***) at the 3er Wollon-Mountain. The rest of this race is very flat.

Name: Wollo
Distance: 210
6 %: 4x
3er Pave: 4x
2er Pave: 4x

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 3:40 pm
by skull
you know that pave and KOM/Sprints dont work together ?

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:20 pm
by Allagen
oh really? i don´t know, okay, i will change this

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:24 pm
by Allagen
i have problems now. i can´t change kom/sprints, why?

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:26 pm
by skull
i think its changed
maybe clear your cache oder so

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:06 pm
by Allagen

name: rhero

It´s a spezical race in honor of the great Heros from Romania! It is difficult to drive, but i will be a great race i think. The Dragostiniu Hill is with 3er pave. between 115-130 there are some 4-5er pave parts, so the "Bergfahrer" will get some problemes, but it is possible to comeback and win, because the last mildano mountain is very cliffy/steep (also steil?). first and the last km is also with pave, so a lot of drivers are able to win!

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:08 pm
by Lizard
Will there be a race for the czech heroes too? Cestrij, Wollfinger, ... ;)

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:19 pm
by Allagen
perhaps i will create a Heros-Tour, 4-5 Stages in different countries, just in honor of the heros from romania, italy, germany, spain,...but this will be only a phantasy tour...

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 6:08 pm
by olmania
Allagen wrote:Image

name: rhero

It´s a spezical race in honor of the great Heros from Romania! It is difficult to drive, but i will be a great race i think. The Dragostiniu Hill is with 3er pave. between 115-130 there are some 4-5er pave parts, so the "Bergfahrer" will get some problemes, but it is possible to comeback and win, because the last mildano mountain is very cliffy/steep (also steil?). first and the last km is also with pave, so a lot of drivers are able to win!
km193-194 are under the sea level :D
They need to swim weel ... heroes ! :lol:

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:30 pm
by Elaska

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:18 pm
by Allagen

Very hard race in columbian. It is a good race for the best climbers of RSF! A few years ago the climbers were the kings of RSF. Every good Teams had a good climber. Now it is time for a return of the climbers. And they need races! Races like this! It is not a boring flat race, it is a fantastic mountain race for climbers, the real kings of RSF!

name: pico

distance: 230

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:42 pm
by Allagen

Not easy, but a normal (like i think) sprinter-race. first half of the race is a little bit hilly, you are able to split the field, last 70-80 kms are very flat so the sprinterteams are able to come back. i hope that a sprinter will win this race after a big fight! by the way, there is not possibillity to earn money during the race, only at the end you can make money, hopefully with a sprinter

name: horten
distance: 180 km
60s/km: last 30 km

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:46 pm
by olmania
Danemark is not a flat country ?
Where did you find these hills ?

And about your race in South America : nice idea, but maybe too hard for a one day Cat1 stage. And no suspense, peloton at the bottom of the last hill, no possibility for the outsiders to try something. So it's not a boring flat race, sure, but a boring moutain race maybe.

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:09 pm
by Allagen
i think it´s okay if only 20-40 drivers finish the mountain race. where is the problem? did you see the races at the beginning of RSF? a mountain race was quite normal, okay, my race is a very hard mountain race, i know, but a mountain race was normal. now a sprint race is normal. i try to change this, so i begin to create more mountain races. because they are not easy to controll and they are very tactic (i mean, you need a good tactic to win this race). and i want to support all teams with 2 climbers. now it is not very clever to buy 2 climbers, because we have not many races where you need 2 climbers. that is an other reason for me to create more mountain races.

@ denmark: this race is very flat. the most of time at first part, we have 2-5 %. only 3-5 times we have more, like 6-8 %. the rest of the race is very flat. i just want to stop the boring flat races, so i try to make it more difficult for a sprint-team to win, but it is also possibil to win! i didnot find the profil, it´s just a phantasy race! but i can change it for you ;) perhaps into norway ;)

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:19 pm
by Elaska
Your mountain race is not normal for one day , cat 1 ;)

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:57 pm
by Allagen
it is a good alternative i think. i do not want 5-10 races like this every month, but 1-3 normal mountain races are okay. and it will be okay, that one of three races is very hard and difficult. if you do not like this race, you can drive an other race, no problem. but i will not stop to reanimate the climber milieu! ;) but only for you i will create a normale mountain race, but you have to drive this!!! ;)

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:12 pm
by Allagen

now i hope elaska is happy ;) this is a medium mountain race. it is not easy, but it is not to hard. it´s a race in georgien.

name: schchara
distance: 185 km

60 sek/km: 150 km

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:14 am
by bergwerk cycling
its time for hillraces ... my rider Ono makes a long break, no hills and only holiday ...
Hope the may will change from flat into hills with lovely races like this.

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:23 pm
by Allagen

sollten hier lieber realallagen nehmen und nicht das rennen. das hier ist nur so nen versuch

nice Sprinterrace in the hearts of the sauerland! The race starts in not far from Meschede and then you have to drive over the Stimm-Stamm (like i did and it was not so easy ;) ) After this you will go through Warstein, the hometown of bad beer. Perhaps the Manager want to make a little break there and visit the brewery. then we will go to Hirschberg 3 times, it is just a small 2-5-5-2 combination. But the Highlight of this race is, of course, we will go to Allagen! What a beautiful cosmopolitain city! but we just nip there and we will see a *** Pavepart an and 4-4-4-3-2 combination. The last 40 kms are flat, so the sprinterteams will win after a small fight, i hope.

name: meschede
distance: 200 km
60s/km: 160 km

special: Visiting the great village Allagen! ;)

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:38 pm
by bergwerk cycling
Allagen wrote:Image

nice Sprinterrace in the hearts of the sauerland! The race starts in not far from Meschede and then you have to drive over the Stimm-Stamm (like i did and it was not so easy ;) ) After this you will go through Warstein, the hometown of bad beer. Perhaps the Manager want to make a little break there and visit the brewery. then we will go to Hirschberg 3 times, it is just a small 2-5-5-2 combination. But the Highlight of this race is, of course, we will go to Allagen! What a beautiful cosmopolitain city! but we just nip there and we will see a *** Pavepart an and 4-4-4-3-2 combination. The last 40 kms are flat, so the sprinterteams will win after a small fight, i hope.

name: meschede
distance: 200 km
60s/km: 160 km

special: Visiting the great village Allagen! ;)

Da fehlt die Bergankunft am Waldstadion ^^ ... wie schaffst du es, dass Sauerland so flach zu fahren, bin oft genug da unterwegs ... ist nie flach ab Soest ^^

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:45 pm
by Allagen
in meschede fahren die einfach nur flach nen paar runden, dann gehts erst hoch zum stimmstamm. vom stimmstamm aus gehts doch nur noch flach richtung möhnesee usw, da 1-2 runden. da haste fast gar keine steigung. naja vom möhnesee aus dann richtung hirschberg halt die kleinen hügel da und von da dann nach allagen, danach von allagen aus nach brilon, is auch so gut wie keine steigung. fahre ja unten im tal lang. klar links und rechts kannste viele steigungen mitnehmen, aber so passt das schon in etwa. könnte höchstens zwischen hirschberg und allagen das nen bissle steiler machen, aber auf 1-2 % genauigkeit kommt es eh net drauf an. ist auch irgendwie blöd zu machen weil man ständig nur 1 km abschnitte hast. was machste wenn es 500 m 4 % hoch geht und 500 m 4 % runter? is halt blöd zu zeichnen, hab dann oft was flaches rausgemacht.

aber ja, ein rennen rein zum waldstadion hoch und wieder runter, so 15-16x könnte ich mal zeichnen. wäre ne ganz schöne strecke und wäre ideal für klassiker bzw. bergfahrer ;)

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:19 pm
by Allagen

Easy Race for Sprinters in Chile. Maximum 5 %. 198 Kms, 60 s/km at 161 km. A lot of (+-) 3-5 % and but the end is very flat. It´s not easy to split the field without a 6 %, but the sprinter teams needs good "Klassiker" to answer attacks

save as: blanco

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:08 pm
by Allagen

It´s a hilly race in the Capital of Mongolei. Start and finish are in the Capital, Ulaanbaatar (everybody knows that i hope! ;) ). It´s not easy for the "Klassiker", if you have 2 climbers you can win with a climber. Perhaps a 80-70-70 in combination with a climber will win. It´s a very short race with a "flat" finish. Perhaps a very strong "klassiker" is able to win, we will see!

save as: ulaan

km: 160
60s/km: 130

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:19 pm
by Allagen

a race for climbers from elfenbeinküste to guinea. mont nouon is very special, it´s with maximum 5 %. So you have to split the field on mont nimba! on the roof of mont richard molard it is flat and the downhill is also "flat".

saved as: molard
distance: 175
60s/km: 134
special: maximum 5 % at the mont nouon

Re: Krawallagens Races

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:35 pm
by Robyklebt
Oh, please, stop those fantasy fantasy races... does ANY of those races you designed lately even actually follow real roads? The last one certainly doesn't...

Oh, already a new one.. meant the mongolian one. with "last one"