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Re: December Tour 12 competition talk and rules thread

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:02 am
by Radunion
Added the min tact for my presentation. On most stages they are very short. The stages are long anyway and the alternative would have been min tacts for more than 50 km.

My presentation could have been much better, but unfortunately I did not have much time to make it perfect. So try to judge the tour and not the presentation. ;)

Re: December Tour 12 competition talk and rules thread

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:25 am
by team fl
Problem is: The tour will be judged because of or at least with the help of the presentation...

Anyway, why no min-tact more than 50km before the finish line? Sometimes it would make much more sense. My recommendations:

- stage 1: ok
- stage 2: the crucial part is before the climb to the last cat. 3 (~km 230?). Why not set the min-tact there? Even if it makes the race longer, the race is already long (134 min -> 149 min.)
- stage 3: at least put it before the last cat. 3 (km 180?) (111 min -> 126 min)
- stage 4: ok
- stage 5: make it 10 km before the finish line at least, as I think there will be a fight in the end for the stage and for GC
- stage 6: ok
- stage 7: ok
- stage 8: same ast stage 5. make it 10 km before the finish line.
- stage 9: short stage, make an early min-tact, as early as possible. Why not at least before the climb to the last cat. 2? (km 130?) (93 min -> 113 min)
- stage 10: has to be at least before the last climb (km 205?). see also stage 2 (130 min -> 147 min)
- stage 11: ok
- stage 12: I would put it as early as possible but at least one lap earlier at km 178. It's the final stage at least with many bonifications and probably the final firght for the GC and/or the points classement.

Re: December Tour 12 competition talk and rules thread

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:59 pm
by cataracs
added teh mintact...

Re: December Tour 12 competition talk and rules thread

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:04 pm
by Vea Olio
How I can add the mintact???

Re: December Tour 12 competition talk and rules thread

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:35 am
by Robyklebt
Just edit your post in the presentation and write down from when you put the minute tact!
To check that, open the editor and load your stages on the top right.

Re: December Tour 12 competition talk and rules thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:48 pm
by Radunion
About the mintact. This is always a difficult question. I think I had good reasons for my suggestions, and you have good for yours. As I have not much time to ride at the moment, I tend to set the mintact relatively short (well, shorter races would have the same effect, but it was deliberate to have many 200+ stages, to make it difficult to control and difficult to choose the right position to attack).

Also there often is not clear point to set the mintact, as in my opinion the last climbs are not the perfect point to make a move in some stages. Finally, I do not think it makes much difference whether the mintact is 5 or 10 km in a flat final. You do not have to make quick decisions, just the tension would last a little bit longer. The only stage I was unsure for some time was stage 2, but I decided a long mintact is unnecessary for a stage that is already very long, and the race is expected to be straight forward.

PS: thanks for the suggestions, and I enjoy the privilege of the designer to set the mintact myself ;)

Re: December Tour 12 competition talk and rules thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:04 pm
by team fl
of course you have to do what i tell you!!! what a question...

Re: December Tour 12 competition talk and rules thread

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:38 pm
by Alkworld
One question about the Japanese tour: Would we use realistic weather (realistic as long as it's above 0) for that one, if it would be voted for?

Re: December Tour 12 competition talk and rules thread

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 5:00 pm
by team fl
Alkworld wrote:One question about the Japanese tour: Would we use realistic weather (realistic as long as it's above 0) for that one, if it would be voted for?

Why not? Designer chose the place freely, with the knowledge that it will be December temperatures then.

Re: December Tour 12 competition talk and rules thread

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:17 pm
by Pokemon Club
team fl wrote:
Alkworld wrote:One question about the Japanese tour: Would we use realistic weather (realistic as long as it's above 0) for that one, if it would be voted for?

Why not? Designer chose the place freely, with the knowledge that it will be December temperatures then.
Yep, no rule forbidden a "cold" tour, so why not.

Re: December Tour 12 competition talk and rules thread

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:15 am
by Alkworld
Pokemon Club wrote:
team fl wrote:
Alkworld wrote:One question about the Japanese tour: Would we use realistic weather (realistic as long as it's above 0) for that one, if it would be voted for?
Why not? Designer chose the place freely, with the knowledge that it will be December temperatures then.
Yep, no rule forbidden a "cold" tour, so why not.
Actually I just wanted to know, if it's one way or the other and now I know, thank you. My South American pussies just have to know where I send them and I fear they might refuse to ride there ;)

Re: December Tour 12 competition talk and rules thread

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:45 am
by Robyklebt
Mine want to know too! (And yes, the ape already repeatedly announced that his apes won't go freeze to death in Hokkaido, even if the tour actually would fit the apes better than most others, but who knows)

Which weather would be used?
Tokyo weather or localized weather?
With Tokyo weather some stages would be around 10 degrees at sealevel, bit more bit less depending on the day.
With local weather more would be at 0, the Hokkaido stuff that would warm up thanks to Tokyo would be at 0 I imagine...

Re: December Tour 12 competition talk and rules thread

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:51 am
by lesossies
I wanted to update to abolute local weather next month, if the tests are successfull.
It means, the weather will be actualized to the next weather station every 10 or 20 km.
But we could change it or wait.

Re: December Tour 12 competition talk and rules thread

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:54 am
by Robyklebt
Wow... sounds cool! Not necessarily for Hokkaido, but...

So all live? Question, what happens with a night race.... example Japan.... the 18h race is 2 at night here, updating then would make for ehm... a very cold race, ok no difference. But spring races in Europe, fall etc, with full live that would all become much colder than reality. Ok, cut everything but the afternoon races is the solution maybe! Ha! Finally you see the light!

Re: December Tour 12 competition talk and rules thread

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:14 am
by lesossies
The forecast day temperature will be taken in consideration.
I could take the actual temp but it were not realistic.

Re: December Tour 12 competition talk and rules thread

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:19 am
by Robyklebt
Sounds logic.... could have thought about that myself actually, grrr.