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Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:17 pm
by Cerro Torre RT
Another Idea about the Shalom-Tour:

Back then I connected the capitals of a region that has been shaken by crises every year, and it's name could be Peace Tour. So what could be done is not to leave it in the middle east but move it on to another conflict spot of the world every year.

Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:18 pm
by skull
andes and dec-tour are main events with 3 other tours parallel - they dont really need to be discuss i think

to the other 5 tours i only can say
dont touch pave
dont touch jura
dont touch the peace
dont touch noel
dont touch saxen-pave
we have more than 20 fantasy tours per year (without the fix ones) - that means less than 20% are fix - thats not to much

but i like the idea of using 2 of the competition-tours
the first half of january needs a main event
only cat 1 races or crappy tachira sucks
use the off-season for nice and big fantasy races
the usually 3 short tours can be the minor program - as the months before

Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:21 pm
by Robyklebt
The only one that the ape and Klebt are trying to kick btw is: Peace. Make war not Peace, old Klebt Motto.

The rest was just an example to show that once a tour has that status it will be virtually impossible to kick it. That's why I'm against more tours with the fixed status once in always in, more is too much, we're full IMO and was trying to convince Luna not to design Dragon again, but just something else with no fixed status.

Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:58 pm
by Luna
Yes, yes, I am convinced. No Welsh Dragons, no work for me, no problem.

Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:08 pm
by olmania
Roby, can you sign me a piece of paper for my late of this morning. I start reading your answer before going at the uni, and here they don't like when someone is late.
some possibilities :
write less
write it in Chinese
write it in the afternoon, I'll read it the evening
I stop reading your answers

Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:29 am
by Robyklebt
Ahm but now is the point where Gala and LIzard and me too say: The tour was good, why don't you design another cool tour? And try to get it in for december? Just no dragon!

Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:16 pm
by Luna
I just don't like this hundreds of one-time stage races somewhere in time and place without any binding to the continuum. They appear, you ride them, then they vanish into the happy hunting-ground as if they never happened. I like it to be more in a traditional manner. Something that creates palmares that you can look on, check the winners of the former years, compare your performances with those of recent editions, setting goals in reference to your last participations, watching the event develop from time to time, seeing the route changing or revisiting special climbs or roads.

Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:29 pm
by Robyklebt
Yes, I agree, but.. I really don't see more space for fixed tours. I see many that I like, from Esterel, Borneo that I've ridden to Dragon, Crimée that I haven't in recent times, Galicia, Hawaii, hell, even my Ethiopia a bit and probably lots of others that I forget that I thought were fun. And wouldn't mind riding it again. But then by giving one, 2, 3 of those we just will see less new cool races because more is occupied, so obviously there's less space. But would I like to ride another Galicia from LCB now, 3 years later? Yeah. Hawaii, 2 years later, yeah, etc. etc. But don't see the space. (ONE DAY RACES YES, lots of space in winter and need pushing, they can be, should be highlights too) But that's me. And I can't forbid anybody to do anything (unfortunately) Didn't expect to convince anybody with my long post, if it convinced you, excellent, should write more in the forum then since I'm that convincing. :lol: If your just afraid of another 700 long posts if you go ahead and draw it, no, think I said everything I wanted to say in one post, no more planned. Just said my thing, what I think. Not meant as an attack, not forbidding anything, just my view. If leso thinks we have more place, he'll tell you to do it.

Oh... for some, few "every 2 years" "every 3 years" races I would see the space, a little, here and there. But for every years really not.

Ok finished now.

Ah no: Skull, my idea for 2 tours would have been parallel to each other, one the winner, cat 3, gets more times, 3, the loser cat 2 only 2 times. Would have been the better solution in 09 too, with 1 vote difference only in the end. (and offered the solution to leso as well) but maybe january works too? Although I don't mind having boring Tachira (and not riding it)

Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:16 pm
by skull
i enlarged your idea ;)
actually i dont like two 12 day tours parallel
could lead to the crazy situation that i vote for the winning tour but only the times of the 2nd tour - which i dont like - fits in my daily time gap

and i think the work of our hard-working designers deserve an additional spot in jan

Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:15 pm
by Lizard
Is it possible to make "Nazareth - Bethlehem" cat. 2 this year??? Profile is great, and it has a historical road aswell a cultural background that it is ridden on 24th. I think it deserves a promotion this year!

Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:36 pm
by Lizard
Lizard wrote:Is it possible to make "Nazareth - Bethlehem" cat. 2 this year??? Profile is great, and it has a historical road aswell a cultural background that it is ridden on 24th. I think it deserves a promotion this year!
Maybe an answer at least? : )

Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:55 pm
by lesossies
Lizard wrote:
Lizard wrote:Is it possible to make "Nazareth - Bethlehem" cat. 2 this year??? Profile is great, and it has a historical road aswell a cultural background that it is ridden on 24th. I think it deserves a promotion this year!
Maybe an answer at least? : )
Cat1 is Ok for this fantasy race.

Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:33 pm
by Lizard
Let's come back to another point now. Luna asked for the Southern Sun Classics as cat. 2, independently I will redraw the route but stay with the same starting and ending point aswell as the finish that is going to be the same as last year. What I wanted to ask for is if we could put the Southern Sun Classics for January? We have not many important races in this month and the ones that are cat2-3 are stage races. So I'd like to put the spanish race for the first half of January 2011, would that be okay? The route will be viewable in the coming days.

Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:21 pm
by NoPikouze
I would like to propose the Göreme cobblestone challenge

Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:28 pm
by Robyklebt
The ape proposes

Calgary Nose hill park criterium. Interesting sprint race, half the sprinters not really favorites due to the -2 ending, the other half needs a strong classic to block the classics in the last 4, due to that no clear favorite which gives an escape a chance too. From winter 2012/2013 of course if it gets the classic status... And only for it if the last GPM is put in a different place, one round earlier, or just cancelled :D

Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:47 pm
by Team Schlonz
Robyklebt wrote:The ape proposes

Calgary Nose hill park criterium. Interesting sprint race, half the sprinters not really favorites due to the -2 ending, the other half needs a strong classic to block the classics in the last 4, due to that no clear favorite which gives an escape a chance too. From winter 2012/2013 of course if it gets the classic status... And only for it if the last GPM is put in a different place, one round earlier, or just cancelled :D
Since I'm the designer of the race mentioned in the last post, I'd like to say a few words about it.
Generally I'm glad to read that you've made this proposition. I won't bother if the last gpm is removed or is put a round earlier.

Re: RSF Classics

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:24 pm
by Robyklebt
Just wanted to say that GP Brescia is clearly by far without a doubt the greatest RSF classic ever designed. We want LCB back!