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Post by Robyklebt » Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:21 am

Quality not quantity my motto :lol:

And continue to design my chinese province races..


For sprinters

No money in Guizhou, so no sprints on the way.. Up and downs nonstop


Up and down nonstop but should be a sprint, the hills are easy.


Easy start, then hilly (in case somebody didn't notice)
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:00 pm

Wää, lesossies, calm down, calm down...

All 4 races already programmed, and you even remembered the Guangdong Cycling Cup (was a bit worried you forgot that one and was my favorite one...) so 5 races in China between the 19th and the 12th... too much, too much. Ok, it's nice that you love my chinese races so much, shows you have good taste... but spread them out a bit please... maybe sometimes one a month, maybe sometimes, 2, maybe sometimes 0.. otherwise poor Roby feels stressed out... (and then maybe has to wait 5 months for the next one which he doesn't like too much either...)
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Luna » Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:11 pm

One per month would be fine for me.

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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by olmania » Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:10 pm

5 races in China between the 19th and the 12th... too much, too much
For me, it's not too much. That's realist !
The teams did a travel in Asia for some races and not only one race, and come back after. "Tournée" in french.
Sometimes i draw 3 races with differents profiles in the same country, and I said "if it's possible to put them for example the 6-7-8 of the month, to do a "tour" of single race, that will be a good idea"
Because the teams who do these races are not in tour, so they can travel for some "critériums" in a foreign country, for 3races, 4races ... better than only one race. You know, the cost of the plane, the hours ... hard for the riders :lol:

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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:28 pm

Too much in different ways:

-for me, then I feel stressed and feel I have to make more faster. I'm slow and lazy... not Olmania, I make a few real profiles per month and occasionally some fantasy races, but would never have your energy in making x races a months like OL.
-too much in the sense of: I make 4 races, they are all in the calendar one month after they were made.. .there are other races around, spread the pleasure of having your race in the calendar around, others wait for a long time, I get 4 immediately..
- too much in the sense that the there is the risk that there won't be a robychinarace for a long time..Which I don't like either.I prefer having one here, one there than all at once .. So let's say I make the next 5 in the next week. Then the first one comes in November. Since I already had 5 in one month I can wait.. .true.. still I'd prefer not having to wait that long...

Not looking at a fixed rate or anything... 1 Robychinarace per month!!!! No, if there is none for 4 months no problem, if there are many in one ok too, just saying that if I could chose I'd prefer having them a bit more apart, 5 in quick succession just seems like many..

But ok, if it were 5 days in a row, ok, would be different, then you have the situation you mentioned.. now it's more like flying a lot to go back and forth (mmh, we need to introduce flying costs, I own Robyair btw, only Air Company that flies to the starting places of my races.. 8-) I'm going to be RICH!!!!
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:19 pm

Time for Robyfiles again...

But after Li Fuyu's positive doping test our local sponsors seem more reluctant to participate. The compromise: From now on they demand that only 8 riders be allowed to participate per team. 8 riders=4 hotel rooms, 9 riders=5. OK for D1 Teams they always give 2 extrarooms for the staff, the sausage managers will have to sleep in the team cars.


Idiotic race, but then Anhui is full of farmers anyway... A few 6+ but the race starts at 170.


Sprint or Hill sprint 2 laps, one other lap in Nanjing itself.


Undoubtedly the greatest race ever designed. A sprint seems possible, despite the fearsome Yangpu Bridge (1 1 1 2 1) at 8 km from the goal.


Another sprint race, 7 hills with 6+ until km 121, then nothing... all the cool parts of Sichuan low resolution..... 188 and 193 then +5.


Medium mountain stage, getting as many hills around the City itself as possible. Actually 4 times the same mountain range/hill range, just a different road up and down. Back to the city there 2 smaller climbs, 7 at 183, 6 5 at 193-194.


Start in Yantai, along the coast to Weihai, where a tough 19 km lap will be done 6 times. 3 climbs per lap, 3 7, 6 and 12.
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by olmania » Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:30 pm


I like this profile ! :)


Neederland of China ?

Good job, great monkey.

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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:04 am

The next 4


medium mountain stage, too hard for the pure sprinters. Normally at least.


HC stage, 2 circuits with short steep hills then the steep 8 km long final climb, difficult to control.


HC stage, with a not too difficult last climb


Hilly parcours in Beijing, most hills fairly easy, even a sprint seems possible
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by GengisKhan » Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:57 pm

Asia rocks :P
So you make races in China and I in other countries ^^

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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:13 pm

Did a small tour for a change....
No need to program it fast, BUT. Don't program it in the "real season" from march to october... 2010, 2011, 2012, 2020, never, no problem, but fantasy season please. Ok, weather would work in all seasons, even better in summer, mmhh, winter dry season, put in tropic, so mmmh, bah, who cares

1: Sprinter stage 208 km, mintact 1178,
A 6 at the first GPM, at km 190 is a 5, the stage then stops 5 Km before el Rancho, stupid 5+ 5 km before the end otherwise...


2: Middle mountain stage with over 4000 meter climbing
188 km, mintact from 137.
Last siebkm at 166-167 with 7-8 then downhill and flat. Should be for hillsprinters


3a: Half stage medium mountain
117 km, mintact from 74. Until then not much, some 6 in the first hill, last hill, km 98-100, 10 10 10, from then on downhill basically. Harder to get the classic sprint probably


3b 8 KM ITT, mountain 1 9 9 10 8 7 7 5
Not really convinced it's a good idea, but had to visit the nice like Atitlan.


4 sprint stage 182 km mintact from 146
Hard start, lots of sieb possibilites in the first 50k, then flat to Quetzaltenango, there 2 laps, 2 5 at the beginning of the lap, then a 5 5 5 -2 6 later. In the second lap that starts from 146. Sprint possible, but not automatic as well.


5 medium mountain 150 km, mintact from 90. Km 98-108 with 1070 meters up, first km a 6, so the next 10 km just over 10% average. After that basically 10km flat (1 km +3, rest between -2 and +2), then 5 5 another 10 mostly flat km (+4 and -5 there) then another 5 5 1 km 0 and downhill. Different possibilites in different groups.


GC should be for a Huber.. if any Huber is there. But needs a team. Climbers vs Leupolds otherwise? The TT for climbers, stages less, although in the last one probably something is possible too.
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:42 pm

Even though leso is boycotting my china races lately, the ape decided it's time to design a few new ones

Qinghai first, in keeping with the course of the Tour of Qinghai Lake, a nice boring useless flat sprint stage... lots of light downhill, so small danger that the sprint teams miscalculate


00Heilongjiang, boring sprint race, there is a 6 somewhere...


First wanted to do it the other way around... but mmh, this way ok too. Lots of 5 in the last 2 hills, anti some of the sprinters, still a sprint stage though.


In Dalian, so lots of money there, they give a prime on every hill. 00Middle mountain stage.


Finally found a pavéroad in China.. ok on a hill, probably one, made it ** anyway. 2 hard hills first, then a fairly easy one, last one a bit harder, then flat. And clearly no money in Gansu, they need it to pave the roads, not for prize money.

Typical Robyrace..

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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Jul 02, 2011 5:01 am


since lesossies doesn't have enough pave races he said... here is the göreme cobblestone challenge. it is famous for it's cobblestones, ok, some weird rockformations, houses and stuff maybe too, but real cycling lovers care about the cobblestones.

no guarantee for accuracy, partly fairly old satellite images 2005, partly 09, better, but even then not always clear if it's cobbles or not... pictures help, but somehow 99 of 100 of those panoramio photographers are idiots and take pictures of rocks, instead of roads. morons. so finally lots of guesswork, some of them clearly pave, some is like... looks like it, but maybe actually it's paved, other stuff maybe the opposite, maybe some stuff that was cobblestones in 05 is paved now, etc. anyway, pave ** and *** mostly, a few * and a few ****, one where i found a picture where it looked fairly bad, the other one where i'm not even sure if it's actually a road or a donkey path...

anyway, at least one hopefully fairly realistic paverace.. turkey is partly still pave country, not only cappadocia.. other places too, but anybody knows other countries with some nice pave?
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:03 pm

Leso wrote in the Novemberthread that he didn't have fitting tours for oct/nov or something, not going to check. Anyway, so the Ape ordered Robyklebt to start designing. 5 tours from 7 to 3 days long, then added a 6th one, 2 days, then well, all contintents represented except one, so added tour nr 7, a great 1 day tour! Sso now Leso should have 7 perfect tours that always fit. Actually no need to put them in the calendar anytime soon, just if one day it happens again that nothing fits and one of this pieces of art here fits, put it in, otherwise can just gather dust around here. Maybe better even, if we ride this, half of RSF will refuse to ride any other tours, since they are so good.

Let's start with that one:

1 day Tour in Antarctica!


4 km ITT on Ice


The second stage, start at Scott Base, New Zealand, after 3 Km we reach the US of A, McMurdo Station, where we have a 2 km circuit. +7-7, not sure I trust the readings there, but ok, at least the riders shouldn't get tooooooo cold. Actually some of the roads there are probably paved, not sure if all of them. Weather very cold and dry, weatherforecast for McMurdo btw is -3 degrees. Well, not forecast, that's the report for now. Wait til december and maybe even a few hours above 0! Let's hope the Ice Runway doesn't melt though... Ah, second stage middle mountain, so that there are time bonifications.

Oh, put in 6 riders per team, but not sure that part works. Anyways, undoubtedly the most awesome 1 day stage race ever designed in Antarctica! Should call the UCI, probably they'd put in in the WT!

Next: Europe 2 days

Something google translated meaning 2 days of Tirana. 7 riders.


From Tirana to Tirana, easy sprint


TT in Tirana.


From Tirana to Tirana over a few mountains

As a sign of protest against the discrimination Albanians feel at RSF they decided not to award a GPM jersey. Plus they lack the money. (No mountain jersey at McMurdo either, but there it's because of the cold, the winners ceremony as short as possible, plus no workers who have to put up stuff on t he road in the cold)
A fantastic 2 day tour, the best ever designed, clearly.

Mmhh, 3-7 days later today, or maybe tomorrow, we'll see.
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:23 pm

3 days: Volta do Parana 8 riders

HC, up the highway, down the same highway on the other lane, up another road, hilly til the end. Wonderful.


Middle mountain, nonstop up down basically. Ok, afraid ended up on dirt roads somewhere...


Flat, a 6 at km 114!

Without any doubt with this stage race the art of 3 day stage races has reached a new, unsurpassable, highpoint.

4 days: Nouvelle Calédonie 8 riders

Flat, a 9 and a 7 the 2 bumps there... some chicken sprinter might not be happy.


Middle mountain stage with some hills as everybody except the blind can see.


HC stage, well, mostly only the last climb... the beautiful Mont Koghis.


CLM obviously, only missing type. 12 fairly hilly kilometers.

This is actually Wassissi Machoro's designing debut, as you can see from the signature above, not RKL, but MASO (Machoro Sport Organisation). Unquestionably the best debut design ever. Actually it's shit. Whoever tought this guy to design should be shot immediately! Well, that would be you Roby!Shut up you Rokokokokokokokeko, go play around in your laughable press center. Fuck off from here, asshole. Kokokok, whatever. Plus it's still Mr Klebt for you! Calm down man... but I'm the press secretary, I can be wherever I want anyway..No you can't, you idiot. the calendar part and the technic part too, since none of you nimrods understands anything about that stuff is still mine! See, It says RKL on my designs, Robyklebt, clearly, not Rokokokkokokokoko! Well, it could mean Roko Koko Livingstone! Yeah, and I could go and delete your press center, I'm not only Robyklebt, I'm an administrator, a moderator here. And if you piss me off enough I'll turn into an incinerator!Ok ok, Roby, Mister Klebt for you!Ok, Mister Klebt, I'm off..Yeah, fuckhead.

So, enough for today, the 5-6-7 day tours will be posted ltomorrw. The intergalactical chieftain (what a stupid word in english, doesn't really convey the same powerful charm, and charming power as Häuptling. English sucks, ok Chairman, cool word, much better than der Vorsitzende. We'll call that Stuhlmann in German from now on, and the Häuptling is changed to headling with effect immediately. So you can call me the intergalactical headling Headling? Haha! Mo' like headcase I venture t' say! SHUT UP from now on. (Although that garbage that calls himself Petit Singe has been trying to usurp that title as well, but make not mistake too late if you're reading the ramblings of this madman, sorry, headcase, haha, the real intergalactical headling has always been, is, and will always be me, Robyklebt!)) is tried of this loading stuff into the online editor, tiring work.
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:39 pm

5 Day Tour. Tour of Washington


Easy sprint stage.


Easy easy middle mountain stage. Only 2 7 in the last 2 climbs... one at km 187, so sprint is actually very possible.


HC stage... but Backbone White Pass max 5, Backbone Ridge and Paradise max 6, last 10 km 6 6 6 2 2 -4 5 5 4 5


Middle mountain, a 12 10 km from the end and slightly higher percentages than the other stages before that too.


Sprint. 2 5 in the last 11 km, last km +3, last 6+ is at 119

No question, a superb 5 day tour.

6 days: Tour of KwaZulu-Natal


ITT in Durban, hilly


Sprint, an 8 at km 91


middle mountain stage, last cat 2: 8 8 8 2


HC stage with long mintact,


middle mountain stage with an easy finish.


Sprint stage, max 5, a few of them in the last 40 km

All the pundits agree! The best 6 day stage race ever.
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by sylvainmeteo » Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:53 pm

I really like Washington tour :)
TwaZulu Tour is a good tour Also 8-)
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Nov 09, 2011 8:11 pm

7 days: Kyushu 8 riders (might have put in 9 in a stage... only thought 8 better later)


Sprint stage, despite the HC climb. At the TdF would be a HC stage, but since the ape is smarter than ASO... Chances for a sprint are there, especially because of stage 2


middle mountain, last siebkm at the last GPM, a 9.


20 km TT, a 5 km climb 310 meters up in the second part.


HC mountain stage, the great volcanic stage. And the second of 3 decisive stages.

Flat stage, really flat this one, after the early climb.

Second HC stage, the last hill at the entrance to Nagasaki (the city, not the prefecture, actually what I like here is that we visit all 7 prefectures in Kyushu, all with start and finish in the capital of the prefecture, only Oita get's an extra day, TT to Beppu which is just a hot springs resort, no capital... ah, and Kagoshima and Fukuoka only start or finish, but ok) will very likely be decisive, but attention, between Unzen and that hill it's not flat at all, 1x7, 2x6, only 1 0. Still, very likely decision in the last hill.


Another flat stage, completely flat, too easy.. mmhh, might think about changing that one slighly...

Anyway, my great 7 stage races, from 1-7 days, on all continents. Cool, gives me new ideas, the seven "bike summits" next.... highest passes on all 7 continents. Or the 7 low points! Lowest points on each continent.

As I said, no problem if these tours just gather dust here, if leso has enough, use other ones. If one day he needs one, and one here fits, put it in, as you like.
Ah, but stop boycotting my great chinese races... still 5 designed ones not raced, only 6 provinces left to design, put them in, tired of designing in China, but first want to finish that.
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:49 pm

To get used to designing again, and to refind the motiviation too, the ape starts with some fantasy races.. Since leso is boycotting the great chinese cycling cup series, I start the Japanese Cycling Cup series... Lots of provinces, should take me 10 years to go through all of them.
No need for descriptions since RKL races somehow always turn out the same it seems..


Still takes me as long as ever to design...
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:30 pm

Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by NoPikouze » Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:41 pm

These profiles are really SM-ish.
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:04 pm

Is that better or worse than OL-ish?
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by olmania » Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:38 pm

NoPikouze wrote:These profiles are really SM-ish.
I agree !

Hills + last downhill and flat at the end ...

Why the arrival is not in Makomanai for example in Hokkaido ? Could be interesting !

you gotta love shit on the Roby files !

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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:24 pm


Yeah, RKL profiles often always the same.. but that hasn't really changed... So if anything it's SM that makes RKL ish things! Still, never been insulted like that before in my whole life :twisted: Actually the real typical RKL profile would be a big mountain, 10 Km + at 40-50 Km from the end, then down and flat, 20-30 Km to the finish... but couldn't find these long climbs yet... Or alternatively a nice 2-3 Km climb with only 5 no 6, 10 or so km from the end, to make the sprinters suffer... or a series.. but haven't found that yet either. Unlike China Japan hates 5% climbs... China: There is a hill, they rather just dig half the hill away and make a nice 5% road than go to 6% (ok, there are exceptions..) Japan: Make it as steep as possible it seems. Ape went cycling the other day, embarrassing outing it was.... 3,5 Km at 10% average, with nice little 400 meter stretches at 14%.... fuuuuuuuuuuck... the other guy had fun waiting and taking pics of the dead ape. Downhill was horrible too.... driving on the left... ok, thought I got used to it, but in the downhill.... car coming, oh, ape goes to the right... other guy almost had a heart attack.... hihi..

Anway, back on topic, the ape in his re-education phase for designing has 3 more prepared... just haven't undergone the apeish SRTM hand treatment yet.... you'll be happy to know that it's roughly the same again, ok one another sprint stage I think, like Akita. Or maybe not, forgot... Mmh, could do them now...
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by flockmastoR » Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:15 pm

Do more Ol-ish stuff for my beloved 80-70s
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Re: Robyfiles!

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:54 pm


You see? 3 times more roughly the same :D

So, my training done now, all Tohoku provinces finished, kind of used to the editor again, next will see if I dare try real races again.
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